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Chapter readings
1021-1041, 1045-1049
1065-1072, 1075-1096, 1098
304-308, 315-327
Chapter Problems
Scientific American article
See website
Learning Objectives - Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids
Know the Three basic parts of nucleotides
Be able to draw 5 nitrogenous bases (which are found in DNA? Which in RNA?)
What is the difference between DNA and RNA nucleotides?
Know the linkages in nucleic acids
Understand the Hydrolysis reaction of RNA
Know the Properties of nucleotides
UV absorption
Hydrogen bonding
Know and be able to draw the Hydrogen bonding between nitrogenous bases
(3 between G and C, 2 between A and T(U))
Know the basics of the Discovery of DNA
Franklin & Wilkins
Watson & Crick
Understand that DNA is a double helix (2 strands wrapped around each other),
antiparallel strands (one strand 5'-3' the other 3'-5'), and complementarity between strands
Know the differences between A-DNA vs. B-DNA vs. Z-DNA
Know types of RNA structures that form
Understand how nucleic acids can become denatured
Be able to describe the Hypo (hyper) chromic effect
Know how to determine the Melting temperature (Tm) for a nucleic acid
Know the process of DNA sequencing
Know the basics of Nucleotide synthesis and degradation
Synthesis - from metabolic precursors or from recycled free bases
Degradation - diseases (gout and ADA deficiency)
Know how nucleic acids can act as Cancer drugs
Learning Objectives - Genes & Chromosomes
What is a chromosome? Gene? Genome? Chromatin?
Know the difference between Introns and exons
Understand how DNA is compacted in the nucleus
30 nm fiber
what makes up a nucleosome
Understand why supercoiling is important
Learning Objectives - DNA metabolism
Know the characteristics of DNA Replication
Leading vs. lagging strand synthesis (semidiscontinuous)
Proofreading (3’5’ exonuclease)
Understand how the Meselson-Stahl experiment was done and its results
Know the importance of having an origin of replication
Know some of the characteristics of DNA polymerases (processivity, roles, 5’3’-exo)
Know the stages of replication
Initiation (proteins involved)
Elongation (proteins involved)
DNA repair
Know the causes of DNA damage
Mismatch repair (how it works, proteins involved)
Understand how defects in DNA repair lead to cancers
Learning Objectives - RNA metabolism
Know the functions of rRNA, tRNA, mRNA
Know the role of RNA polymerase
Know all the things that happen at the Transcription bubble
Know the roles of the subunits of E.Coli RNA polymerase
Understand the difference between a closed vs. open complex
What is the role of a Promoter?
Prokaryotes: -10 region, Pribnow box
-35 region
Eukaryotes: -25 region, TATA box
-75 region, CAAT box
Know an example of a Transcription repressor and activator
Understand the Termination of transcription
Know examples of Inhibitors of RNA polymerase
Know that it occurs on ribosomes
Know the Role of tRNA and how activation of tRNA occurs
What is a Codon? (know stop codons)
Know the characteristics of the Genetic code - nonoverlapping, sequential (reading
frames), degenerate (wobble pair)
How do Insertions or deletions affect the genetic code?
Understand how a codon specifies which aminoacyl-tRNA binds to mRNA
Know the Stages of translation:
Activation of amino acids (amino acid + ATP + tRNA + synthetase)
Initiation (N-formyl Methionine, AUG, Shine-Dalgarno sequence, 30S ribosome,
50S ribosome, mRNA, GTP, Init. Factors, A site, P site)
Elongation (70S complex, Elong. Factors, GTP, tRNAs)
Termination (codons, Release factors, ATP)
What is a Polysome?
Understand how prokaryotes couple transcription-translation
Know examples of Inhibitors of translation
RNA Processing & Catalysts
Describe 5'-capping & polyadenylation
Understand RNA splicing & editing
What are ribozymes?
Group I vs. hammerhead
Define RNA interference
Understand role of riboswitches