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Name ___________________________ Date ______________________ Period ______________
Earthquake Test Review
If the boldface word makes the sentence true, write “TRUE“ in the space provided. If the boldface word makes the
sentence false, write the correct term in the space provided.
(chapter 15 in the Blue Glencoe book)
___________________ 1. The theory of plate tectonics suggests that Earth’s crust is broken into
sections called plates.
____________________2. The uppermost portion of the mantle is liquid.
____________________3. The lower portion of the crust and the upper portion of the mantle is
called the core.
____________________4. Below the lithosphere lies the asthenosphere.
____________________5. Earths layers are like rafts floating on the asthenosphere.
____________________6. At a divergent boundary, plates are being forced together.
____________________7. At a transform fault boundary, plates move past each other.
____________________8. New crust is added at divergent boundaries.
____________________9. An ocean crustal plate rises at a convergent boundary with a continental plate.
____________________10. A trench forms at the boundary between an ocean plate and a continental
____________________11. Ocean crust sinks under continental crust because ocean crust is less dense.
____________________12. Crustal material can be destroyed at a divergent boundary.
____________________13. When two plates containing continental crust collide, mountains are formed.
____________________14. The motion of Earth’s plates is caused by heat.
____________________15. Cooling of the asthenosphere causes its material to be forced toward the
____________________16. Two plates sliding past one another in opposite directions form a divergent
____________________17. A convection current is the cycle of cooler rock sinking and forcing
warmer rock to rise.
____________________18. A shift is a line along which rocks or rock formations move.
____________________19.Africa may split into two landmasses at the Great Rift Valley.
20- A. What is happening to the plates in the Atlantic Ocean?
B. Is this boundary convergent, divergent or transform?
C. Draw a picture include arrows showing the direction of plate movement and label continental or
oceanic crust
21- A. What is happening to the plates in the India?
B. Is this boundary convergent, divergent or transform?
C. Draw a picture include arrows showing the direction of plate movement and label continental or
oceanic crust
22- A. What is happening to the plates in the Washington?
B. Is this boundary convergent, divergent or transform? Circle all that apply and explain why.
C. Draw a picture include arrows showing the direction of plate movement and label continental or
oceanic crust
23- A. What is happening to the plates in Hawaii?
B. Is this boundary convergent, divergent or transform? Circle all that apply and explain why.
C. Draw a picture include arrows showing the direction of plate movement and label continental or
oceanic crust
______________ is the focus of an earthquake.
_______________ is the epicenter of an earthquake.
_______________ is the secondary wave.
_______________ is the primary wave.
26. Earthquakes are caused by
27. Tsunami are caused by
28. Mountain building is caused by
29. Some continental rocks are more than ____________________ years old.
30. Rocks at a mid-ocean ridge are very young, but rocks farther away the ridge are ___________.
31. A. Type of boundary _____________________________
B. Example of this type of boundary on Earth
32. A. Type of boundary
B. Example of this type of boundary on Earth
33. A. Type of boundary
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B. Example of this type of boundary on Earth
34. A. Type of boundary
B. Example of this type of boundary on Earth
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are needed to see this picture.
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35. Where is the pacific ocean floor the oldest?
36. Which are older continental or oceanic plates?
37. How many major plates are there?
38. How many minor plates?
39. Color the ring of fire in red.
A. Put an A on the map where there is a trench.
B. Put an B on the map where there is a volcano
C. Put an C on the map where there is a separating oceanic to oceanic plate.
D. Put an D on the map where there is a converging continental to continental plate,
E. Put an E on the map where there is a separating continental to continental plate.
F. Put an G on the map where there is a converging oceanic to continental plate.
Time of arrival
Epicenter distance (km)
Primary wave
Secondary wave
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1=1000km, 10
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A is _______________________________________
B is _______________________________________
C is _______________________________________
D is _______________________________________
E is _______________________________________
F is _______________________________________