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Distributed Synaptic Modification in Neural Networks
Induced by Patterned Stimulation
Guo-qiang Bi and Mu-ming Poo
Department of Biology, University of California at San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0357
Activity-dependent changes in synaptic efficacy or connectivity are critical for the
development1, signal processing2, as well as learning and memory functions3-6 of the
nervous system. Repetitive correlated spiking of pre- and postsynaptic neurons can induce
a persistent increase or decrease in synaptic strength, depending on the timing of pre- and
postsynaptic excitation7-13. Previous studies on such synaptic modifications have focused on
synapses made by the stimulated neuron. Here we examined, in networks of cultured
hippocampal neurons, whether and how localized stimulation can result in synaptic
modifications at sites remote from the stimulated neuron. We found that repetitive pairedpulse stimulation of a single neuron for brief periods induces persistent strengthening or
weakening of specific polysynaptic pathways in a manner that depends on the interpulse
interval. These changes can be accounted for by correlated pre- and postsynaptic excitation
at distant synaptic sites, resulting from different transmission delays along separate
pathways. Thus, through such a ‘delay-line’ mechanism, temporal information coded in the
timing of individual spikes14-17 can be converted and stored into spatially distributed
patterns of persistent synaptic modifications in a neural network.
Cultures of dissociated rat hippocampal neurons were used to form functional networks
consisting of both glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses13. Perforated whole-cell recordings of
synaptic currents were made from two to three neurons in networks of about 1020 neurons. The
evoked postsynaptic currents (PSCs) elicited by a brief depolarizing stimulus (+100 mV, 1 ms)
applied to another neuron or to the recorded neuron itself usually exhibited complex but
reproducible patterns with distinct components (Fig. 1a). Each PSC component corresponds to a
polysynaptic pathway with a specific transmission delay, which is due to synaptic delays and the
time required for the initiation and conduction of action potentials, estimated to be in the range of
4–10 ms per synapse (see Method). Under low-frequency test stimulation, the average probability
of occurrence (P) for each PSC component remained relatively constant throughout the recording
period (Fig. 1b). The PSC profile thus provides a reliable means for monitoring the status of
synaptic efficacy along multiple polysynaptic pathways in the network.
To examine the effect of repetitive local stimulation on remote synapses in the polysynaptic
pathway, we applied a train of paired-pulse stimuli (PPS) with a defined interpulse interval (IPI)
to a single neuron in the network (Vc  –70 mV). Paired-pulses were chosen because of their
simple temporal structure. Following 20 paired-pulses at 1 Hz, we frequently observed changes in
the PSC profile in either the stimulated neuron (Fig. 2a,c–f) or a different neuron in the network
(Fig. 2b). These changes included the appearance of new (Fig. 2a,d), and the disappearance or
change in P of preexisting components (Fig. 2b–d). Such pathway remodeling were persistent,
lasting for as long as stable recording was made (up to 1.5 h), suggesting that long-term changes
had occurred in specific pathways between the stimulated and recorded neurons. In Fig. 2d,
repetitive PPS induced the appearance of a new component 3 as well as an increased and
decreased P for component 2 and 1, respectively, showing that the same pattern of stimuli could
induce opposite changes along different pathways. In most cases, changes in the PSC profile
involved alterations in P for particular components without significant change in the amplitude.
Thus the patterned stimulation have apparently resulted in changes of either neuronal excitability
or efficacy of remote synapses, thereby changing the probability of successful transmission along
different pathways leading to the recorded neuron. Such distributed changes are consistent with
the notion of distributed representation and storage of information in neural networks3,4.
When multiple episodes of repetitive PPS (20 pairs, l Hz) were applied to the same neuron,
pathway remodeling depended on the IPI of the paired-pulses. In the experiment shown in Fig.
2e, no persistent change in PSCs was induced by paired-pulses with 60 ms IPI, but paired-pulses
of 40 ms IPI induced two new PSC components with a relatively high P, which persisted for more
than l hr. In another experiment (Fig. 2f), the first episode of stimulation (IPI 100 ms) had no
significant effect, but the second episode with 50 ms IPI resulted in increased P for two
components, one of which was reduced by further stimulation with a third episode (IPI 20 ms).
Therefore, pathway remodeling induced by repetitive localized stimulation is highly dependent on
the precise temporal pattern of the stimulation.
Repetitive correlated pre- and postsynaptic excitation can induce long-term synaptic
modification, and the direction of synaptic changes depends on the temporal order of pre- and
postsynaptic activation7-13. In the same hippocampal cultures13, postsynaptic spiking within 20
ms after presynaptic spiking (positively-correlated spiking) leads to long-term potentiation (LTP),
whereas postsynaptic spiking within 20 ms before presynaptic spiking (negatively-correlated
spiking) leads to long-term depression (LTD). Thus paired-pulse facilitation or temporal
integration of the evoked postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) at the remote synapses could generate
correlated spiking at these synapse, resulting in pathway remodeling by homosynaptic
potentiation. However, the prevailing paired-pulse depression in these cultures (supplementary
Fig. S2) makes such process unlikely. An alternative mechanism that could generate correlated
spiking at remote synapses is based on different transmission delays along converging pathways.
As illustrated in Fig. 3a, localized stimulation of an input neuron (I) results in activation of two
separate pathways that converge on a target neuron (T) with a difference in the transmission delay
of t2 – t1 (or ‘t’). For the case of t2 > t1, repetitive PPS with IPI < t may result in positivelycorrelated spiking, hence LTP at the remote synapse made by the presynaptic pathway onto T,
whereas stimulation with IPI > t may result in negatively-correlated spiking, hence LTD at that
synapse. Modification of this remote synapse may change the firing probability of neuron T,
leading to a change in the corresponding PSC components in downstream neurons. Such a
heterosynaptic mechanism is sensitive to the IPI of the paired-pulse stimuli and may thus account
for the pathway remodeling described above.
The effects of paired-pulses with IPIs in the range of 10 – 200 ms were examined. In each
experiment, we started with an IPI within the range and tested two to four episodes of 20 pairedpulses (at 1 Hz) of progressively decreasing or increasing IPIs. Before and after each episode,
PSCs were monitored by low-frequency test stimuli (at 0.05 Hz) for 20 – 40 min. When changes
in the probability of occurrence of identified PSC components were plotted against the IPIs of the
stimuli (Fig. 3b), we found that the changes decreased with increasing IPI, with IPIs below 100 ms
being most effective in inducing pathway remodeling (Fig. 3b,c). This is consistent with a
decreasing probability of forming converging pathways with longer path-length differences in
these culture networks that are responsible for generating (positively or negatively) correlated
spiking by PPS of larger IPIs.
We further compared the results of applying two consecutive episodes of paired-pulses of the
same IPI with that of different IPIs. As shown in Fig. 3d, a strong correlation was observed
between changes in P (P1 and P2) after the first and the second episode of the same IPIs. In
contrast, two episodes of different IPIs (by 10 ~ 40 ms) yielded results that showed little
correlation, suggesting the networks’ capability in discriminating temporal difference as small as
10 ms. These results supports the heterosynaptic mechanism illustrated in Fig. 3a.
Long-term modification of many central synapses depends on the activation of NMDA
subtype of glutamate receptors5,18,19. As shown in Fig. 3b, significantly fewer changes in the PSC
profile was induced by PPS in the presence of D-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic (D-AP5, 50 M),
a specific blocker of NMDA receptors. The D-AP5 treatment did not significantly affect the
network activity, as shown by comparison of the PSC profile before and after the treatment (data
not shown). On the other hand, the reduction in pathway remodeling in the presence of D-AP5 is
consistent with the involvement of NMDA receptor-dependent LTP and LTD13. We did observe
two cases of significant changes (>20%) in the probability of occurrence of PSC components in
the presence of D-AP5. This may reflect other NMDA-receptor-independent mechanisms, such as
modifications of inhibitory GABAergic synapses19,20 or activity-induced changes in cell
To directly verify that remote synaptic changes can be induced by correlated excitation
through converging pathways, we have examined modifications of identified PSC components by
PPS when the postsynaptic cell was under current clamp. As shown in Fig. 4a–c, the relevant
transmission delays (t1, t2, t3) along identified pathways from cell 1 to cell 2 (equivalent to neuron
T in Fig. 3a) can be precisely determined. LTP or LTD at the “remote” synapses (marked by
triangles) onto cell 2 was induced when specific IPIs were selected in accordance with the
differential transmission delays to create positively- or negatively-correlated postsynaptic spiking
with respect to the EPSP, respectively. The specificity of IPIs for modifying the identified
synapses confirmed the heterosynaptic mechanism illustrated in Fig. 3a. Experiments were also
performed on simpler networks using simultaneous whole-cell recording from three neurons. In
the case shown in Fig. 4d, we have examined a serially connected triplet with two converging
pathways onto one neuron. Repetitive single pulse stimulation of cell 1 had no significant effect
on synapse E23 although synapse E12 was potentiated as expected (data not shown). However,
stimulation of neuron 1 with paired-pulses of IPI of 10 ms resulted in LTP at E23, as predicted
based on the postsynaptic spike timing. Taken together, these experiments using double and triple
recordings confirmed that repetitive local stimulation of a neuron can induce LTP and LTD at
remote polysynaptic sites. The modifications depend on the timing of pre- and postsynaptic
spiking at these sites, which in turn is determined by differential transmission delays along
converging pathways that lead to the correlated pre- and postsynaptic excitation.
Tetanic stimulation of afferent fibers to hippocampal CA3 neurons or perforant path (PP)
fibers resulted in long-term activation of latent polysynaptic pathways20 or potentiation of
population spikes at existing polysynaptic pathways22, respectively. The underlying mechanisms
for these phenomena appeared to be a change in inhibitory control20 or synaptic coupling of
tetanizing trains via direct PP–CA3/CA1 synapses with asynchronous polysynaptic volleys
occurring in the intra-hippocampal circuitry22. The present results obtained from dissociated
neuronal cultures provide a first direct demonstration of a generic property of neural networks:
temporal correlation through transmission delays can be used for selective pathway modifications
in accordance with the precise temporal structure of the input stimuli. This strategy of temporalto-spatial conversion, different from that using paired-pulse facilitation and slow inhibition for
selective activation in the hippocampal circuit23, is reminiscent of the use of delay lines for
parallel processing of temporally structured information demonstrated in the auditory and other
systems24,25 as well as in neural network models16,26,27. Here polysynaptic pathways may be
regarded as delay lines with a temporal resolution in the order of milliseconds and a range of delay
time proportional to the size of the network. In intact nervous systems, synaptic input from a
single neuron is usually not sufficient in triggering postsynaptic spiking. Single neurons serially
connected thus may not form functional polysynaptic pathways. However, the firing of a cultured
neuron hyperinnervating another can be considered analogous to the in vivo situation of
synchronous firing of a group of neurons with common targets15,28. Polysynaptic transmission
pathways in culture therefore simulate in vivo pathways that mediate information flow by
correlated firing15,28. If spike timing encodes neural information14-17, the delay line architecture
combined with spike timing-based synaptic modifications provides a network mechanism to
convert and store temporal information into spatially distributed patterns of synaptic
Cell Culture. Low-density cultures of dissociated embryonic rat hippocampal neurons were
prepared as previously described13,29. Hippocampi were removed from E18–20 embryonic rats
and treated with trypsin for 15 minutes at 37oC, followed by washing and gentle trituration. The
dissociated cells were plated on poly-L-lysine coated glass coverslips in 35-mm petri dishes at
densities of 30,000–90,000 cells/dish. The plating medium was Dulbecco’s Minimum Essential
Medium (DMEM, BioWhittaker) supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum
(Hyclone), 10% Ham’s F12 with glutamine (BioWhittaker) and 50 U/ml penicillin-streptomycin
(Sigma). Twenty-four hours after plating, one-third of the culture medium was replaced by the
same medium supplemented with 20 mM KCl. Cells were used for electrophysiological studies
after 10–15 days in culture, when functional neuronal networks had been established. A typical
network selected for the present study consisted of about 10–20 neurons on a patch of glial cell
monolayer of ~ 1–2 mm2 in size. Under such conditions, spontaneous activity in the network is
rare. Larger networks in older cultures usually exhibit unpredictable bursts of spontaneous
activities and complex PSC profiles, and were thus avoided in the present study.
Electrophysiology. Whole-cell perforated patch recordings30 from two to three hippocampal
neurons were performed simultaneously, using amphotericin B (150 g/ml, Calbiochem) for
perforation. The micropipettes were made from borosilicate glass capillaries (VWR), with a
resistance in the range of 1.5–3 M. The internal solution contained the following (in mM): Kgluconate 136.5, KCl 17.5, NaCl 9, MgCl2 1, HEPES 10, EGTA 0.2 (pH 7.20). The external bath
solution was an HEPES-buffered saline (HBS) containing the following (in mM): NaCl 150, KCl
3, CaCl2 3, MgCl2 2, HEPES 10, glucose 5 (pH 7.30). For blocking NMDA receptors, 50 M D2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic (D-AP5, RPI) was added to HBS. The culture was constantly
perfused with fresh external solution at ~ 1 ml/min at room temperature throughout the recording
period. The neurons were visualized by phase-contrast microscopy with an inverted microscope
(Nikon Diaphot) while recording (in voltage-clamp unless otherwise stated, Vc  –70 mV) and
stimulation (1ms, +100 mV step depolarization in voltage-clamp) was performed using patchclamp amplifiers (Axopatch 200B, Axon Instr.) interfaced with a PC computer. Signals filtered at
5 kHz using amplifier circuitry were sampled at 10 kHz and analyzed using Axoscope software
(Axon Instr.). Series resistance (10–30 M) was always compensated at 80 % (lag 100 s). For
assaying synaptic connectivity, each neuron was stimulated at a low frequency (0.03 to 0.06 Hz),
and the responses from the other neurons as well as autaptic responses in the stimulated neuron
itself were recorded (see Fig.4). Monosynaptic currents had onset latencies < 4 ms29.
Polysynaptic currents had onset latencies  6 ms and often exhibit multiple components, with
frequent failure for some PSC components to occur during the test stimulation. The probability of
occurrence (P) of an identified component is measured based on its response to 50–100
consecutive test stimuli. For polysynaptic pathways in these cultures, each additional synapse
usually introduced a delay of 4–10 ms (2–5 ms for synaptic delay and action potential conduction
and 2–5 ms delay for the initiation of an action potential). Neurons in these cultures were either
glutamatergic or GABAergic in nature and could be identified based on the time course, reversal
potential and pharmacology of their evoked synaptic currents (EPSCs and IPSCs,
respectively)13,29. EPSCs were blocked by 10 M 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX,
RBI) whereas IPSCs were blocked by 10 M bicuculline (RBI). The IPSCs had distinctly longer
decay time and more negative reversal potentials (around –50 mV) than EPSCs. In a typical
culture, we estimated that less than 20% of the neurons were GABAergic.
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We thank X. Wang for culture preparations and B. Berninger, W. Kristan, L. Zhang, A. Schinder
and S. Andersen for helpful discussions and comments on the manuscript. Supported by grants
from NIH (M. P.) and a President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship from the University of California and
a training grant from NIH (G. B.).
Correspondence and request for materials should be addressed to G.B. (e-mail: [email protected]).
Figure Legends
Figure 1 Polysynaptic pathways in a network of cultured hippocampal neurons. a, Traces depict
20 consecutive postsynaptic currents (PSCs) (inward current upwards) recorded from a
hippocampal neuron (perforated whole-cell patch-clamp, Vc  –70 mV) in response to test
stimulation (0.05 Hz) of a nearby neuron. The diagram on the right depicts three hypothetical
polysynaptic pathways leading to the recorded neuron with transmission delays of t1, t2, t3,
respectively, corresponding to onset latencies of three distinct PSC components. Scales: 20 ms,
500 pA. b, The stability of polysynaptic pathways. Shown in color are 195 consecutive PSCs,
each triggered by a test stimulus (0.05 Hz) and represented by a single vertical line, with the
magnitude of the current coded by color. Color code: linear scale 150–700 pA; white and
background color represents above- and below-scale values, respectively. Arrowheads indicate
the time of stimulation (S) and of peaks of identified PSC components (1-3).
Figure 2 Pathway remodeling induced by repetitive paired-pulse stimulation (PPS). a–d, Four
separate experiments showing different types of changes in the PSC profile. Shown for each
experiment are 20 consecutive PSCs elicited by test stimuli (at 0.05 Hz) before (top) and 10 min
after (bottom) 20 pairs of step-depolarizations (+100 mV, 1 ms, 1 Hz) with interpulse interval
(IPI) of 50, 30, 50, and 100 ms, respectively. These PSCs were recorded either in the stimulated
neuron (a, c, d; note the large stimulus artifact) or in a nearby neuron (b). Scales: 20 ms, 1 nA (in
a, b); 20 ms, 500 pA (in c, d). e, Changes in the PSC profile depend on the IPI of the pairedpulses. Two episodes of stimulation, each consisting of 20 repetitive paired-pulses (same as
above) with IPI of 60 ms and 40 ms, were applied to the recorded neuron at ~ 20 and 50 min
(marked by vertical red lines), respectively. Insets on the top depict 20 consecutive PSCs at 10–
16, 40–46, and 80–86 min. Scales: 20 ms, 500 pA. Color code (same as in Fig. 1b): 0.2–1.2 nA,
linear scale. f, Another experiment similar to e, except that PSCs were elicited by stimulating a
different neuron in the network (test frequency 0.07 Hz). Three episodes of repetitive pairedpulses with IPI of 100, 50 and 20 ms were applied at ~ 25, 60 and 90 min, respectively. Insets
show samples of PSCs at 10–14, 40–44, 80–84 and 110–114 min, respectively. Scale: 20 ms, 400
pA. Color code: 50–400 pA, linear scale. A third example is provided as supplementary Fig. S1.
In this experiment, four separate episodes were applied to the network to further demonstrate the
specificity of the IPI in inducing pathway remodeling.
Figure 3 Pathway remodeling induced by correlated excitation through transmission delay. a, A
schematic diagram illustrating correlated pre- and postsynaptic excitation at a “remote” synapse
by stimulation transmitted along two converging pathways with delay time t1 and t2, respectively.
Transmission through the “postsynaptic pathway” is strong enough to initiate spiking in the target
neuron T. When paired-pulses are applied to the input neuron I, positively- or negativelycorrelated spiking at the remote synapse (triangle) may be created for (i) IPI < t or (ii) IPI > t,
resulting in LTP or LTD, respectively. Shaded areas indicate effective time windows ( 20 ms)
for synaptic modifications13. b,c, Summary of synaptic changes induced by paired-pulses of
various IPIs. Changes in P for PSC components (P) were plotted against the IPIs used in PPS
(20 pairs, 1 Hz). Each point represents the result for one identifiable PSC component from a
single experiment. Open and filled symbols refer to experiments in the absence and presence of
50 M D-AP-5, respectively. Columns in c represent averages of absolute values of P (y-axis)
from experiments with different IPIs (x-axis); “APV”: Data from experiments in the presence of
for all IPIs. “**”: significantly different from the “APV” group (P < 0.005, t-test). d,
Correlation between changes in probability of occurrence (P1 and P2) after two consecutive
episodes of PPS with the same or different IPIs. Correlation coefficient   0.058 for IPI1  IPI2,
  0.81 for IPI1  IPI2.
Figure 4 Synaptic modifications induced by correlated spiking at identified remote synapses. All
recorded neurons were glutamatergic (see Methods). a1, A network with two convergent
pathways. The left diagram depicts mono- and polysynaptic connections between two recorded
neurons. The dark lines indicate two converging pathways of interest (transmission delays t1 and
t2). The gray lines depict other detected connections. Polysynaptic connections are marked by
“”. Triangle represents the synapse under examination. Cells x,y represent unrecorded neurons
in the network, whose presence was indicated by the long latencies ( 6 ms) of the excitatory
synaptic inputs recorded (designated as “Ex2” and “Ey2”) in cell 2 when cell 1 was stimulated.
The 2 x 2 matrix depicts synaptic currents recorded from cells 1 and 2 (R1 and R2) when cells 1
and 2 were stimulated (S1 and S2), respectively. The tilted arrow marks the identified PSC
component (delay of onset t1 = 6 ms) corresponding to the “remote” synapse (Ex2) being
modified, changes of EPSC amplitudes at which were monitored (see a2). Traces in the right box
depict synaptic responses recorded from cells 1 (top) and 2 (bottom) during repetitive paired-pulse
stimulation (PPS, 1 Hz for 50 sec, IPI 15 ms) of cell 1 while cell 2 was current-clamped. “*”
marks the spike initiated by the suprathreshold input Ey2 (delay t2 = 27 ms), which was positively
correlated with the EPSP of Ex2 (delay t1 = 6 ms; onset indicated by arrowhead) triggered by the
second stimulus of the paired pulses. The EPSP triggered by the first stimulus fell outside the 20
ms window (ref. 13) for synaptic modification by correlated spiking (this is also true for cases in b
and c below). For clarity, expanded time scale was used for the PPS box. Scales: 40 ms, 500 pA
for EPSCs in S1, S2; 20ms, 50mV for EPSPs in PPS. a2, LTP at Ex2 resulting from positivelycorrelated spiking during PPS for the circuit shown in a1. Data depict the EPSC amplitude of
Ex2 before and after repetitive PPS. Test stimuli (0.05 Hz) were applied to cell 1. Insets above
depict sample EPSCs (average of 10 consecutive events) 10 min before and 20 min after PPS,
respectively. Scales: 10 ms, 100 pA. b, An experiment similar to that in a, except that the
polysynaptic pathways had different transmission delays (t1 = 28 ms; t2 = 51 ms). PPS (IPI 35 ms)
was applied to cell 1, resulting in negatively-correlated spiking and LTD at Ex2. Scales for b1:
50 ms, 500 pA for EPSCs; 25ms, 50mV for EPSPs. Scales for b2: 10 ms, 100 pA. c. An
experiment similar to a & b, except that E12 was a monosynaptic (delay t1 = 3 ms). When cell 2
was in current clamp, recurrent excitation (via Ez2) caused a second spike at cell 2. Two
episodes of PPS were applied to cell 1. In PPS I (IPI 30 ms), the first spike initiated by the
polysynaptic input Ey2 (delay t2 = 36 ms) was positively-correlated with the EPSP of E12
(elicited by the second stimulus pulse), resulting in LTP at E12. In PPS II (IPI 60 ms), the
second spike initiated by Ez2 (delay t3 = 50 ms) was negatively-correlated with the EPSP of E12
(elicited by the second stimulus pulse), resulting in LTD. Scales for c1: 50 ms, 500 pA for
EPSCs; 50ms, 50mV for EPSPs. Scales for c2: 10 ms, 100 pA. d, An experiment on a seriallyconnected triplet with all neurons recorded. Synapse E12 was suprathreshold. Transmission
delay of the 123 pathway (t1 = 12 ms) was due to the latency of synaptic delay and spike
initiation at cell 2 (t1' = 8 ms) as well as the synaptic delay at E23 (t1'' = 4 ms). Two episodes of
repetitive stimulation (50 single-pulses for episode I, 50 paired-pulses with 10 ms IPI for episode
II, both at 1 Hz) were applied to cell 1 while cell 2 & 3 were under current clamp. In episode I,
each stimulus fired cell 2, thus activating the “remote” synapse E23 (onset indicated by
arrowhead), and summation of EPSPs from E13 (delay t2 = 3 ms) but E23 was subthreshold for
firing cell 3. In episode II, each pair of stimuli on cell 1 fires cell 2 once, and the summation of
EPSPs from E13 and E23 after the paired-pulse stimuli fired cell 3, resulting in positivelycorrelated spiking and thus LTP at E23. Scales for e1: 20 ms, 200 pA for EPSCs; 10 ms, 50 mV
for EPSPs. Scales for e2: 20 ms, 50 pA.