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Spelling Homework Choices
Pick one of the following for your spelling homework
Day 1
Reverse ABC order: Write your words in order from Z to A.
Word length: Write your words in order from the one with the fewest letters to the word with the most
Two color words: Write each of your words with all of the vowels in one color and the consonants in
another color.
Syllables: Write each spelling word then break it into syllables. For example, spelling: spell-ing or
beautiful: beau-ti-ful. The dictionary really helps with this!
Day 2
Antonyms/Synonyms: Write each of your spelling words, next write an antonym (opposite meaning) or
synonym (same meaning) next to the spelling word, then label each word pair with an A for antonym or
S for synonym. Example: spell/misspell (A) or happy/cheerful (S).
Five times: Write each spelling word five times.
Word scramble: scramble the letters of each word then write a clue to help someone guess the
scrambled word.
Story: Use 10 of your spelling words in a story. Use only one spelling word per sentence. Your story
must make sense and use everything we’ve learned about writing good paragraphs.
Day 3
Picture words: Write the word then draw a picture of the meaning. If you can’t make a simple picture to
represent the meaning, write the word in a fancy way.
Ransom words: Write your words by cutting out letters from a magazine or newspaper. Paste or glue
the words on a piece of paper.
Common columns: Find three things all of your spelling words have in common, make three columns,
give each column a heading, and write each word in the column it goes under.
Definitions: Look up ten of your spelling words in the dictionary. Write the guide words for the page
you find the word on, the first definition of the word, and its part of speech.
Word search/Crossword: Use all of your words in a word search or crossword puzzle. You can make
your own puzzle or use a web site like