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Ecosystems Study Guide, Part 2
Terrestrial Ecosystems
We live in the deciduous forest biome. Deciduous means that the trees shed their leaves each year
and re-grow new ones in the spring. The deciduous forest biome has moderate temperature and
The tropical rain forest biome is famous for its many different kinds of plants and animals. It is hot
and humid (lots of rain).
The grasslands are flat and covered by tall grass and grains. Many small animals live there. The
grasslands are nicknamed the “breadbasket of the world.” It looks like a sea of grass.
The desert is marked by hot temperatures during the day and cool temperatures at night and little
rainfall. The plants that live in the desert are able to store water in their leaves, or have long roots to
reach groundwater deep underground. Many animals that live in a desert are nocturnal, that is, they are
active at night when temperatures are cooler. The animals here have adapted to living with little water.
The taiga is cold and windy. There are many evergreen trees (pine trees, Christmas trees) there.
There are also many birds and furry animals.
The tundra is the coldest of the six biomes. It is not always snowy there, but the ground is frozen; this
is called “permafrost.” Very few plants grow there. Many animals with thick fur coats live in the tundra.
Aquatic Ecosystems
Ocean (Marine) is a saltwater aquatic ecosystem. Some oceans are shallow, others are very deep.
Some are warmer or more salty than others. Ocean life include sharks, fish, octopus, whales, kelp, and coral.
Tidal Zone is a saltwater aquatic ecosystem found along the shore. The tide and churning waves
provide a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients. Organisms include starfish, sea urchins, clams, crabs and
sea weed and stinging nettles.
Saltwater Marsh is an estuary where salt water often overflows a flat area of land. Organisms include
grasses, muskrats, insects, shore birds and gulls.
Mangrove is an estuary that contains mangrove trees. A mangrove ecosystem also supports an
incredible diversity of creatures including pelicans, insects, snakes, lizards, frogs and crocodiles.
Estuary is a body of water in which freshwater from a river meets and mixes with saltwater from the
River, Stream is a freshwater aquatic ecosystem. Few plants and animals live in a river due to the
constant flow of water. They often secure themselves to rocks. Organisms include large fish such as salmon
Lake, Pond is a freshwater aquatic ecosystem. The organisms found there are numerous. They
include fish, crayfish, snails, insect larvae, turtles, frogs, etc., and such plants as cattails, duckweed, water
lilies, and grasses. These plants are able to send down roots.
4-16 inches
Poor to good
Cold to hot
Fertile soil
Silt bottom
Silt bottom
Cold to hot
Cold to warm
Clay or rocky
Cool to warm
sunlight to
Direct sunlight