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The Body in Action
NBHS Standard Grade Biology
Study Guide
The General Level work you have done in this subtopic should enable you to:
name the main bones on a diagram of the skeleton
know that the skeleton gives the body support, and why it is needed for
know that the skeleton gives protection and give examples of parts of the
skeleton which protect important organs
describe how a hinge joint moves and give examples two hinge joints in the
describe how a ball and socket joint moves and give examples of two ball
and socket joints in the body
know what ligaments do
know what cartilage does in a joint
know the two types of material which make up bone, know why each material
is important, and describe experiments which remove each of these materials
know what tendons do
describe how muscles brings about movement at a joint
The Credit Level work you have done in this subtopic should enable you to:
know that bone is formed by living cells
describe the detailed structure of a joint, naming the parts and explaining
what they do
explain why tendons are less elastic than ligaments
explain why a joint must have a pair of opposing muscles
NBHS Standard Grade Biology
Study Guide
The General Level work you have done in this subtopic should enable you to:
identify the parts of the eye on a diagram
describe the functions of the parts of the eye
explain the advantage of animals having two eyes rather than one
identify the parts of the ear on a diagram
describe the functions of the parts of the ear
explain the advantage of animals having two ears rather than one
know that the nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord and
know which parts make up the central nervous system
explain the functions of sensory nerves and motor nerves
The Credit Level work you have done in this subtopic should enable you to:
explain how binocular vision allows judgement of distance
explain how the arrangement of the semicircular canals allows them to
carry out their function
explain how a reflex action works and understand a diagram of a reflex
identify the three main regions of the brain and describe their functions
NBHS Standard Grade Biology
Study Guide
Changing Levels of Performance
The General Level work you have done in this subtopic should enable you to:
know that continuous muscle contraction results in muscle fatigue
know which substance is in short supply in muscle cells during continuous
contraction and the substance which builds up as a result
explain why pulse rate and breathing rate speed up during exercise
compare the changes in pulse rate during exercise in an athlete and a
describe how recovery time can be used to measure fitness
The Credit Level work you have done in this subtopic should enable you to :
describe anaerobic respiration in muscle cells and explain how it causes
muscle fatigue
know that training improves the efficiency of lungs and circulation
NBHS Standard Grade Biology
Study Guide