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Data Fellowship Applicant
F-1: September 2013
Project Code
(To be set by CCO-CRUS)
Personal data of the Fellow and information about his/her scientific
Host Mentor (Main Applicant)
Host Mentor’s Name
Host Mentor’s E-Mail Address
Fellow’s Name
Home Country
Acronym and Title of the Project
The Swiss Host Mentor for the Sciex Junior Researchers’ Fellowship is the Main Applicant. Sciex will
inform the Main Applicant about each step in the progress of her or his application process by e-mail
(see “Timing for Proposal Processing” below). We recommend all parties to establish a permanent email address and keep it during the application process and during the Fellows’ stay in Switzerland.
Eligibility criteria
Before filling in Sciex proposal forms, make sure that the project is eligible!
 The sending Home Institution must be eligible (see list on
 The Swiss Host Institution must be eligible and must have filled in a Performance Agreement.
The Main Applicant can check on
 The Fellow is either an enrolled Doctoral Candidate with a Supervisor in the Home Institution
or a PostDoc employed at the Home Institution.
 For a doctoral Fellowship, start of the Fellowship at the earliest 1 year after having started the
PhD studies. For a postdoctoral Fellowship, start of the Fellowship at the latest 5 years after
obtaining the doctorate. The date of the examination shall be the decisive date.
 The involved institutions and the Mentors agree to the project by filling in respective forms
« F-2a » (Home Mentor), « F-2b » (Host Mentor), « F-3a » (Home Institution), « F-3b » (Host
 All involved parties must provide precise and concrete data and specifications. If this is not
possible, the project is not mature for proposal submission yet.
 All the deadlines are kept.
 The Fellow and the Mentors must have an English language competence on at least level B2
(see English Self-Assessment-Test « T-2.doc »).
1) Documents must be sent in a word format and with the correct title (« F-x.doc ») unless they
have to be scanned, such as the diploma (« F-1-Diploma.pdf ») and the forms signed by the
institutions (« F-3a.pdf », « F-3b.pdf »).
2) All names (Mentors, Fellow, etc.) must be written as on the bottom line of the passport
(readable characters!).
Personal data of the Fellow and information about his/her scientific project
Proposal submission
1) The Fellow (also called « Junior Researcher ») fills in Form 1.
2) F-1 must be saved as a word document with the following title « F-1.doc »
3) « F-1.doc » plus a scan of the last diploma (without diploma supplement!) « F-1Diploma.pdf » and a CV of the Fellow « F-1-CV.doc » are sent by the Fellow to the Main
Applicant (see Name and E-mail Address above).
4) The Main Applicant is responsible for sending all forms to [email protected] (please see
deadlines below!).
Timing for Proposal Processing
Related to the proposal submission deadline
(One call per year for each country - Please check on to know the deadlines for
the respective countries.)
1st Nov.
1st April
Submission of all proposal forms to [email protected]
Formal Check
20th Dec.
20th May
Evaluation Committee
End of March
End of August
Decision of the Steering Committee
Contractual Arrangements
If you have any questions concerning Sciex in general or specifically regarding « F-1 », consult or contact the Coordination Body in your country of origin.
Evaluation Procedure of the Sciex Proposals (see graphic on
After the formal check, each eligible proposal goes through an evaluation procedure which
consists of two different steps:
1) the Scoring by the Home Country (except Estonia, Poland and Romania) and by the
Host Institution which is the indicator of the interest in the project and in the collaboration
of the institutions, focussing beside the scientific quality of the project, on soft skills of the
project team;
2) the Evaluation Committee which is exclusively dedicated to the evaluation of the general
scientific quality of the proposals - taking into account the results of the scoring and
revising them if necessary. The evaluation criteria are:
- High professional commitment of the team members;
- Cross-linked, team-minded characters;
- Ideal scientific correlations, scientific quality with respect to international state of the art;
- Intense support by the Host and Home Institution.
At this stage, each proposal is evaluated by 3 experts of the Evaluation Committee (from the
field of the proposal) and ranked according to the following graduation: A=excellent; B=good;
C=satisfactory; D= poor; E= not acceptable.
Afterwards the experts meet one whole day to discuss and exchange their evaluation on the
different proposals and to fix the final ranking A, B,C,D, E. The experts are also in charge of
formulating the scientific arguments for the refusal of a proposal.
The final decision is taken by the Steering Committee which considers the results of the scoring, the
recommendations of the Evaluation Committee (eligibility, quality and competitiveness) and the budget
By order of priority, the Steering Committee first considers the recommendations of the Evaluation
Committee (ranking) and second, if there are still funds available, the scoring. The Steering Committee
chooses explicitly to take the revised scoring given by the Evaluation Committee as second factor in
order to emphasize the weight of the scientific evaluation in the global evaluation procedure.
Personal data of the Fellow and information about his/her scientific project
Form „F-1“
Part A
Personal data of the Fellow
The information provided on « F-1.doc; Part A» will be needed by the Human Resources Department of the
employing institution to negotiate with the Cantonal Authorities about work and residence permits.
Please write all names as written on the bottom line of the respective passport – We can only
read and print characters as used in the Swiss alphabet.
Family name
First name
Permanent E-Mail address
Office +
Mobile +
Title at the moment of application Master
Status during the Research
Project in Switzerland
Birth date (
Doctoral Candidate
Please indicate the institution, at which you are either enrolled as a Doctoral Candidate or employed
as a researcher.
Name of Home Institution
10. Department
11. Unit / Section
12. Address
P.O. Box:
Zip Code:
Married / In a legal partnership
13. Country
14. Marital status
Please note that the Sciex Fellowship is calculated to cover the costs of living of one person – the
Junior Researcher – in Switzerland.
Please consult and/or contact the Euraxess Service Centers, which will be able to
recommend you how to find information related to the costs of living in Switzerland, your partner’s
stay, child care, health insurances, etc.
15. Children’s birth dates
16. Are your partner and children
going to accompany you to
17. Will your partner live and work in
Switzerland during your stay?
18. Does your partner receive child
benefits from his/her employer?
Please note that the Fellowship shall start within one year after the decision of the Steering Committee
(end of March if the deadline of the call is November 1st or end of August if the deadline if the deadline
Personal data of the Fellow and information about his/her scientific project
of the call is April 1st) and that the Fellowship shall be finished on October 31st 2015 at the latest.
The duration cannot be split.
19. Date of the beginning of the
employment in Switzerland
Part B
Personal Objectives of the Fellow and motivation to come to
« F-1.doc; Part B » should provide evidence to the Scoring Committee(s) on the personal potential of
the Fellow to support the research community of the home country with the acquired new skills and
competences and the potential of the trainee to fit into the Swiss academic environment to develop
skills and competences. Precise and concrete data and specifications are compulsory!
Motivation for the stay
What is your personal motivation to do this fixed term research stay in this research team, in this Host
Institution, in Switzerland?
Motivation for the return
How do you intend to support the research community of your home country with the acquired new
skills and competences?
Background of the cooperation between Mentors and Fellow
Can you summarize the circumstances, which led to this proposal?
Language competences
English level B2 is compulsory for Fellows and Mentors of Sciex. You will be required to write reports
and publications in English.
Be as honest as possible when assessing your own language competences to avoid disappointment
and unnecessary troubles. Use the English Self-Assessment-Test „T-2.doc“!
The English Self-Assessment-Test T-2 reveals, that I master English on at least level B2.
Languages in Switzerland
Language competences enhance the potential of profiting from the stay in Switzerland. To evaluate
this potential, the Scoring Committee needs some information about your language competences.
Positive personal experiences are the basis for a motivating working environment. The ability to
understand a common language is one of the factors creating a personally favourable and enjoyable
working climate and will definitely influence your personal experience in a positive way.
Switzerland has four official languages. In most research teams you will find speakers of the different
languages and quite often you will find also speakers of your mother tongue or other languages, which
you are familiar with.
Personal data of the Fellow and information about his/her scientific project
Basic knowledge
Good knowledge
Basic knowledge
Good knowledge
Basic knowledge
Good knowledge
Professional and Extracurricular commitment and skills
The Scoring Committee evaluates your curiosity for fresh intellectual perspectives and your mobility
experience (intellectual mobility / flexibility; interdisciplinarity; countries; public/private sector) and your
networking potential (social activities, team work experiences). Please give us a picture of who you are
and how you are proactively involved in your non-scientific environment.
Diploma (without diploma supplement)
For an application to a Sciex Fellowship as Doctoral Candidate, include an official confirmation of
your status as a doctoral student – clearly stipulating the date of start of your PhD.
For an application to a Sciex Fellowship as PostDoc, include a copy of your PhD Diploma. If the date
of the doctoral exam does not appear on the PhD Diploma, please include a document indicating the
date. If you do not have the PhD Diploma at the time of submission, please send at the latest until the
end of July (call from April) or February (call from November) a confirmation certifiying that the Fellow
has successfully passed the doctoral exam and that he/she was awarded the PhD title. The date of
exam should be clearly stipulated on the confirmation.
Doctoral Candidate
Official confirmation of your status as a doctoral student
Date of start of your PhD (
PhD Diploma
If necessary, a document indicating the date of the doctoral exam
If the PhD Diploma is not available at the time of submission :
Confirmation of obtention of the PhD indicating the date of the doctoral
Date of the doctoral exam (
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Please attach your CV to F-1 and send it to your Host Mentor (Main Applicant), together with the
complete F-1. Save the CV under the title « F-1-CV.doc ».
Personal data of the Fellow and information about his/her scientific project
Part C
« F-1.doc; Part C » provides evidence to the Scoring Committee(s) and the Evaluation
Committee on the scientific quality of the project and the relevance of the scientific work for
the sending and the hosting parties.
Name of your Supervisor or name of your Mentor at the sending institution
The complete list of disciplines from SNSF is available under / “Application Forms” and
may help you for the classification of your proposal.
Please indicate with the number 1 the main research field of your proposal (and if necessary with
2, 3, the other research fields involved).
2. Current research fields
Human and Social Sciences
3. Research fields involved in your
proposed Sciex cooperation
Human and Social Sciences
Philosophy, Psychology, Educational
Science and Religious Sciences
Philosophy, Psychology, Educational
Science and Religious Sciences
Legal and Social Sciences, Economics
Legal and Social Sciences, Economics
Archaeology, Ethnology and Visual Arts
Archaeology, Ethnology and Visual Arts
Linguistics and Literature
Linguistics and Literature
Mathematics, Natural- and Engineering
Mathematics, Natural- and Engineering
Astronomy, Astrophysics and Spatial
Astronomy, Astrophysics and Spatial
Engineering Sciences
Engineering Sciences
Environmental Sciences
Environmental Sciences
Earth Sciences
Earth Sciences
Biology and Medicine
Biology and Medicine
Basic Biological Research
Basic Biological Research
General Biology
General Biology
Basic Medical Sciences
Basic Medical Sciences
Experimental Medicine
Experimental Medicine
Clinical Medicine
Clinical Medicine
Preventive Medicine (Epidemiology /
Early Diagnosis / Prevention)
Preventive Medicine (Epidemiology /
Early Diagnosis / Prevention)
Social Medicine
Social Medicine
Personal data of the Fellow and information about his/her scientific project
Acronym and title of the project
Status of the project
New Proposal
Follow-up Proposal (after a first successful fellowship)
Resubmission of a refused proposal
Please indicate in case of a follow-up or of a resubmission the name and number of your previous
proposal :
Key words
Abstract (300 words)
Project description
Please design the length and the form of this description according to the usage within your scientific
domain, but maximally 2 pages and minimally 1 page.
The experts will here particularly take into account the methodology of the project, the deliverables,
the timetable and the state of literature.
Requested duration for the stay in Switzerland in months
Personal data of the Fellow and information about his/her scientific project
Part D
Deliverables of the Fellow
« Deliverables » must be defined precisely and concrete at the moment of this application.
« F-1.doc; Part D: Deliverables » should be the basis for the “Specification Sheet” (Pflichtenheft, cahier
des charges) which will have to be established by the Host Institution (Main Applicant) with the
employment contract.
« F-1.doc; Part D: Deliverables » is the basis for the intermediate reports of the Fellow and the final
report / certificate of employment by the employer.
The intermediate report is compulsory after each 6 months of a stay. The objectives are listed in
« F-1.doc; Part C: Research-Stay-Project ».
« Deliverables » are the product of the Fellow’s stay in Switzerland and the basis for the certificate of
employment, which is important for the further career of the Sciex Fellow.
In some countries, Doctoral Candidates need to collect ECTS to be able to finish their studies. The Host
Institution should define the ECTS, which correspond to the deliverables in F-1. The Home Institution will
then confirm in F-3a (research training agreement), whether these ECTS will be accepted as part of the
doctoral studies.
Is there a Joint Degree Agreement
Yes: Involved Swiss University
Uni Basel
Uni Geneva
Uni Neuchâtel
Uni Zurich
Uni Bern
Uni Lausanne
Uni St. Gallen
Uni Fribourg
Uni Lucerne
USI (Ticino)
Envisaged integration of the Fellow in a regular Research Project or Research Team at the
Swiss Institution
1. Members of the Swiss
Project Team
2. What is the envisaged
function of the Fellow in
the Team?
Envisaged participation of the Fellow in colloquia or other training modules
3. Specification, frequency ECTS?
Envisaged participation of the Fellow in conferences, congresses, professional meetings
4. When, where - ECTS?
Envisaged participation of the Fellow in teaching or tutoring activities
5. When, where - ECTS?
Envisaged participation of the Fellow in publications of research results
6. When, where,
presentation or
publication - ECTS?
Personal data of the Fellow and information about his/her scientific project
Agreement Confirmation
The Multipartite Contract of Sciex Research Fellowships is based on the forms of this application. All
the details provided on these forms are therefore legally binding.
The Fellow confirms the veracity of all the details given in all the forms of this proposal.
He/she will fulfil the duties of a Sciex researcher, as stated below, in case of a positive decision
The Project Team will report on the financial situation every 6 months (on the specific
reporting forms).
The Fellow will report on the reaching of objectives every six months (on the specific
reporting forms).
The Fellow will provide any further information on demand of the Regional Office about
the progress of his/her stay. He/she will submit a note of completion of the envisaged
The Fellow will inform the Regional Office about any changes that will have an impact on
the contractual arrangements as soon as possible.
The Fellow confirms that he has read “The Charter for Researchers and the Code of
Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers” and confirms, that he/she will fulfil the
duties of a researcher, as stated in the document.
Send this form, your CV and a copy of your diploma (without diploma supplement) to the Main
Applicant (see « F-1.doc » - Page 1).
The Main Applicant will send this form, together with the other proposal forms, to
[email protected].
The Main Applicant will be informed about the next steps in the proposal admission process.