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Due Date:_________
Unit A: Earth's Surface
This will be graded under both classwork and homework. (Double grade). All items are worth one (1)
point unless otherwise noted.
Rocks and Minerals: Chapter 3, pages A72-A107
Complete the statements/questions below.
1. All rocks can be divided into (three) 3 main groups according to the way they are formed; they are
_________________________________, _________________________________, and
2. Name the mineral that is used to make the “lead” in pencils.__________________________.
3. What is hot, liquid rock called after it has come out of a volcano? _______________________.
4. Name a type of rock that is burned as a fuel.___________________________________.
5. What is the hardest natural substance on earth?___________________________________.
6. What do you call the way a rock or mineral reflects light? ______________________________.
7. Name two (2) kinds of minerals that can split apart into very thin, flexible layers.
__________________________ and ______________________________
8. Name a type of igneous rock that floats.___________________________________.
9. What force uses wind and water to wear down rocks? _________________________________.
10. Rocks are made up of one or more ___________________________________.
11. What do you call hot, liquid rock that is still inside the earth? __________________________.
12. What do you call a line drawn with a rock on a special porcelain plate? __________________.
13. What kind of rocks have been changed by heat and pressure inside the earth?
14. Separating rocks and minerals into different groups according to color, texture, and luster is called
15. What kind of rock is formed when magma or lava cools and hardens? ____________________.
16. What do call plants and animals that are preserved in rocks? ___________________________.
17. What kind of rock is formed in layers, usually at the bottom of an ocean or lake?
18. Solid substances that are found in the earth's crust are called __________________________.
19. What do you call the way a rock or mineral feels? ___________________________________.
20. The changing of rocks from one kind to another over millions of years is called the
True/False. You must rewrite or correct the statement if it is false.
21. All rocks leave a streak on a streak plate.
22. Hydrochloric acid will dissolve all kinds of rocks.
23. Rocks and minerals are valuable natural resources
24. Quartz is a very soft mineral.
25. The Hawaiian Islands were formed by volcanoes.
26. Classifying things into groups can help us to identify them.
27. Crystals are always the same size and shape.
28. Much of the surface of the earth was formed by volcanic activity.
29. Crystals that cool very slowly form large crystals.
30. The way a rock or mineral reflects light is called its texture.
Weathering and Soil Formation: Chapter 4, pages A112-A141
Complete the statements/questions below.
31. Name the two types of weathering and define each. (6 points)
32. Weathering is the physical or chemical breakdown of _________________________________.
33. Chemical weathering changes a rock's ___________________________________.
34. A fast flowing river wears away small particles from the rocks in its bed. This is an example of
35. A rock will weather more quickly in a hot, wet environment than in a cold, dry environment.
This is an example of how climate affects ___________________________________.
36. In a soil profile, most organic material is found in the _________________________________
37. Tropical, desert, temperature, and arctic soils all have different characteristics because of their
different ___________________________________.
38. Most of the matter that breaks down to form humus comes from _______________________.
39. The way that water in the soil dissolves nutrients depends upon the _____________________ of
the soil.
40. Once every few years, a farmer plants bean crops instead of what in the fields. The farmer is
practicing soil conservation through ___________________________________.
41. Create a complete soil profile and list what the components are for each profile. Must use colored
pencils for illustration. (36 points)
Erosion and Deposition: Chapter 5, pages A142-A175.
Select the term that best completes the statement using the word bank below:
mass wasting
alluvial fan
drainage basin
desert pavement dune
longshore current
barrier island
longshore drift
42. ___________________________________ is the general term describing the downhill
movement of rock or soil.
43. Heavy rains mix with the soil on a mountain slope. This fluid mixture then runs downhill. This is
an example of ___________________________________.
44. ___________________________________ is the process in which sediment that has been
picked up and carried is placed in a new location.
45. Soil and debris slide down the side of a hill shaped like a spoon. This is an example of
46. The slowest form of mass movement of soil or debris is called _________________________.
47. A(n) ___________________________________ is the area of land from which water drains into
a stream system.
48. A stream that slows and deposits sediments to the base of a mountain creates a(n)
49. At the mouth of the Mississippi River, a large ___________________________________ has
formed from sediments that have been deposited over millions of years.
50. A(n) ___________________________________ is a basin that forms when a thin cavern roof
suddenly falls in.
51. A ridge separating land areas that drain into different stream systems is called a(n)
52. When a river overflows, water will cover the flat area of land around its banks. This flat area is
called a(n) ___________________________________.
53. ___________________________________ describes the overall direction and movement of
waves that strike the shore at an angle.
54. Deposits of wind-blown dust, called ___________________________________, are valuable
resources because they can support the growth of crops.
55. A ___________________________________ is a ridge of sand underneath the water's surface
that is built up by the action of waves and currents.
56. Trees and shrubs may eventually grown on a ___________________________________ or a
long, narrow land formation that forms parallel to a coast.
57. A _______________________________________________ is a mound of sand built up by wind.
58. The zigzag movement of sand along a beach resulting from waves that wash ashore at an angle
is called ___________________________________________.
You need a large size chocolate chip cookie for a lab on Friday, 30 September 2011. You can
bring it in early; put your name on the package; I will keep it for you. I will not have any
cookies available. If you do not bring a cookie you will not be able to participate and will
watch your friends complete the lab.