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Name:_______________________________________________ Date:___________________________
China and Japan Test
50 points or so
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Topics to Study…
1. Explain characteristics of Confucianism: beliefs, founder, book, rules followed, dynasty most popular in, etc.
2. Explain characteristics of Daoism: beliefs, founder, book, rules followed, etc.
3. Explain characteristics of Legalism: beliefs, founder, rules followed, dynasty in, etc.
4. What the Mandate of Heaven is
5. Filial piety
6. Characteristics of the Qin Dynasty (years, most significant rulers, accomplishments, philosophy ruled by,
decline, etc)
7. Characteristics of the Han Dynasty (years, most significant rulers, accomplishments, philosophy ruled by,
decline, etc)
8. Han Dynasty social hierarchy
9. Civil service examination system
10. Yellow Turban Rebellion
11. Characteristics of the Tang Dynasty (years, most significant rulers, accomplishments, philosophy ruled by,
decline, etc)
12. Characteristics of the Song Dynasty (years, most significant rulers, accomplishments, philosophy ruled by,
decline, etc)
13. The characteristics of the tribute system (who got what; what was it like in practice and in reality, etc)
14. How Buddhism affected China (popularity and its decline)
15. Characteristics of the relationship between Vietnam and China
16. Characteristics of the relationship between Korea and China
17. Characteristics of the relationship between Japan and China
18. Similarities and differences between the Roman and Chinese empires
19. Ban Zhao and her significance
20. Women’s changing roles during the Tang and Song dynasties (plus the three obediences, foot binding, etc.)
21. China’s contacts with the Eurasian world in terms of commerce and trade
22. Japanese culture, including Shinto, seppuku, and the samurai
23. Japanese expectations of warrior women
24. Don’t forget to review your reading guide and the China: Engineering an Empire film guide!
Format of the Test
 Multiple Choice and Matching