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Flipped Classroom Lesson Plan
Authors: Andrew Snyder, Jared Gliem, Austin Tolan
Lesson Title: Exploring the Solar System: Moon, Sun, Earth
Subject Area: Science
Grade Level: 5-8
Time Needed: 2-3 class periods for Moon, Sun, & Earth Each
S8.A.2.1.3: Design a controlled experiment by specifying how the independent variables will be
manipulated, how the dependent variable will be measured, and which variables will be held
S8.A.2.1.4: Interpret data/observations; develop relationships among variables based on
data/observations to design models as solutions
S8.C.3.1.1: Describe forces acting on objects (e.g., friction, gravity, balanced versus
S8.A.1.3.3: Examine systems changing over time, identifying the possible variables causing this
change, and drawing inferences about how these variables affect this change.
S8.A.2.1.1: Use evidence, observations, or a variety of scales (e.g., mass, distance, volume,
temperature) to describe relationships.
S8.A.2.2.1: Describe the appropriate use of instruments and scales to accurately and safely
measure time, mass, distance, volume, or temperature under a variety of conditions.
S8.A.2.2.3: Describe ways technology (e.g., microscope, telescope, micrometer, hydraulics,
barometer) extends and enhances human abilities for specific purposes.
S8.A.3.2.1: Describe how scientists use models to explore relationships in natural systems (e.g.,
an ecosystem, river system, the solar system).
Students will learn how the moon was created
Students will identify features produced by the cratering process
Students will create a model crater in the classroom.
Students will learn the difference between craters and what causes those differences.
Students will learn the Earth’s physical characteristics and its location and role within our solar
Students will create a poster and presentation based upon the information observed from said
Students will learn about the Sun’s physical characteristics and its effects on our solar system.
Students will recognize the causes for daily and yearly calendar as caused by the sun.
Students will learn how NASA studies the sun by watching a video.
Students will be able to describe the sun in terms of size, brightness and composition.
Students will learn about sun spots and how they become solar flares.
Students will learn about the layers of plasma on the sun that create convection zones.
Students will make a model of the solar system based upon the information observed from said
Student Learning Resources at Home
Watch Videos:
Diagram/Pictures (Look at Pictures)
Tell students that tonight they will be introduced to the Sun. For their homework have students
complete the “K” and “W” sections on the K-W-L chart with what they know about the Sun.
The students will watch the four-minute video, NASA’s Research on the Sun, at
The students will also play a game that tells them about the sun, the moon and the earth.
Read and Review the Following Sites:
Complete the Following Quiz/Puzzle:
View 3D image of Earth and Toggle Features of Map on and off (top left):
Student Learning Activities at Home
Students will answer question. (What is the difference between a simple crater and a complex
Students will prepare other questions to ask teacher. (If any)
Students will fill out the K and W sections of their KWL Chart.
Students will define Vocab Words
Central peaks
While watching the video, the students will fill out the NASA’s Research on the Sun worksheet.
They should read over the questions on the worksheet before the video. (see attached worksheet)
Students should complete both the knowledge (K) and what they want to know (W) columns of
the KWL chart. After reviewing the information on the websites, students should create a poster
that summarizes the important information found on the websites. Take a sheet of poster paper
and fold it into fourths. Use the front and back to create eight boxes and label each one the
following and fill it in with information and images from the websites. Students are welcome to
use images, diagrams, and drawings to illustrate the information for each portion of their poster.
Student posters will be graded on a rubric (see attached). Upon completion of the learned (L)
column of the KWL chart, students should note where they learned specific information on their
poster and chart and write down any remaining questions.
1. Statistics- size, volume, density, etc.
2. Surface- What are the characteristics of the Earth’s surface?
3. Atmosphere- What makes the Earth’s atmosphere unique?
4. Name- What is the history behind the word Earth?
5. Layers- What are the layers of the earth and in what order?
6. Plates- What are the Earth’s plates?
7. View- What does the earth look like from space?
8. Questions- What questions do you still have about the earth?
Classroom Activities
Making Impact Craters
Materials: Large aluminum pan, all-purpose flour, marbles, stones, other impacting objects,
straws, play doh/clay, pencil, data chart
1. Students will work in groups of 3 or 4.
2. Each group will be given a pan of flour.
3. Each pan will contain about 3 inches of flour.
4. Before the students drop any object into the flour make sure it has been loosened or stirred.
Then smooth out the top. If the flour is compacted too much they will not get the proper results.
5. Each group will be given impacting objects (marble) into the flour.
6. Students will drop the marbles from the distances given and record their observations on their
data chart (see attached).
7. Students will take the play-doh and put it on the end of the straw. Then use the straw to take
the marble out of the crater. This will allow the students to leave the crater intact.
Day 1 Demonstration: Rotation and Revolution
The next day discuss what they already know and put on their K-W-L charts as a class (see
attached). Share the Your Top 10 Sun Facts resource with students and discuss each fact (see
attached). Show students a three-dimensional model or an image of the solar system (see
attached). Ask, “Why do all of the planets revolve around the Sun?” (The Sun is the most
massive object in the solar system, so it has the strongest pull of gravity. The Sun’s gravity holds
all of the planets in their orbits.)
Choose a location in the classroom with about 10' x 10' of space. Have students sit in a circle or
semicircle, with the model in the middle. Insert one end of a skewer into the large Styrofoam
ball for the Sun, and insert the other end of the skewer into the Styrofoam disk to elevate and
secure the Sun ball. Or use a lamp with the shade removed to represent the Sun. Place the Sun
ball or the lamp where all students can see it. Place the medium-size Styrofoam ball on a
bamboo skewer to represent the Earth. Hold the skewer vertically so that the Earth can be held
from above and rotated. Note: Tell students that the Earth spins counterclockwise, and that it is
smaller than the Sun. Stress that Sun/Earth/Moon model is not to scale for size or distance.
Explain that distances in space are vast and that this is a model to help us see the big picture.
Demonstrate the Earth rotating on its axis. Ask, “How long does it take Earth to complete one
rotation on its axis?” (about 24 hours; 23 hours and 56 minutes) Demonstrate the Earth
orbiting around the Sun. Walk counterclockwise in a circle around the Sun and simultaneously
turn the skewer counterclockwise to demonstrate the Earth's spin as it orbits the Sun. Ask, “How
long does it take Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun?” (365 1/4 days/1 year)
Introduce the Moon. Ask, “What revolves around the Earth? What do you see in the sky
almost every night and also during the day?” Break a bamboo skewer in half and place the
smallest Styrofoam ball on the half-skewer. Insert the other end of the skewer into the Earth ball
at the approximate “equator,” perpendicular to the longer skewer.
Ask, “Does the Moon orbit around the Earth?” (Yes) “…the Sun?” (Yes)
Rotate the long skewer counterclockwise to demonstrate the spin of the Earth and the Moon
orbiting the Earth. While turning the Earth/Moon model, walk counterclockwise around the Sun
to demonstrate that the Earth is rotating, that the Moon is revolving around the Earth, and that
both are revolving around the Sun. Explain to students that the motions they see demonstrated
happen as a cycle and that the rotating and revolving never stops. Have students record the
following in their journals:
Ask, “How long does it take for…
the Earth to rotate on its axis?” (about 24 hours/1 day)
the Earth to complete a revolution around the Sun?” (365 1/4 days/1 year)
the Moon to complete a revolution around the Earth?” (about 28 days; 27.3 days)
Close the lesson by having students diagram and label the relationship between the Sun, Earth,
and Moon in their journals.
Day 2: Using Models to Understand the Seasons
For homework, students will describe the basic differences between the four seasons of the year.
They will also give their best explanation of why we have seasons. Students will do some free
research about why we have seasons. They will have to write down the sites and/or videos that
they use.
In class the next day, students will draw two diagrams in their notes, showing the relationship
between the Earth and the Sun: one during the winter and one during the summer in their
hometown. Have them label the Sun, Earth, and seasons on the diagrams.
Give students copies of The Reason for Seasons worksheet (see attached). Explain that the
seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth on its axis away from or toward the Sun as it moves
around the Sun throughout the year.
Have student volunteers help you use the foam balls for the Earth and Sun from the Day 1
demonstration to model the positions of the Earth and Sun during the seasons. Have the class
explain the seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres, based on the positions of the Sun
and Earth.
Check for understanding with the following assignment. On an unlined sheet of paper, have
students draw diagrams showing the relationship between the Earth and the Sun as it would be
on the day they are doing this activity. Then show students a world map and have them predict
what season it is right now in the following locations: Brazil, Alaska, South Africa, Norway, and
the Equator. Point out each of the locations on a map of the world. If time permits, use a Web
site such as to check the actual current weather conditions in each location.
Close the lesson by having students fill out the “L” section of the K-W-L chart with at least two
things they learned about the Sun in this lesson.
Classroom projector, group workspace, and group computers will be needed for this activity.
Using a projector, review the assigned websites and highlight where specific information used on
the posters should have came from. Have students share what they found on particular websites
and what they placed on their posters. Discuss any problems or difficulties students had with the
assignment and allot class time to complete posters if necessary and collect KWL charts.
In mixed ability groups, students should compare and share their posters with one another and
divide each of the seven categories from the poster amongst themselves. As a group, they are to
prioritize and synthesize their poster information and create a group power point presentation
about each of the 7 categories. They should information from all the posters, but only present the
most important information to the class. Each member is in charge or sharing their assigned
categories with the class during the presentation. Presentations will be graded on a rubric (see
Monitor students as they work on the classroom activity.
When finished with the classroom activity, the students will take all the data they collected and
write a brief summary of what they observed and complete the L section of their KWL chart.
Students will also submit their data chart in for grading.
Students will fill out a short exit ticket covering the lesson.
(Exit Ticket)
1. What are the two types of craters we discussed?
2. Name three parts of a crater.
3. How are craters formed?
Collect and assess the NASA’s Research on the Sun worksheet.
Monitor students as they diagram the positions of the Earth and Sun for different seasons in their
journals, and as they predict the seasons for various locations on Earth.
Make sure students have completed the K-W-L chart for the Sun (see attached)
Each student poster will be collected and graded against a rubric.
Each group presentation will be graded against a rubric.
Name ____________________________ Date _____________
NASA’s Research on the Sun
Directions: Watch the video and answer the questions below.
1. How do we learn about the Sun?
2. How can the Sun be called a dwarf star, if it looks so big to us?
3. How many Earth’s would fit across the diameter of the Sun?
4. What is the Sun made up of?
5. What is the Sun’s photosphere?
6. Can solar flares affect the Earth and our satellites?
Name ____________________________________________________ Date ___________
Solar System: K-W-L
What I Know
What I Want to Know
What I Learned
Moon Data Chart
Drop Height = 30cm
Trial 1
Crater Depth
Length of All
Drop Height = 60cm
Trial 1
Crater Depth
Length of All
Drop Height = 90cm
Trial 1
Crater Depth
Length of All
Trial 2
Trial 3
Trial 2
Trial 3
Trial 2
Trial 3
Sun: The Reason for Seasons
Why do we have seasons?
1. The sun is a star. This makes it extremely important for life on Earth. The sun provides us with
energy, which brings life on our planet. It defines the seasons, the harvests, and even the sleep
patterns of all living creatures on Earth.
2. The sun is the closest star to our planet. Imagine two cars on the road during the night with
their headlights on. One car is closer to you and the other one is far away. Which headlights
would seem brighter and bigger? That explains why we see the sun so big and bright. It is simply
the nearest star to Earth.
3. Remember! The Earth orbits around the sun.
4. The sun is way bigger than the Earth. In fact its radius is 109 times bigger than the radius of
the Earth. For those of you who are curious, the sun’s Radius is 696,000km and the Earth’s
radius is 6, 376km.
5. DON’T TOUCH THE SUN! IT’S HOT! The sun’s average surface temperature is 5700 C.
Compare that to the Earth’s average temperature, which is 20 C.
6. The sun is 150 million km (93 million miles) away from the Earth.
7. How old is the sun? Can you imagine 4.5 billion years?
8. We know that the Earth’s structure consists of different layers. The sun also has layers but
unlike the Earth, the sun is entirely gaseous; there is no solid surface.
9. The sun rotates on its axis approximately once every 26 days. The sun is made of gas, which is
why its different parts rotate at different speeds. The fastest rotation is around the equator and the
slowest rotation is at the sun’s polar regions (more than 30 days).
10. The sun changes. No matter when or where we look at the sun, we will always see something
interesting. Scientists observe these changes by watching the sunspots. They increase and
decrease on a regular cycle of about 10.8 years.
Earth Poster Rubric
Required Elements
The poster
includes all
required elements
as well as
All required
elements are
included on the
All but 1 of the
required elements
are included on the
Several required
elements were
The poster is
attractive in terms
of design, layout,
and neatness.
The poster is
attractive in terms
of design, layout
and neatness.
The poster is
attractive though it
may be a bit
The poster is
distractingly messy
or very poorly
designed. It is not
Content - Accuracy
At least 4 accurate
facts are displayed
on the poster in
each category.
2-3 accurate facts
are displayed on
the poster in each
1-2 accurate facts
are displayed on
the poster in each
Less than 1
accurate facts are
displayed on the
poster in each
- Please Choose -
Earth Group Presentation Rubric
Text - Font Choice
& Formatting
Font formats (e.g.,
color, bold, italic)
have been carefully
planned to
enhance readability
and content.
Font formats have
been carefully
planned to
Font formatting has
been carefully
planned to
complement the
content. It may be
a little hard to read.
Font formatting
makes it very
difficult to read the
Content - Accuracy
All content
throughout the
presentation is
accurate. There
are no factual
Most of the content
is accurate but
there is one piece
of information that
might be
The content is
generally accurate,
but one piece of
information is
clearly flawed or
Content is typically
confusing or
contains more than
one factual error.
Spelling and
Presentation has
no misspellings or
grammatical errors.
Presentation has 12 misspellings, but
no grammatical
Presentation has 12 grammatical
errors but no
Presentation has
more than 2
grammatical and/or
spelling errors.
Sequencing of
Information is
organized in a
clear, logical way.
It is easy to
anticipate the type
of material that
might be on the
next slide.
Group delegates
tasks and shares
effectively all of the
Most information is
organized in a
clear, logical way.
One slide or item of
information seems
out of place.
Some information
is logically
sequenced. An
occasional slide or
item of information
seems out of place.
There is no clear
plan for the
organization of
Group delegates
tasks and shares
effectively most of
the time.
Group delegates
tasks and shares
effectively some of
the time.
Group often is not
effective in
delegating tasks
and/or sharing