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A Global History I Review
Global History and Geography I
Name: _____________________________
E. Napp
Date: _____________________________
Word Bank:
Mountains, Seas, Peninsula, Polis, Athens, Women, Sparta, Sick, Helots, Persian,
Peloponnesian, Golden Age, Socrates, Macedonians, Alexander, Hellenism, Italy, Romans,
Republic, Senator, Patricians, Plebeians, Carthage, Twelve Tables
Word Bank: Neolithic, Permanent Settlements, Archaeologist, Artifact, Anthropologist,
Mary Leakey, Great Rift Valley, Primary Source, Secondary Source, Culture, Cultural
Diffusion, Ethnocentrism, Traditional Economy, Geography, Mesopotamia, Sumerians,
Cuneiform, Ziggurat, Hieroglyphics, Pharaoh, Pyramid, Nile, Indus, Urban Planning,
Huang He, Flooding, Dynasty
1. Which society practiced direct democracy?
(1) ancient Athens (3) Gupta Empire
(2) dynastic China (4) early Egypt
2. Which description accurately identifies
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle?
(1) rulers of the Roman Republic
(2) artists of the Italian Renaissance
(3) religious leaders of the Protestant
(4) philosophers of ancient Greece
3. What effect did the geography of ancient
Greece have on its early development?
(1) The mountainous terrain led to the
creation of independent city-states.
(2) A lack of natural seaports limited
(3) An inland location hindered trade and
(4) Abundant natural resources encouraged
4. One contribution of ancient Roman culture
was the development of
(1) the concept of zero
(2) the process of making silk
(3) a republican form of government
(4) the printing press
5. What is the main reason the Neolithic
Revolution is considered a turning point in
world history?
(1) Fire was used as a source of energy for the
first time.
(2) Spoken language was used to improve
(3) Domestication of animals and cultivation
of crops led to settled communities.
(4) Stone tools and weapons were first
6. Which factor led to the development of
civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia?
(1) political harmony
(2) favorable geography
(3) religious differences
(4) universal education
7. Which social scientists are best known for
studying the physical artifacts of a culture?
(1) geographers
(3) economists
(2) archaeologists (4) sociologists
8. The exchange of silks and spices and the
spread of Buddhism along the Silk Roads are
examples of
(1) cultural diffusion (3) ethnocentrism
(2) self-sufficiency
(4) desertification
9. Which geographic feature had the greatest
influence on the development of ancient
(1) dense forests
(3) smooth coastlines
(2) mountain passes (4) river valleys
10. What was one cause of the development of
many small independent city-states in ancient
(1) Greece and Rome were often at war.
(2) The mountainous terrain of Greece
resulted in widely scattered settlements.
(3) Military leaders found small Greek
settlements easy to control.
(4) The Greek people had many different
languages and religions.
11. In India, Bangladesh, and much of
Southeast Asia, agricultural productivity is
most affected by the
(1) seasonal monsoons (3) numerous deserts
(2) unnavigable rivers (4) cold climate
12. • Roman women could own property.
• Roman women could make wills leaving
their property to whomever they chose.
A valid conclusion drawn from these facts is
that Roman women
(1) had the right to vote
(2) enjoyed some legal rights
(3) were equal to men
(4) could hold political offices
Document A: This excerpt is from Pericles’ Funeral Oration, given to the Athenians in
about 4300 B.C.
“Our plan of government favors the many instead of the few: that is why it is called a
democracy…As for social standing, advancement is open to everyone, according to ability.
While every citizen has an equal opportunity to serve the public…Nor do we discriminate
against the poor. A man may serve his country no matter how low his position on the social
What type of government was Pericles describing? What were expectations for citizens in
this type of government?
Document B:
How have specific features of this building influenced Western Civilization?
How Was Rome Ruled?
Excerpt adapted from
At first, Rome was ruled by kings. They were sometimes very cruel and the last king,
Tarquin the Proud, was overthrown. Rome then became a republic for the next four
hundred years.
This republic was ruled by a senate, and people called Senators were elected to do
different jobs in the senate. However, not everyone was allowed to vote in these elections.
Women and slaves were not allowed to vote and neither were poor people. Those Roman
people who were not slaves were called 'citizens'.
In the 1st century B.C. the generals who controlled the army became very powerful. Rome
was no longer just a city, it was the capital of an empire. The Romans ruled lands from
France to North Africa.
A Roman Emperor was the man who ruled over the Empire. At first, Rome was ruled by
Generals but this caused problems. The Generals were always fighting over who would
have the final say in running the Empire.
Eventually the Generals were replaced by just one man - The Emperor. The first
Emperor to come to power was Augustus in 27 B.C. He was a popular Emperor who
brought peace after many years of fighting. Not all the Emperors were so good and wise,
some were terrible!
The Emperor had a troop of special soldiers to protect him. They were called the
Praetorian Guard. However, some of the bad Emperors were so unpopular that their
Praetorian Guards killed them!
1: Why was the last king overthrown?
2: Who was not allowed to vote in the Roman republic?
3: Who became powerful in the first century B.C.?
4: Why did an emperor gain power?
5: Who was Augustus Caesar?
6: What was the Praetorian Guard?
7: What did the Praetorian Guard sometimes do?