Download Atomic Thoery History App Activty

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Name ____________________________________ Date ________ Period __________
Atomic Theory History App Activity
Directions - Click on Atomic Theory History: as you navigate through the slides,
answer the following questions.
Slide 1:
1. Who were the Greek philosophers that believed the world was composed of atoms?
2. What year?
3. What does atom (atomos) mean?
4. What was the prevailing belief of the time?
5. What year did that idea finally begin to recede?
Slide 2:
1. Who formulated the 1st “modern” atomic theory?
2. What year?
3. According to his theory what happens to the atoms in a chemical reaction?
4. Of the 5 ideas he expresses, which is the only one that was found to be untrue?
Slide 3
1. What is the name of the scientist that was able to make a new model of the atom that
proved Dalton’s to be untrue?
2. How many years have passed for this scientist since Dalton’s model originated?
3. As a result of his discovery what 2 particles are now part of the
Slide 4
4. Explain how he discovered these particles?
Slide 4: Draw & title the model in the box.
Slide 5
1. Who tested Thomas’s accuracy of his model?
2. What is an alpha particle?
3. What did he predict would happen to the alpha particles that he shot at a sheet of Gold
Slide 6
4. What actually happened?
5. What was his conclusion based on this new investigation?
Slide 6: Draw & title the updated model in the box
Name ____________________________________ Date ________ Period __________
Slide 7
1. Who collaborated with Rutherford to create a new model of the atom?
Slide 8
2. What special property did his new model express about electrons?
Slide 8: Draw & title the updated model in the box
Slide 9
1. What did Chadwick conclude about the mysterious particle that Marie & Pierre Curie
discovered in Rutherford’s lab?
2. What was this new particle called?
3. What discrepancy did this new discovery resolve?
Slide 10: Draw & title the updated model in the box
1. Where are the new particles located in the new model?
Last slide
2. What would the atomic number of this atom be?
3. What would the atomic mass be?
4. What are three new things you learned about the history of an atom?
When you get to the end click OK & Done, then Click Build an Atom
1. Fill in the box for the element that you are prompted to build & label the
following: atomic number & atomic mass
o (click the i in bottom left corner if you need help or use the internet)
o Build the atom & hit submit; continue to build the model until you
get it correct
2. Write the number of each particle you used in the corresponding locations below &
label the following: protons, neutrons, electrons, nucleus, and electron cloud
3. How did you determine the correct amount for each of the following particles?
o Protons:_______________________________
o Electrons: _____________________________
o Neutrons: _____________________________
Allow everyone in the group to build at least one model