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IV. All living things grow
A. We went from a zygote to an individual containing billions of cells
by a process called cell division
B. Why do cells divide?
1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
C. How do cells divide?
1. Interphase
a. chromosomes _________________________
b. cell prepares for division
c. Cells spend most of their time in interphase
2. Mitosis
a. occurs in the ____________ cells
b. steps:
(1) ________________
(a) chromosomes ______________ and
become visible; 1st time seen with a
(b) _______________________ disappears
(c) _______________________ form
(2) ____________________
(a) chromosomes ___________________
(b) spindle fibers attach to the chromosomes
at the ______________________
(3) ___________________
(a) double stranded chromosomes separate
and are pulled by the spindle fibers to
(4) __________________________
(a) ______________________ disappear
(b) new _________________ forms around
each new set of chromosomes
(c) two new identical cells are formed called
___________ cells each having the _______
number of chromosomes as the original cell
(parent cell)
 animal cell – _____________
pinches inward dividing the
cell into two
 plant cell________________forms
down the middle dividing the cell
into two
2. Meiosis
a. cell division, which occurs in the sex cells
b. 4 new cells are produced –
Checking Understanding:
Compare mitosis and meiosis below:
Occur in what cells?
Number of divisions
How many cells are formed?
Compare the number of chromosomes
formed in the new cells to the original
Below draw a picture of what an animal and a plant cell would each look like during
Does cell division occur in a unicellular organism? Explain.
A mistake in what phase would result in a cell having an extra chromosome or a cell
missing a chromosome? Explain why you chose that phase.
What type of asexual reproduction is most similar to cell division? Explain how the two
are similar and how they are different.