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`Cornell Notes
Level 2: sort, infer, analyze, sequence, organize,
solve, explain, compare, contrast, classify, isolate,
characterize, make analogies.
Level 3: conclude, criticize, recognize, justify, judge,
evaluate, estimate, predict, speculate, make a
model, extrapolate, apply a principle, interpret,
hypothesize, if/then.
Name:_Teacher Copy______________________________
Period: __________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________
Questions and Main Ideas:
What is an empire?
Ch. 6 Exploring Four Empires
An empire is a large territory where several
groups of people are ruled by a single
powerful leader.
Name four major empires
Four major empires of Mesopotamia are:
Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, and NeoBabylonian.
What was one problem the city-
states of Sumer faced by remaining
By remaining independent, Sumer was unable
to defend themselves against stronger groups.
In what order did the empires hold
The empires were built in the following order;
Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, and NeoBabylonian
What type of power did the
Akkadians use to conquer Sumer?
When carved into a stele how is the
person in power portrayed?
Akkadians used their military power to
conquer Sumer?
A person in power was always portrayed as
the taller person in a carving on a stele.
What is Hammurabi best known
What is one right and one
Hammurabi was best known for his code of
Women could own property, but they could
limitation that women and slaves
not choose their own husbands. Slaves could
buy their freedom, but they were still owned
by their master
What problem did all empires in
Mesopotamia was too large to control well.
Assyrians built palaces on tall mounds to show
Mesopotamia face after the fall of
Building palaces on tall mounds
tells us what about Assyria?
Why did the city of Babylon build
that they looked up to their leaders.
Babylon tried to protect their city by building
an inner and outer wall, towers for
inner and outer walls and surrounding the city
archers, and a moat filled with
with a moat and towers for archers to keep a
water around the city?
look out for enemies.
Summary: (3-5 sentences about what you learned today)
`Cornell Notes
Level 2: sort, infer, analyze, sequence, organize,
solve, explain, compare, contrast, classify, isolate,
characterize, make analogies.
Level 3: conclude, criticize, recognize, justify,
judge, evaluate, estimate, predict, speculate, make
a model, extrapolate, apply a principle, interpret,
hypothesize, if/then.
Name:_Student Copy______________________________
Period: __________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________
Questions and Main Ideas:
What is an empire?
Ch. 6 Exploring Four Empires
An __________________ is a large territory where
several groups of people are ruled by a ____________
powerful leader.
Name four major empires
Four __________________ empires of Mesopotamia
Akkadian, _________________, Assyrian, and NeoBabylonian.
What was one problem the city-states of
Sumer faced by remaining independent?
By remaining ___________________, Sumer was
__________________ to defend themselves against
stronger groups.
In what order did the empires hold
The empires were built in the following
________________; Akkadian, Babylonian,
_________________, and Neo-Babylonian
What type of power did the Akkadians
conquer Sumer?
use to conquer Sumer?
When carved into a stele how is the
person in power portrayed?
Akkadians used their ___________________ power to
A person in _________________was always portrayed
as the ________________ person in a carving on a
What is Hammurabi best known for?
Hammurabi was best known for his code of
What is one right and one limitation that
Women ______________ own property, but they
_________________________ choose their own
women and slaves had?
husbands. Slaves ____________________ buy their
freedom, but they were _____________________ by
their master
What problem did all empires in
Mesopotamia face after the fall of
Mesopotamia was ____________________ to control
Building palaces on tall mounds tells us
what about Assyria?
Why did the city of Babylon build an
inner and outer wall, towers for archers,
and a moat filled with water around the
Assyrians built palaces on ______________________
to show that they looked up to their leaders.
Babylon tried to protect their city by building
___________________________walls and
surrounding the city with a ______________ and
_____________________ for archers to keep a look
out for enemies.
Summary: (3-5 sentences about what you learned today)