Download Hitler`s Speech at Youth Rally (1935)

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Hitler's Speech at Youth Rally (1935)
My leader, my comrades: Again, we experience this time that makes us proud and happy.
Under your orders, my leader, our youth stands here before you, a youth which knows no
classes or castes. You are the true example for our younger generation. As you selflessly
work for this nation, so this youth wants to be selfless. As you are loyal to us, so we will
be loyal to you.
Adolf Hitler, the leader of the German youth, has the floor:
Hitler’s Speech:
My German youth, after a year, I can greet you here again. You are here today in
this place, a cross section of what is around us in the whole of Germany. We know that
you German boys and girls are taking on everything we hope for from Germany. We
want to be one people, and you, my youth, are to be this people. We want to see no more
class divisions: you must not let this grow up amongst you. We want to see one nation
one day, and you must train for it. We want our people to be obedient, and you must
practice obedience. We want our people to love peace, but also to be brave. You must be
peace-loving and so you must be peace-loving and courageous at the same time.
We want our people to remain strong. It will be hard, and you must steel yourselves for it
in your youth. You must learn to suffer privation without crumbling once. Whatever we
create today, whatever we do, we will die, but Germany will live on in you. When there
is nothing left of us, then you must hold in your fists the flags that we hoisted out of
nothing. I know this cannot be otherwise because you are the flesh of our flesh, and the
blood of our blood. In your young heads burns the same spirit that rules us. You cannot
be other than united with us. When the great columns of our movement march
triumphantly through Germany today, I know you will join the columns. We know before
us Germany lies, in us Germany burns, and behind us Germany follows.
RAFT Writing Response
"You are one of Hitler's Youth and have just heard his speech before one of the youth
rallies. Using your knowledge of the rhetorical triangle (ethos, pathos, logos), compose a
response (your choice format) to Hitler regarding his purpose and his persuasive methods
found in this speech. Cite text evidence to prove your claim regarding his purpose and
give specific examples of the types of rhetoric found in this speech to support your
argument. Your work will be evaluated based on your ability to identify Hitler's purpose
using evidence from the text, provide examples of rhetoric that Hitler used in order to
advance his purpose."
Role- One of Hitler’s Youth
Audience- Hitler
Format- letter, speech, poem, song, essay, editorial, etc.
Topic- Hitler's purpose and persuasive techniques