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Chapter 4—Rome
MULTIPLE CHOICE – 2 points each
1. What are the two main periods of Roman history called?
a. The Caesarean and Augustan Periods
b. Republican and Imperial Rome
c. The Epicurean and Stoic Periods
d. Punic and Octavian Rome
2. What people occupied Rome from 616 to 510 B.C.E.?
a. Carthaginians
b. Persians
c. Egyptians
d. Etruscans
3. What event marks the end of the Roman Republic?
a. The fall of the Persian dynasty
b. The expulsion of the Etruscans from Rome.
c. The fall of Athens
d. The Battle of Actium
4. What Roman class was represented in the Senate?
a. plebeians
b. patricians
c. tribunes
d. stoics
5. What was the name of the large open space in the center of Rome used for meetings of the Senate and
the assemblies of the people?
a. Pantheon
b. Tribune
c. Forum
d. Great Hall
6. Who was the first great Roman lyric poet?
a. Sappho
b. Catullus
c. Lesbia
d. Virgil
7. What principal school of philosophy in Rome believed that the proper goal of life was pleasure?
a. Stoicism
b. Imperialism
c. Plebeianism
d. Epicureanism
8. What Greco-Roman philosophy is associated with Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius?
a. Stoicism
b. Epicurianism
c. Animism
d. Tarquinianism
9. What was the subject of the Jus Civile of Julius Caesar?
a. Civil Liberty
b. Roman Law
c. Romantic Love
d. Military Strategy
10. Who is the Roman equivalent to the Greek god Artemis?
a. Jupiter
b. Neptune
c. Diana
d. Aphrodite
11. What political events characterized the last century of the Roman Republic (133 B.C.E. to 31 B.C.E.)?
a. Power struggles between Marius, Sulla, Pompey and Caesar
b. Repeated peasant uprisings
c. Battles against northern barbarians
d. The development of the "one-man, one-vote" system of electing government officials
12. What was the significance of the Battle of Actium (31 B.C.E.) in the history of the Roman Republic?
a. Seneca became the leader of the Roman army.
b. Cleopatra was given Roman citizenship.
c. Carthage temporarily annexed parts of the Roman Republic.
d. Octavian became supreme ruler of Rome.
13. Who was the first emperor of the Roman Empire?
a. Julius
b. Augustus
c. Nero
d. Mark Antony
14. Who is the most famous of all Roman poets?
a. Horace
b. Diocletian
c. Vergil
d. Cicero
15. According to the Ara Pacis, how did Augustus want to be remembered by future generations?
a. As a war hero
b. As a champion of the poor
c. As a bringer of peace and stability
d. As a great poet
16. Where is The House of the Tragic Poet?
a. Carthage
b. Pompeii
c. Tarquinia
d. Lesbos
17. Which writer and orator defended the Roman Republic by putting down a plot against the
a. Terence
b. Virgil
c. Cicero
d. Lucretius
18. Which Roman literary work is a key source of information about Greek and Roman mythology?
a. Meditations
b. The Aeneid
c. Sulpicia
d. Metamorphoses
19. What is architecturally significant about the shape of the Pantheon's roof?
a. the oculus
b. the archway
c. the groin vault
d. the barrel vault
20. What was the function of the Pont du Gard?
a. It was a pedestrian bridge.
b. It was an aqueduct.
c. It was an equestrian bridge.
d. It was a military outpost.
21. Who is the most famous Roman satirist?
a. Cicero
b. Juvenal
c. Seneca
d. Virgil
22. What event in C.E. 476 marks the formal end of the Roman Empire in Western Europe?
a. The Battle of Actium
b. The Battle of Pharsalus
c. The death of Lucretius
d. The deposition of Romulus Augustulus
23. Who followed Diocletian as ruler of the Late Roman Empire in the West from C.E. 306-337?
a. Emperor Constantine
b. Emperor Pliny
c. Octavius Caesar
d. Pompey the Great
24. Which monument portrays Rome's campaign in the Dacian Wars?
a. Arch of Titus
b. Trajan's Column
c. Arch of Constantine
d. Temple of Portunus
25. What elements of the Temple of Portunus did the Romans borrow from the Etruscans?
a. Ionic order for frieze and columns
b. Peripheral temple form and freestanding columns
c. Elevated podium and columned porch
d. Engaged columns and multiple staircases
SHORT ANSWER – 6 points each
1. What was significant about the Jus Civile?
2. According to Epicurus, why should humans be able to live free from superstitious fear of the unknown
and not have to fear the threat of divine retribution?
3. What characteristics of earlier styles did Roman sculptors build upon? What new elements are seen in
Roman sculpture?
4. What reforms did Augustus implement?
5. In what sense did the Roman Empire survive until C.E. 1453?
KEY TERMS – 1 point each
1. ____________________ Ancient city in northern Africa
2. ____________________ Egyptian Queen defeated by Octavian
3. ____________________ Mythological queen of Carthage
4. ____________________ Emperor who passed an edict setting stringent economic controls
5. ____________________ A region in north-central Italy where Etruscan civilization flourished.
6. ____________________ Roman lyric poet during the 1st century BCE
7. ____________________ Epic poem about the founding of Rome
8. ____________________ Roman naturalist and writer who died because of fumes from the eruption
of Vesuvius
9. ____________________ Wars between the Romans and the Carthaginians.
10. ____________________ Elected representative of the plebeians
TRUE/FALSE – 1 point each
1. The Etruscan culture flourished in southern Italy.
2. According to legend, Rome was founded by twin brothers, Romulus and Remus.
3. Following the death of Augustus, he was succeeded by his son Julius Caesar.
4. Virgil is the author of the Aeneid.
5. The Pax Romana was a time of relative calm throughout the Roman territory.
6. The eruption of Vesuvius caused serious damage to Pompeii.
7. Cicero was most famous for his lyric poems about love and emotion.
8. Julius Caesar was assassinated on March 15 in 44 B.C.E.
9. The arch is an important Roman contribution to architectural development.
10. The oculus is associated with the Colosseum.