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Spies, Into The Blender
1. What is the shape of the stomach?
2. What are the gastric juices?
3. What do they digest?
4. Which one does most of the work?
5. Describe the 3 types of muscles and what they do.
6. What is the thick, creamy liquid in the stomach called?
7. Why doesn’t the gastric juice attack the stomach?
8. When does the stomach start producing the digestive juices?
9. What is an ulcer?
10. Name 3 reasons an ulcer may develop.
11. What is heartburn?
12. What action causes vomiting?
13. Why is vomiting an example of how the stomach is an efficient organ?
14. What can trigger vomiting?
Spies, into the blender (g)
15. Why do carbohydrates digest sooner than proteins or fats? (In other words, why
does Bollo see more sausage than crust?)
16. Where does protein begin to undergo chemical digestion?
17. Are fats digested in the stomach?
18. What is rennin?
19. Why is rennin an important enzyme?
Spies, into the blender (g)