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Biology Chapter 29-32 Terms
Chapter 29 page 573
1. agriculture: (p 561) growing plants and animals for human use
2. botany: (561) the scientific study of plants
3. cereal: (562) grasses that contain grains
4. fertilizer: (564) a compound that provides plants with essential mineral nutrients like
nitrogen and phosphorus
5. fruit: (563) a mature plant ovary; a modified flower part that encloses a seed or seeds
6. gasohol: (567) an alternative fuel made from alcohol from fermented grains mixed
with gasoline
7. herb: (563) a flowering, vascular seed plant that lacks a woody stem; a plant part
used to add flavor to food
8. legume: (563) any plant of the family Leguminosae, such as a bean, a pea, or a lentil
9. nut: (563) have a hard outer layer, contain a dry, one-seed fruit. Includes almonds,
walnuts, pecans, and halzelnuts.
10. pesticide: (564) a chemical used to control insects
11. root crop: (563) a plant grown for the nutrients it stores in its roots or modified
underground stems
12. spice: (563) come from plant parts other than the leaf and are tropical, used to add
taste to food
13. vegetable: (563) food derived from any part of soft plants
Chapter 30 page 593
1. Alternation of generations: (p 581) a sexual life cycle in plants and algae involving
two or more phases
2. angiosperm: (p 581) a flowering plant
3. cuticle: (p 579) in plants and insects, a waxy covering that prevents desiccation; in
parasitic roundworms, a noncellular layer that protects the worm from the host’s
digestive and immune system
4. endosperm: (p 579) a tissue in angiosperms that provides food for the developing
5. gametophyte: (p 581) in plants and algae, a multicellular structure that produces
6. gymnosperm: (p 581) a seed plant whose seeds are not enclosed by an ovary
7. herbaceous: (p 580) an annual plant that is nonwoody
8. nonvascular plant: (p 581) a plant that lacks vascular tissue and true roots, stems,
and leaves
9. phloem: (p 580) in plants, the specialized tissue in the vascular system that transports
dissolved sugars
10. seed: (p 579) a plant embryo enclosed in a protective coat
11. seed plant: (p. 581) a plant that produces seeds for reproduction
12. sporophyte: (p 581) one of the diploid generation of land plants that produce spores
13. vascular plant: (p 581) a plant that has xylem and phloem
14. vascular tissue: (p 580) a type of tissue that transports water and dissolved
substances from one part of the plant to another
15. woody tissue: (p 580) in plants, formed from several layers of xylem, and is usually
concentrated in the center of the stem
Biology Chapter 29-32 Terms
16. xylem: (p 580) the vascular tissue in plants that transfers water and minerals from the
roots to the leaves.
Chapter 31 page 619
1. apical merstem: (p 602) the growing region at the tips of stems and roots in plants
2. collenchyma: (p 599) plant tissue made up of elongated cells with unevenly
thickened, flexible walls
3. companion cell: (p 601) a specialized plant cell that helps control the movement of
sugars through sieve tubes
4. cork: (p 602) cells that are dead that provide protection and prevent water loss
5. cork cambium: (p 602) the lateral meristem of a plant; produces cork
6. cuticle: (p 600) in plants and insects, a waxy covering that prevents desiccation in
parasitic roundworms a noncellular layer that protects the worm from the host’s
digestive and immune systems
7. epidermis: (p 600) a layer of cells that forms a continuous sheet over the outer
surface of a plant or animal
8. meristem: (p 602) the growing region in plants
9. parenchyma: (p 599) in plants, the living tissue of the ground system, consisting of
cells with thin cell walls
10. pit: (p 601) thin, porous areas of the cell wall
11. sclerenchyma: (p 600) the tissue of the ground system that supports and strengthens
the plant
12. sieve tube: (p 601) structure formed by stacked sieve tube members
13. tracheid: (p 601) a long, thick wall with tapering ends, forming part of the xylem
tissue of plants
14. vascular cambium: (p 602) the lateral meristem in a plant that produces additional
vascular tissue
15. vessel: (601) in plants, a structure formed by stacked vessel elements; in animals, a
tubular conducting structure for blood or other body fluid
16. adventitious root: (604) specialized roots that grow from stems and leaves
17. cortex: (p 605) in plants, a mature ground tissue located just inside the epidermis; in
animals, the outermost portion of an organ such as the kidney
18. endodermis: (p 605) in plants, a specialized layer of cells that regulates substances
entering the center of the root.
19. pericycle: (p 606) in plants, the outermost cylinder of cells in the central vascular
20. root cap: (p 604) a shield covering the apical meristem
21. root hair: (p 604) an extension of the epidermal cells
22. tap root: (603) the organ that results when the primary root grows downward and
becomes the largest root
23. annual ring: (611) a yearly growth ring in a woody plant
24. bark: (611) the protective outside covering of woody plants
25. bud: (609) a structure that develops on the stem at the point of attachment of each
26. cohesion-tension theory: (p 612) states that water is able to move up the stem xylem
due to the strong attraction of water molecules to each other
Biology Chapter 29-32 Terms
27. heartwood: (p 611) the darker wood in the center of a tree
28. node: (p 609) the end of the internode where one or more leaves are attached
29. pith: (p 610) the plant tissue located in the center of the stem
30. pressure-flow hypothesis: (p 613) an explanation of the movement of sugars in the
phloem of plants
31. sapwood: (p 611) lighter-colored wood near the outside of a tree trunk active in
transporting sap; tissue of the secondary xylem system
32. springwood: (p 611) in woody plants, secondary xylem with cells that are wide and
thing walled; the first wood of a growing season
33. summerwood: (p 611) in woody plants, secondary xylem cells that are small and
thick walled and that are produced in hot, dry summers
34. translocation: (p 612) a mutation in which a broken piece of chromosome attaches to
a nonhomologous chromosome; movement of organic molecules in plant tissues
35. transpiration: (p 613) the evaporation of water through stomata
36. wood: (p 610) secondary xylem
37. blade: (p 616) the broad, flat portion of a typical leaf
38. compound leaf: (p 616) a type of leaf in which the blade is divided into leaflets
39. guard cell: (p 618) one of two cells bordering a stoma, each of which has flexible
cell wall that regulate gas and water exchange
40. leaflet: (p 616) one of the divisions of a blade
41. mesophyll: (p 616) in leaves, the tissue where photosynthesis occurs
42. net venation: (p 616) in plant leaves, the repeated branching of veins to form a
network of smaller veins
43. palisade mesophyll: (p 616) in plants, a layer of mesophyll directly beneath the
upper epidermis where most photosynthesis takes place
44. parallel venation: (p 616) in plants, the arrangement of several main veins parallel to
each other
45. petiole: (p 616) in leaves, the structure that attaches blade and stem
46. simple leaf: (p 616) a leaf with only one blade
47. spongy mesophyll: (p 616) a mesophyll of irregularly shaped cells surrounded by air
spaces that allow oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water to diffuse into and out of the leaf
48. tendril: (p 615) a specialized leaf found in many vines that takes on a coiled
49. vein: (p 616) vascular tissue system of leaves consists of vascular bundles
50. venation: (p 616) the arrangement of veins in a leaf
Chapter 32 page 641
1. antheridium: (p 625) in plants, algae, and fungi a reproductive structure that
produces gametes by mitosis
2. archegonium: (p 625) in seedless plants, a reproductive structure that produces a
single egg by mitosis
3. integument: (p 628) in plants, one or two outer layers of the ovule; in animals, the
outer covering
4. megaspore: (p 627) a spore produced by meiosis in a megasporangium
5. micropyle: (p 628) the small opening in the integument
6. microspore: (p 627) a spore produced by meiosis in a microsporangium
Biology Chapter 29-32 Terms
7. ovule: (p 628) the megasporangium of a flowering plant
8. pollen grain: (p 628) the microgametophyte of seed plants
9. pollen tube: (p 628) a structure that grows from a pollen grain, down which the
sperm travels to the eggs
10. anther: (p 629) the microsporangium of an angiosperm in which pollen grains are
11. carpel: (p 629) the innermost whorl of a flower which contains the reproductive
12. double fertilization: (p 633) in plants, the process in which two types of cell fusion
take place in the embryo sac
13. generative cell: (p 631) in a pollen grain, the cell that forms two sperm
14. nectar: (p 632) a nourishing solution of sugars
15. ovary: (p 629) an egg-producing gonad of a female
16. petal: (p 629) one of the leaf-shaped parts of the corolla of a flower, usually brightly
colored and conspicuous
17. pistil: (p 629) a plant structure formed of fused carpels
18. receptacle: (p 629) the swollen tip of a branch that is the base of a flower
19. sepal: (p 629) a modified leaf that protects a young flower
20. stamen: (p 629) the structure in the flower of plants that produces pollen
21. stigma: (p 629) an expanded apex of a pistil, supported by the style; the part of the
pistil that receives pollen
22. style: (p 629) in plants, a stalklike structure of the ovary
23. clone: (p 639) an offspring produced by asexual production
24. dormancy: (p 637) a state of decreased metabolism
25. epicotyl: (p 636) the stem above the cotyledons
26. grafting: (p 640) a technique in which a portion of one plant is inserted into and
grows with the root or shoot of another
27. hilum: (p 636) a scar along the edge of a plant seed marking where the seed was
attached to the ovary wall
28. hypocotyl: (p 636) a stemlike area in plants between the cotyledons and radicle
29. layering: (p 640) the process of causing roots to form on a stem
30. plumule: (p 636) in plants, the structure composed of the epicotyl plus any
embryonic leaves
31. radicle: (p 636) in plants, the embryonic root
32. seed coat: (p 636) the protective structure of a plant seed
33. vegetative reproduction: (p 639) reproduction with usually nonreproductive parts,
such as leaves, stems or roots
Chapter 33 page 659
1. 2, 4-D: (p 649) an important synthetic auxin, which is a herbicide, or weedkiller
2. abscission: (p 650) the detachment of leaves, flowers or fruits from a plant
3. Agent Orange: (p 649) a mixture of 2,4-D and another auxin, it was used to defoliate
jungles in the Vietnam War
4. apical dominance: (p 649) a plant growth pattern in which branches near the shoot tip
are shorter than branches farther from the shoot tip
Biology Chapter 29-32 Terms
5. auxin: (p 647) a plant hormone that regulates cell elongation
6. cytokinins: (p 651) plant hormones that promote cell division
7. ethephon: (p 650) a synthetic chemical that breaks down to release ethylene gas; used to
ripen fruit.
8. ethylene: (p 650) a gaseous hormone produced by various parts of plants and released
into the air
9. gibberellin (GA): (p 650) a plant hormone that, among other actions, stimulates bolting
and cessation of dormancy
10. growth regulator: (p 647) a hormone that stimulates or inhibits plant growth
11. hormone: (p 647) a chemical secreted by an endocrine gland that specifically influences
the activity of distant cells
12. chemotropism: (p 654) plant growth in response to a chemical
13. gravitropism: (p 654) a plant growth response to gravity
14. nastic movement: (p 654) a type of plant movement that is independent of the direction
of the stimuli
15. phototropism: (p 652) plant growth in response to light
16. tropism: (p 652) plant movement toward or away from an environmental stimulus
17. biennial: (p 658) a plant that lives for two years, usually producing flowers and seeds
during the second year
18. crtitcal night length: (p 656) each plant’s own specific requirement for darkness
19. day-neutral plant (DNP): (p 656) a plant that is not affected by day length
20. fall color: (p 658) the color of the tree leaves in fall, caused mainly by photoperiodic
response buy also by a temperature response
21. long-day plant (LDP): (p 657) a plant that flowers when exposed to day lengths longer
than the plant’s critical length
22. photoperiodism: (p 656) a plant response to changes in day length
23. short-day plant (SDP): (p 657) a plant that flowers when exposed to day lengths shorter
than the plant’s critical day length
24. vernalization: (p 658) the requirement that some seeds or spores be exposed to cold
before they can germinate