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Name: ______________________________
“El Salvavidas” Grammar Folder - Español 2
You will create a “lifesaver” grammar folder that you can use to help you in your
classwork and to use when reviewing for exams. You will start with grammar
concepts that you have learned up to this point. Then you will add new information
as we learn it in class. All information on the folder must be hand-written by you
(i.e., you may not cut and paste info from the web or elsewhere). Each numbered
topic should have an example and its translation in English to illustrate the concept.
You are responsible for the accuracy of the information, so be careful. The folder
will be graded at the end of each semester, and will count as an exam grade.
Required Information: CLEARY LABEL EACH SECTION!
Front Cover
1. Your name (on the tab), title of the folder, and your period #
2. A favorite Spanish quote, dicho, trabalengua, or idiomatic expression (you can
add this later when you find one)
3. Gender rules and exceptions (noun endings: loners [M] and diónza [F] ). Include
frequently-used exceptions to the rules (such as día, mano, mapa, problema, etc.)
4. Noun agreement rules (nouns have a gender & #, all articles and adjectives
must match them).
5. Adjective endings and how they change depending on the noun they describe
6. Subject pronouns ( I, you, he, we, etc.)
7. Definite and Indefinite articles (the, a, some)
8. Possessive adjectives (my, your, their, etc.)
9. Interrogative words ( a list or the lyrics to the Cascabeles song )
10. Positive and negative words (alguien/nadie etc.)
11. Transition words (at least 10)
Inside Left and Right Flaps
Indicative tenses with
Explanation of how to form the tense - i.e., what do you drop to form the stem,
what endings to add to the stem for each subject of the verb. Don’t just list
example verbs – show conjugations.
1. Regular and irregular verb conjugations
a. Present - regular, super irregulars, irregular yo forms, yo-go’s, and stem
changers: ei, eie, oue (don’t forget the “boot”). See the verb
list for categories.
b. Preterite (groups 1 – 5)
c. Imperfect (regular + the three irregular)
d. “Easy” Future (ir + a + infinitive)
e. Present Progressive + how to form present participles. Include irregular
Preterite vs. Imperfect – explanation of when to use one vs. the other
Key words for the tenses ie, ayer, mientras
Any mnemonic devices used with each tense (fui fui song etc.)
Commands – positive and negative informal, formal, and plural (list irregulars
Princess Di haz…)
Back Cover
1. Comparisons (more than, less than, as-as) and superlatives, especially irregulars
(bueno/mal, peor/major, mayor/menor)
2. Ordinal numbers
3. Demonstrative adjectives (este, ese, aquel etc.)
4. Direct and indirect object pronouns
a. Lists of each
b. Order in statements and in commands (Tú me lo das / Dámelo / ¡No me lo des!)
5. Common problematic verbs with an explanation of the verb(s) and in what
situations each is used
a. Ser vs. Estar (vs. Haber)
b. Saber vs. Conocer
6. Gustar and verbs like gustar and how to conjugate them. Give at least 5
examples of the other verbs
1. Prepositions
2. Frases de la semana and their definitions
Your folder will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Includes all required
elements and an
explanation. Each
topic has at least one
example and its
Includes almost all
required elements and
an explanation. Each
topic has one example
for usage.
There are 3 or fewer
spelling errors on the
There are more than 3 There are more than 4 There are lots of
spelling errors on the or 5 spelling errors.
Neatness and Effort
The folder has no
distracting errors,
corrections or
erasures and is easily
read. It appears the
student spent a great
deal of effort getting
things just right.
The folder has almost
no distracting errors,
corrections or
erasures and is easily
read. It appears the
student worked hard
on it.
There are no
There are 2-3
grammatical mistakes grammatical mistakes
on the folder.
on the folder.
There 4-5 grammatical There are more than
mistakes on the
5 grammatical
mistakes on the
Divisions between
Divisions were
creative, drawn and
colored neatly, cleary
labeled, and were a
good size.
Divisions were drawn
and colored neatly,
but some were too
large or too small.
Divisions were drawn
and colored neatly,
cleary labeled, and
were a good size.
Includes some
Missing several
required elements and required elements
somewhat of an
and/or explanations.
The folder is fairly
readable but the
quality is not too good
on some parts. It looks
like the student ran
out of time or didn't
take care of it.
Very messy and hard
to read. It looks like
the student threw it
together at the last
minute without much
Divisions were drawn
and/or colored