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EQT Study Guide
2nd Quarter
1. The ___________________ is the layer of the Earth that is really liquid but acts
like solid iron and nickel because of intense heat and pressure.
2. Lithosphere plates move along convection currents due to density changes in the
3. Tectonic plates are made up of the area called the _________________.
4. According to the Plate Tectonic Theory, lithosphere plates move on the part of the
Earth called the ___________________.
5. According to the present day theory, lithosphere plates are moved by convection
currents below the ____________________.
6. The boundary that involves a collision of two tectonic plates is a _____________
7. Subduction zones are found at ____________ ____________ plate boundaries.
8. The type of plate boundary shown below is a _________________ plate
9. A ______________ zone occurs where two underwater lithosphere plates collide
and one plate is pulled under another plate down into the asthenosphere.
10. A ________________ boundary occurs where two tectonic plates slide past each
other horizontally.
11. The type of plate boundary shown below is a ______________ plate boundary.
12. A ______________ boundary forms where two tectonic plates move away from
on another.
13. Seafloor spreading occurs at a ________________ plate boundary.
14. The type of plate boundary shown below is a ______________ plate boundary.
15. The super continent that contained all the continents of the world was called
16. The theory that the continents once fit together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle
and is supported by fossil evidence found on different continents is the
________________ _____________ theory.
17. The surface along which rock layers break and move past one another is a
18. A ________________ fault results when rocks are pushed apart due to tensionand
the hanging wall is moved downward.
19. A ________________ fault results when rocks are pushed together by
compression and the hanging wall is moved upward.
20. A fault that results from opposing forces cause rock to break and move
horizontally is a ____________ - ___________ fault.
21. Identify the three faults shown below as a normal, strike-slip, or reverse.
X __________________
Z __________________
22. A ________________ ________________ mountain is formed when tension
causes large blocks of Earth to move downward.
23. A mountain that is formed when rock is squeezed together and pushed up,
forming anticlines and synclines is a __________________ mountain.
24. _____________________ mountains form primarily at subduction zones by
magma that reaches Earth’s surface.
25. Most earthquakes commonly occur at tectonic plate __________________.
26. The seismic wave that causes the most destruction and is the last to arrive in an
earthquake is the _________________ wave.
27. The fastest seismic wave and the one to arrive first is the _________ or the
______________ wave.
28. P, or _______________ waves are created by compression and tension.
29. The _____ ,or _______________ wave is the only seismic wave that can travel
through liquids and gasses.
30. The _______ wave moves the ground back and forth (like a slinky).
31. The seismic wave that arrives second and is created by a shearing motion is the
_____ or __________ wave.
32. The S wave’s shearing motion moves __________ to __________.
33. The scale used to measure magnitude, or strength/damage, of an earthquake is the
_______________ magnitude scale.
34. The ________________ _____________ _______________ scale is used to
measure the intensity of an earthquake (how it feels to people).
35. The two main characteristics by which earthquakes are described are
__________________ and _________________.
36. The point on the Earth’s surface directly above an earthquake is the
37. The point inside the Earth where earthquakes start is the __________________.
38. As the distance from the epicenter increases, the intensity of the earthquake
39. Transform boundaries have _______________ ____________ faults which have
moderate, shallow earthquakes.
40. Convergent boundaries have ______________ faults which have strong, deep
41. Divergent boundaries have _________________ faults which have weak, shallow
42. On the seismogram of the Richter scale, it took the P wave _________ seconds to
43. Looking at the picture below, the city where the greatest amount of damage
occurred is _________________.
44. San Jose had intensity number _______________.
45. The type of deformation that leads to earthquakes is __________________
46. The type of rock formed from cooling magma is a(n) _________ rock.
47. The type of rock formed under high pressure and high temperature is the
_________________________ rock.
48. The process of _____________ and _______________ of sediment form
sedimentary rock.
49. The _____________ _______________ is the process by which one type of rock
changes into another type of rock.
50. __________________ rocks are the only rocks that can contain fossils.
51. The diagram below is of the ______________________ ___________________.
52. In the picture below, the type of rock you might find at point X is
________________ __________________.
53. The type of rock you would find at W is ______________________ rock.
54. The type of rock found at Z is ____________ ________________ rock.
55. The type of rock found at Y is ____________________ rock.
56. The breakdown of rock by physical or chemical reactions is called
57. Wearing away of rock into sediment is called ___________________.
58. The process by which wind, water, ice, or gravity transport sediment from one
location to another is called ___________________.
59. _____________________ is the process of completely clearing the land of trees.
60. Forces that are responsible for creating landforms are called
__________________ forces.
61. Mountain building (including volcanoes), farming, and conservation are all
________________________ actions.
62. Forces that are responsible for destroying landforms are all
___________________ forces.
63. Strip mining, weathering, erosion, and deforestation are examples of
___________________ actions.
64. _________________ __________________ volcanoes are explosive, made
entirely of pyroclastic material, and have narrow bases and steep sides.
65. Volcanoes that have nonexplosive eruptions, made from layers of runny lava, and
have broad bases and gentle sloping sides are _______________ volcanoes.
66. Strato-volcanoes, the most common, which are made from explosive eruptions of
pyroclastic material followed by quiet flows of lava, are also called
______________ volcanoes.
67. Most volcanoes form along __________________ ______________ boundaries.
68. A funnel shaped pit that is found at the top of the central vent of a volcano is a
69. Molton rock that erupts from volcanoes is called ___________________.
70. A volcanically active place on Earth’s surface not found at plate boundaries is
known as a ____________ _______________. (the islands of Hawaii were
created from this type of feature)
71. An ________________ eruption is one that results in clouds of hot debris,
volcanic ash, and gases being released from a volcano.
72. A _________________________ eruption is very common and produces
relatively calm lava flows.
73. Label each picture below with the correct volcano name.
C ______________