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Earthquake location and causes.
Location of earthquakes around the world
 This map shows the plate boundaries of the Earth. All earthquake and volcanic
eruptions happen along these boundaries. This is why we do not get earthquake
activity in the UK.
What causes earthquakes?
 The different sections of plates are constantly moving due to convection caused by
the heat of the Earth’s core.
 When the plate move they cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.
 When the plates collide massive amounts of pressure build up. When the strain
becomes too much the pressure is released and this causes the Earth to shake.
Movement of plates:
 Plates move in 3 ways:
o Constructive boundaries – This is where plates move apart and magma
comes up through the gap that is left. It constructs new land between the
o Destructive boundaries – This is when the plates move towards each other.
This causes one of the plates to be forced under the other and therefore land
is destroyed as it is forced into the mantle. Large earthquakes are common at
these boundaries.
o Transform boundaries – This is when plates move along side each other. The
plates stick together and then energy builds up. When the plates finally break
apart an earthquake is caused.
Earthquake location and causes.
Location of earthquakes around the world
 This map shows the plate boundaries of the Earth. All earthquake and volcanic
eruptions happen along these boundaries. This is why we do not get earthquake
activity in the UK.
What causes earthquakes?
 The different sections of plates are constantly moving due to convection caused by
the heat of the Earth’s core.
 When the plate move they cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.
 When the plates collide massive amounts of pressure build up. When the strain
becomes too much the pressure is released and this causes the Earth to shake.
Movement of plates:
 Plates move in 3 ways:
o Constructive boundaries – This is where plates move apart and magma
comes up through the gap that is left. It constructs new land between the
o Destructive boundaries – This is when the plates move towards each other.
This causes one of the plates to be forced under the other and therefore land
is destroyed as it is forced into the mantle. Large earthquakes are common at
these boundaries.
o Transform boundaries – This is when plates move along side each other. The
plates stick together and then energy builds up. When the plates finally break
apart an earthquake is caused.