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Chapter 4 Outline
Physical Activity
I. Physical Activity - any form of activity that causes your body to use energy
Benefits of physical fitness-the ability to carry out daily tasks easily & have reserve
A. Physical
1. _________ energy
2. Improved posture
3. Strengthens muscles and bones
4. Help to __________ disease
5. Cardiovascular System- increased heart strength-lower resting heart rate
6. Respiratory System- lung capacity increases, muscles don’t tire as fast
7. Nervous System- ___________ reaction time
B. Mental/Emotional
1. Reduce stress
2. manage anger and frustration
3. Releases __________________ that can improve mood
4. look better-increased self-confidence
5. More oxygen to brain-think more clearly
C. Social1. Build self-_____________ in meeting new people- look good-feel good
2. Opportunity to interact with others-teams, common activities
3. Manage stress makes you more pleasant to others
II. Risks of Inactivity
A. 35% of teens do not participate in vigorous activity
B . ___________ Lifestyle- a way of life that involves little physical activity-couch potato
C. Diabetes & cardiovascular disease more likely (1 in 3 kids born in 2000-diabetes)
D. Osteoporosis- decrease in bone density, producing fragile and porous bones-humpback
E. Reduced ability to manage stress
F. less social opportunities
G. lower metabolism-process by which your body gets energy from food
IIII. Fitness and you
A. Elements of fitness
1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance-the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels
to utilize and send fuel and oxygen to the body’s tissues
a. Test- mile run, step test
2. Muscular ____________- the amount of force a muscle can exert-or lift
a. test-push-ups
3. Muscular Endurance- ability of a muscle to perform over a period of time
a. test-curl-ups
4. Flexibility-the ability to move a body part through a full range of motion
a. sit-n-reach
5. Body __________________- the ratio of body fat to lean body tissue
A. weight/ BMI/skin caliper
B. Types of Exercise
1. Aerobic- with oxygen, any activity that uses large muscle groups, is rhythmic
in nature, and can be maintained for at least 30 minutes a day
-running, cycling, jogging, cardio-kick, aerobics, swimming
2. Anaerobic- _________ oxygen- intense bursts of activity in which the muscles
work so hard that they produce energy without using oxygen
a. running a sprint
b. lifting weights
3. Resistance exercise-anaerobic
A. _____________- little or no movement- push against wall or other
immovable object-hand against hand
B. Isotonic- combines muscle contraction and repeated movementBicep curls, curl-ups, push-ups
C. Isokinetic- Resistance is moved through an entire range of motion
At a controlled speed- weight machines, treadmill, stationary
IV. Personal Activity Program
A. Set Goals
1. Anaerobic-2-3 times a week-weights, curl-ups, push-ups
2. Aerobic- 3-5 times a week-run, swim, bike, treadmill
3. __________________- 2 or more days per week, stretches, yoga
4. Moderate Activities-30 min/day- walking, gardening, housecleaning
5. Sedentary- do infrequently 1-2 hrs/day- watch TV/ computer
B. Basics of Physical Activity
1. Warm-up- an activity that prepares a muscle for work
2. Work-out
a. Overload-working harder than usual-more reps, run longer
b. ___________- gradual increase of overload to achieve higher levels of
fitness- increase # of reps or longer aerobic workouts
c. Specificity- particular exercises to improve particular areas of fitnessrunning improves cardio respiratory endurance, weight lifting
improves muscular strength
3. Cool-down- prepares the muscles to return to a resting state- stretch
C. Monitor Progress
1. Resting Heart Rate- # of times your heart beats at rest
2. Target Heart Rate- the ideal range your heart should beat during aerobic
V. Safety & Peak Performance
A. Nutrition- Eat a healthy diet
B.- ______________-taking in fluids so the body functions properly-water, sports drinks
C. Adequate rest- 8-10 hrs. sleep
D. Avoid- drugs, alcohol., tobacco, steroids
1. Steroids- synthetic substances acting like testosterone- cause cancer, acne, hair
loss & gain, sexual underdevelopment, violence, illegal
E. Health screening- get a physical before starting anew fitness program
F. Use proper equipment for your sport
1. Helmets, pads, cleats,
G. Personal Safety- work out with a friend, be aware of your surroundings
VI. Risks
A. Weather-Related-Heat-hyperthermia- body temp-dangerously high
1. ____________________- overworking the body
2. Heat cramps- spasms that result from a loss of large amounts of water and salt3. Heatstroke- the body loses the ability to rid itself of excessive heat through
sweat- life threatening- cool water , cool water, cool place, call 911
4. Cold weathera. frostbite-body tissues become frozen
Avoid by dressing warmly and covering exposed skin
b. Hypothermia- the body temperature becomes dangerously low
5. Skin cancer-use sunscreen-lip balm
VII. Injuries
A. Minor1. Muscle cramp-sudden tightening of a muscle- cause- dehydrationDrink water-massage
2. Sprain- an injury to the ligaments surrounding a joint
3. Strain- damage to a muscle or a tendon
A.RICE procedure to treat all of the above
B. Major
1. Fractures
A. compound- more than one bone, breaks through skin, has to be set
B. hairline- crack- parts of the bone do not separate
C. Comminuted- shatters into more than two pieces
2. Dislocation- the bone is forced from its normal position in the joint
- Let a doctor put it back
3. Tendonitis- inflammation of the tendon from overuse
4. Concussion- blows to the head- can lead to brain swelling-see a Dr.
Ch. 5 Outline
Nutrition & Your Health
1. Nutrition During the Teen Years
A. Nutrition- The process by which the body takes in food.
B. The Importance of good nutrition –
1. Calories – units of heat that measure the energy used by the body and the
energy that foods supply.
2. Nutrients – substances that your body needs to grow, to repair itself, and to
supply you with energy.
C. What influences Food Choices? –
Psychological desire for food vs. physical need for food.
1. Hunger – a natural physical desire that protects you from starvation.
2. Appetite – is a desire rather than a need to eat.
A. Food & Emotions – do you eat more or less if you are stressed,
frustrated, or depressed?
B. Food & Your Environment – eating habits may be shaped as you
were growing up. Friends and peers can influence you to try new
C. Advertisers – making informed choices involves carefully
analyzing the health messages delivered through food
D. Nutrition throughout the Life Span – a healthful & balanced eating plan helps prevent
unhealthful weight gain, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, as well as many others.
2. Nutrients
A. Carbohydrates – starches and sugars presents in foods. Provides 4 calories per gram
of carbohydrate
1. Simple Carbohydrates – sugars: sucrose, fructose, maltose, glucose
2. Complex Carbohydrates – starches found in whole grains, seeds, nuts,
legumes, and tubers (potatoes). Must be broken down into simple
carbohydrates before they can be used for energy.
A. The role of carbohydrates - the body converts all carbohydrates to
glucose, which is the body’s main source of energy. Glucose that is
not used right away is stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen.
3. Fiber – an indigestible complex carbohydrate that is found in tough, stringy
parts of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Helps move waste through the
digestive system.
B. Proteins – nutrients that help build and maintain body cells and tissues
1. Complete Proteins – contain adequate amounts of all nine essential amino
acids (animal products: fish, meat, poultry, eggs, dairy and soybean
2. Incomplete Proteins – lack one or more of the essential amino acids (beans,
nuts, whole grains).
3. Role of Proteins – replaces damaged or worn out cells by making new cells
and tissues from amino acids. Provides 4 calories per gram of protein.
C. Fats – Fats are type of lipid, a fatty substance that does not dissolve in water.
1. Saturated Fatty Acids – usually solid at room temperature. Found in animal
fats and tropical oils, associated with an increased risk of heart attack.
2. Unsaturated Fatty Acids – usually liquids (oils). Have been associated with
a reduced risk of heart disease. Most vegetable oils: olive, canola, soybean,
and cottonseed oils.
3. Role of Fats – transport vitamins A, D, E, and K. Add flavor and texture to
food. Higher calorie content in fatty foods: 9 calorie per one gram of fat.
D. Vitamins – compounds that help regulate many vital body processes, including
digestion, absorption, and metabolism of other nutrients.
1. Water Soluble – body doesn’t store these so you need to replenish them
through the food you eat.
2. Fat Soluble – absorbed and stored in body fat.
E. Minerals – substances that the body cannot manufacture but are needed for healthy
bones and teeth and regulating body processes.
F. Water – vital to every body function. Enables you to _________________ and
_______________ foods, absorb other nutrients. Transport nutrients, carries wastes from
cells. Through perspiration, water helps regulate _______________________.
3. Dietary Guidelines
A. Aim for Fitness – regular physical activity
1. Aim for a healthy weight.
2. Be physically active every day.
B. Build a healthy base – the base is the Food Guide Pyramid a guide for making
healthful daily food choices.
1. Make your food choices carefully.
2. Choose a variety of grain products, especially whole grains.
3. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables.
4. Keep food safe to eat (preparation, cooking, storage, cleanliness).
5. Pay attention to serving sizes (a serving size of meat is = a deck of playing
C. Choose Sensibly – A diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, moderate in total fat.
Choose beverages and foods low in _________________ and __________________.
4. Nutrition Labeling
A. Most food labels list the food’s ingredient by weight, in descending order with the
ingredient in the greatest amount listed first.
1. Food Additives – substances intentionally added to food for a desired affect.
Like freshness, flavor, or color.
B. Product Labeling
1. Claims such as “Fat Free”, “Light”, or “Lean”, or “Less.”
C. Food Sensitivities
1. Food Allergy – a condition where the body’s immune system reacts to
substances in some foods. These substances are allergens.
2. Food Intolerance – a negative reaction to a food or its parts.
3. Food borne illness 4. Cross Contamination 5. Pasteurization -
Ch. 6 Outline
Maintaining a Healthy Weight
I. Weight-Calorie Connection
A. Body Image- the way you __see___ your body. Influences-family, friends, _peers_.
1. To maintain weight, calories you _intake__ must equal the calories you burn.
B. Calorie Source:
1. Protein and carbs supply__4__ cal/gram
2. Fats supply __9____cal/gram
C. Energy Equation
1. Taking in more calories than you burn results in __weight gain_.
2. Taking in less calories than you burn results in ___weight loss_.
2. One pound of body fat equals __3,500_____ calories.
D. BMI- Body mass index- body size assessment -ratio of height and weight
1. Can be inaccurate due to the amount of __muscle_mass.
2. Body Composition ratio of ___body fat to body tissue__.
a. Average body fat male-12%
b. Average body fat female- 20%
3. Overweight-a person is heavier than the standard weight range for his or her
height. Between 25.9-29.9 BMI
4. Obesity- excess amount of body fat. Above 30 BMI
5. Underweight- a person weighs less than the standard weight range for his or
E. Weight Management/Healthy Eating/Weight maintenance
1. Target appropriate weight
2. Set realistic goals/put in writing
3. Personalize your plan
4. Evaluate progress
F. Weight Loss Strategies
1. Eat ____1,700 – 1,800__ Cal/day
2. Include favorite foods in moderation
3. Low calorie/ nutrient dense foods- Foods high in nutrients compared to
a. carrots, whole grain breads, fruits, vegetables
4. Drink water _8-10_ glasses a day
5. Dr. Oz tip- eat a piece of whole wheat bread dipped in olive oil before
dinner to reduce hunger.
6. Exercise 5-7 days a week
G. Weight-Gain Strategies
1. Increase calorie intake with foods high in complex carbs: potatoes, Whole
wheat breads, pastas, starchy vegetables
2. Eat often and take 2nd helpings
3. Eat nutritious snacks-fruits/veggies
4. Build muscle- weight training
II. Fad Diets and Eating Disorders
A. Fad Diets- weight loss plans popular for a short period of timeAtkins, no carb, etc.
B. Liquid Diets- may not supply all the nutrients you need.
C. Fasting- abstaining from food/ could be dangerous
D. Diet pills- suppress appetite-could have serious side effects.
E. Weight cycling- the repeated pattern of loss and regain of body weight
F. Eating Disorders,- harmful eating- An extreme behavior that can cause serious illness
or death.
1. 90% are female
2. Distorted body image
3. Anorexia nervosa- irrational fear of becoming obese resulting in self-imposed
_starvation__- excessive exercise/distorted body image
4. Bulimia Nervosa- a disorder in which some form of purging or clearing of
the digestive tract follows cycles of overeating. Binge and PurgeUsually look normal weight. May use laxatives
5. Binge Eating Disorder- characterized by compulsive ___overeating____
A. weight gain, Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol,
Fatty liver, heart disease, stroke
III. Nutrition for Individual Needs
A. Training Diet- when playing a sport or general athlete- need nutrient dense foods,
Trainers often will give advice on the best diet for your needs
1. Hydrate- keep electrolytes(minerals that maintain body’s fluid balance)
2. Rehydration- restoring lost body fluids
B. Vegetarian- a person who eats mostly or only plant foods- different types:
1. Lacto-ovo- eat dairy foods and eggs
2. Lacto- dairy
3. Ovo- eggs , soy products replace dairy
4. Vegan- only plant source foods, no dairy or eggs, no honey
5. Pesco- will eat fish
6. Pollo- will eat chicken
Vegetarians must watch protein intake- soy, nuts, beans legumes
C. Dietary supplement- vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc. -pill, powder, liquid form
1. mega dose- a large amount of a dietary supplement
2. Herbal supplement- chemical substance from plants/natural
D. Pregnancy and Diet
1. Special needs- supplements, folate, iron and calcium
F. Older Adults1. Calcium- avoid __osteoporosis____.
2. Medications may affect nutrient absorption
Ch. 15
Skeletal, Muscular and Nervous System
I. Skeletal
A. ___________Skeleton- 80 bones of the spine, skull, ribs, sternum- everything down
the middle
B. Appendicular Skeleton- 126 bones of the upper and lower limbs-arms, legs, etc.
C. Types of Bones
1. Long bones- femur- humerus, fibia, tibia, radius, ulna
2. Short bones-equal in length- wrist, ankles
3. Flat bones- skull, sternum, ribs
4. Irregular bones- vertebrae, some facial bones, ear
D. Cartilage- strong, flexible connective tissue between joints
E. Ossification- the process by which bone is formed, renewed and repaired
F. Types of Joints
1. Ball and socket- shoulder, hip
2. _____________- elbow, knee
3. Pivot- head
4. Ellipsoidal- gliding- wrist
G. Ligament- attaches bone to bone
H. Tendon- attaches muscle to bone
I. Osteoporosis-progressive loss of bone tissue- usually after menopause
J. Scoliosis- curvature-side to side of the spine
K. Repetitive motion injury- _________________________- overuse
L. Arthritis- inflammation of a joint-wear and tear of joints-calcium growths
II. Muscular
A. Types of muscle
1. Smooth- act on the lining of the passageways and internal organs- intestines,
lungs, bladder
a. involuntary control
2. Skeletal-attached to bone and cause body movements
a. _______________, or striped appearance
b. voluntary control
c. flexor- closes a joint- biceps
d. extensor-opens a joint- triceps
3. _________________- striated muscle that forms the wall of the heart
a. involuntary
b. contracts 100,000 times a day
B. Muscle Tone- the natural tension in the fibers of muscle-improved by physical activity
A. atrophy- muscle deterioration due to inactivity
C. Problems-See problems above and the following
1. Hernia- an organ or tissue protrudes through an area of weak muscleIntestines protrude through the tear
2. Bruise- broken blood vessels beneath the skin
III. Nervous-coordinates all the activities of the body
A. Brain
B. Brain stem
C. Spinal cord
D. Nerves
1. Physical activity increases reaction time and efficiency of the nervous system
Question1. Name and describe an exercise for each of the following:
Ch. 4, 15 & 6
1. Increased
2. Resist
3. Quickens or increases
4. Endorphins
5. Confidence
6. Sedentary
7. Strength
8. Composition
9. Without
10. Isometric
11. Flexibility
12. Progression
13. Hydration
14. Overexertion
15. Rest, ice, compression, elevate
Ch. 15
1. Axial
2. Hinge
3. Carpal-tunel
4. Striated
5. Cardiac
Ch. 6
1. See 2. Media 3. Take in or eat
4. 4 5. 9 6. Weight gain 7. Weight loss 8.
9. Muscle 10. Body fat to lean body tissue
11. 1700-1800 cal 12. Calories 13. 8 14.
15. Starvation 16. Overeating
17. osteoporosis