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Урок № 5. Тема: «The Dance Party of Flowers».
Задачи урока:
1. развивать фонетические, лексические, грамматические навыки;
2. совершенствовать навыки диалогической речи;
3. продолжать знакомить учащихся с культурой изучаемого языка,
традициями и обычаями людей;
4. развивать слуховую, зрительную и моторную память учащихся;
5. развивать непроизвольное запоминание НЛЕ по теме;
6. развивать фонетический и речевой слух учащихся.
Материал на повторение: НЛЕ по изучаемой теме; изученный текстовый
материал по теме урока; сказка «The Flowers»; стихотворение «The Flowers».
Учебные пособия: картинки для работы на доске, плакат со стихотворением
«The Flowers», листы со сказкой для учащихся (приложение 1), творческие
задания для команд в конвертах (приложения 3, 4), персональные бланки с
заданиями для учащихся (приложение 2), фанты.
Подготовка учащихся к учебной деятельности. (2-3 мин.)
А) Организация класса.
Задачи: 1. проверить готовность учащихся и классного помещения к уроку;
2. провести организационную беседу с классом;
3. сообщить учащимся общие задачи и порядок работы на уроке.
Учитель: Good morning, dear children!
Дети: Good morning!
Учитель: Is everybody here?
Дети: Yes, all are here!
Учитель: Very good! Then we can start the lesson. Today we are going to have an
unusual lesson, we are going to have the dance party of flowers. You already know
a lot about flowers. So let’s sum up a little. For every answer you are going to get a
flower. The winner is the one whose bunch will be the biggest.
Б) Фонетическая зарядка.
Задачи: 1. Совершенствование произносительных навыков;
2. отработать произнесение изучаемых ЛЕ по теме;
3. разучить небольшое стихотворение «The Flowers».
Учитель: We know this nice little poem about flowers. Look here! Let’s revise it
just for a start. Repeat after me!
(учащиеся повторяют за учителем строки стихотворения; на доске плакат с
уже известным стихотворением «The Flowers».)
Up popped the crocus
Then two, then three;
Next came a daffodil
So far to see;
A tulip came later,
Shaped like a cup,
“Hello”, said the others.
“We are glad you are up!”
Учитель: Who wants to recite the poem by heart?
(плакат с доски убирается; несколько учащихся выступают по желанию)
Учитель: And who remembers other poems about flowers?
Ученик 1: I do.
I like flowers that are bright,
I like flowers that are white.
I like flowers with a nice smell,
That blossom in gardens so well.
Ученик 2: I also remember one.
Spring is coming
So I’m told
By a crocus
Dressed in gold.
Spring is coming
So I guess
By the hawthorn’s
Gay new dress.
Spring is coming!
Yes, I know,
For a snowdrop
Told me so.
Учитель: Good of you!
2.Развитие умений учащихся в различных видах речевой деятельности.
(36-37 мин.)
Задачи: 1. развивать умения учащихся реагировать на задания учителя,
на полученные ранее знания;
2.развивать умение учащихся строить короткие монологические
высказывания, опираясь на ранее изученный материал.
Учитель: And now tell me, please, do you like fairy-tales?
Ученики: Yes, we do!
Учитель: Do you want to play a fairy-tale just now?
Ученики: Yes, we do.
Учитель: Your task was to learn the short parts of a fairy-tale we read at the
previous lesson. Let’s role-play the fairy-tale.
(учащиеся инсценируют сказку, каждый получает фант за участие)
(приложение 1)
Учитель: And now I think we’ll speak about the flowers you like. If you have
pictures show them to everybody. Later we’ll make a magazine about flowers.
Who wants to start?
Ученик 1: I do.
Учитель: Begin, please!
Ученик 1: I want to tell you about the rose. Roses
are my favourite flowers. Roses are beautiful flowers
with a sweet pleasant smell. It has thorny stem and
nice green leaves. The flowers of roses can be white,
yellow, pink, red, orange and dark-red. It is a garden
flower that likes sunlight and water very much.
Many people like roses. The rose is the emblem of England.
Ученик 2: My favourite flowers are sward
lilies. The sward lily is a very beautiful
flower. It can be white, red, blue, yellow,
black, purple, pink, orange and dark-red. The
flowers look like big bells but they have no
smell. The flowers grow on one long stem
one after another in turn. The plant has long
green leaves that look like swards. It is a garden flower.
Ученик 3: I like tulips very much. The tulip is a spring flower. It usually comes
out in May. Tulips have big green leaves and their flowers look like bells. It is a
garden flower, but there are also wild tulips that grow in fields and forests. Tulips
can be of different colours. They come from Holland. Now the most beautiful
tulips grow in this country.
Ученик 4: I want to tell you about the carnation. The carnation is a nice flower
with a pleasant sweet smell. Carnations can be big and small; they can grow in the
garden and as room-flowers. Carnations can be white, red, yellow, orange and
pink. They have small green leaves. Usually people give them to men.
Ученик 5: I like camomiles. The camomile is a modest
flower that can grow both in the garden and in the field.
The camomile has a big flower with yellow middle and
white petals. Camomiles have no other colours. They
have almost no smell but they look beautiful.
Ученик 6: I like all the flowers but I think my favourite
one is the crocus. The crocus is a flower of forests. It is a
grassy plant with long leaves and only one flower. It
grows in early spring. It can be white, purple, blue,
yellow and pink. It has a nice sweet smell.
Ученик 7: I like the iris. It is a grassy plant with long
leaves. Its flowers can be white, light-blue, blue, violet
and yellow. The flower has a strong pleasant smell and a
wonderful shape. It grows in the mountains and in the gardens. Iris blossoms in
May and June.
Ученик 8: The water lily is one of the most
beautiful flowers in the world. It is a grassy
water plant with a long stem and big oval
leaves. The flowers are big and can be white,
pink, purple, yellow and even red. They have
not very strong but rather a pleasant smell.
Water lilies grow in groups. Frogs like to sit on
their big leaves. Some people grow water lilies
in their own ponds in the gardens.
Ученик 9: I like lilies. My mother likes lilies too, and she is called Lily, by the
way. Lilies are beautiful flowers with strong sweet smell. The flowers grow on a
bush and have different colours. Lilies grow in
the garden and they can be wild. The flowers
are usually big and look like big bells. Lilies
are summer flowers.
Ученик 10: My favourite flowers are
mayflowers. The mayflower is a spring
flower, but it likes the sun and water. It grows
in the forest and sometimes in the garden. The
mayflower has big dark-green leaves. The
flowers of the plant are white and look like small bells. They grow on one stem and
have a strong sweet smell. Mayflower is usually a symbol of coming summer.
Учитель: That was nice of you to tell about such wonderful flowers. And now let’s
do some writing tasks. You’ll have a paper with some sentences that are not over.
You are to write down the name of a flower to complete the sentences. Do it as
quickly as possible.
(учащиеся выполняют письменное задание на специально подготовленных
бланках) (приложение 2).
Учитель: OK. And now let’s play! But first we are to make two groups. Take a
card. Then daffodils sit here and carnations sit there.
( на доске надписи с названиями двух команд)
Учитель: OK. Your first task is to make up a flower and to read the name of a
flower on its petals. After that one of you must come out and put the name of the
flower on the blackboard.
(учащиеся собирают цветок и выбирают получившееся название из
предложенных вариантов на доске; команда, выполнившая задание первой,
получает фант)
Учитель: OK. Now you have another task. Every group will have a bag. In the
bag you have three pictures that are cut down. You are to collect the pieces and to
put the names of the flowers on the blackboard.
(учащиеся собирают разрезанные картинки и вывешивают под названиями
своих команд названия получившихся цветов, за каждый правильно
названный цветок команда получает фант)
3. Заключительный этап урока.(2 мин.)
А) Подведение итогов урока.
Задача: выяснить, достигнуты ли поставленные в начале урока.
Учитель: Today we’ve learnt more things about the flowers. We learnt a lot about
different flowers, played games, role-played the fairy-tale and had fun. I think,
today we did a very interesting work. Did you like the lesson?
Ученики: Yes, we did.
Учитель: Now let’s count the flowers you get. The winner is the team that has got
more flowers.
Б) Домашнее задание.
Задачи: 1. разъяснить задание на дом;
2. проверить понимание задания;
3. проверить запись задания в дневниках.
Учитель: Your have no task today.
В) Выставление оценок.
Задачи: 1. выставить оценки учащимся;
2. завершить урок.
Учитель: Your marks for today are… Good bye!
Приложение 1.
(a fairy-tale)
Story-teller: One day the flowers met in the forest to speak to the Fairy of
Flowers. They wanted to decide when to come out to the gardens and fields.
Fairy: My dear flowers! Spring is here! When are you going to come out? It is
high time to decide it! Who is going to come up first?
Snowdrop: I am the first to come. I come when the snow is still on the ground. I
have a white dress and my name is Snowdrop. I am the first to come.
Violet: And I want to come next. I don’t like snow. It is cold when the snow is on
the ground. I like warm days. My dress is purple and now you know that I am
Mayflower: I am a mayflower. Everybody knows my pretty white bells and my
sweet smell. I am Mayflower and I come next.
Daffodil: Now it’s my turn to come. I am yellow like the sun. I like to dance in the
sun light. My name is Daffodil.
Tulip: And me too. I am the last to come in spring. I have dresses of all colours
and I look like a cup. My name is Tulip.
Fairy: Here comes summer. Hey, summer flowers. Where are you?
Blue-bell: I like to come first in summer. My dress is blue like the sky and it looks
like a bell. I am Blue-bell.
Corn-flower: I am as blue as the sky too. I grow in the corn-field and I make it
beautiful. My name is Corn-flower.
Poppy: I come in summer too. I have red and yellow dresses and I come in the
fields and in the mountains. I am Poppy.
Rose: Everybody knows me and my fantastic smell. I have a lot of coloured
dresses and I am beautiful. I don’t care when to come. I like the sun and I like it
when it is warm. I am the queen of flowers. I am Rose.
Fairy: You mustn’t say so. You are beautiful of course, but all my flowers are
Violet: You must care when to come.
Blue-bell: You are to come in summer.
Snowdrop: Now can we come out. It’s time to hurry up.
Fairy: Yes, my dear flowers. Now you know when to come. Go to the fields and
forests, to the gardens and mountains and make them beautiful. Good bye!
Приложение 2.
Guess the names of flowers. Write them down.
The national flower of Japan is ___________________________________.
The plant of the Christmas season is _______________________________.
The earliest spring flower is _____________________________________.
The flower that you can see on the surface of the lake is ________________.
The flower that closes when the sun is in the sky is ____________________.
The flower that people use to make beer is _________________________.
The flower that grows wild in the fields and in the mountains is __________.
The national flower of England is ________________________________.
The national flower of Wales is __________________________________.
The national flower of Scotland is ________________________________.
Приложение 3.
Приложение 4.
Разработала: Решетняк Ю.А.
учитель английского языка
с углубленным изучением
английского языка
города Ставрополя.
2010 год.