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SI Exam Review 2
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
Leader: Umair
Course: Biology 212 (1)
Instructor: Enger/Sakaguchi
Date: 10/09/2011
Supplemental Instruction
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  294-6624 
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
1. The DNA that codes for proteins that regulate the activity of structural genes is contained in a
a. operon
b. regulatory gene c. inducer
d. intron
3. Introns
a. are non coding sequences of DNA
c. must be removed before protein synthesis
b. can be repetitive sequences
d. all of the above
3. If you wanted to separate DNA pieces by size you would
a. use electrophoresis
b. need a plasmid
c. need a vector
d. run a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
4. Restriction enzymes
a. cut DNA at the same specific sequence every time
b. can have sticky ends or blunt ends
c. are used for cloning
d. all of the above
5. The process of copying a gene's DNA sequence into a sequence of RNA is called
a) replication.
b) transcription.
c) translation.
d) PCR.
6. The transcribing enzyme is
a) ligase.
b) DNA polymerase.
c) RNA polymerase.
d) amino-acyl transferase.
7. Transcription occurs along a ____ template forming an mRNA in the ____ direction.
a) 5' to 3'; 5' to 3'
b) 5' to 3'; 3' to 5'
c) 3' to 5'; 5' to 3'
d) 3' to 5'; 3' to 5'
8. Which of the statements below is false?
a) The genetic code is overlapping.
b) The genetic code is universal.
c) Degenerate codons specify the same amino acids.
d) The genetic code is triplet.
Supplemental Instruction
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  294-6624 
9. The amino acid sequence of a polypeptide chain comprises the ____ structure of the protein.
a) primary
b) secondary
c) tertiary
d) quaternary
10. Transfer RNA's bind during translation by
11. RNA contains which bases?
a) adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine,
b) adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine
c) thymine, guanine, cytosine, uracil
d) adenine, guanine, cytosine, uracil
12. Which of the following statements is true regarding introns?
a) Introns are the parts of mRNA that are translated.
b) Introns have no function.
c) In general, human genes have fewer introns than genes of other organisms.
d) Introns may be involved in exon shuffling.
13. Which mode of information transfer usually does not occur?
a) DNA to DNA
b) DNA to RNA
c) DNA to protein
d) all occur in a working cell
14. A geneticist isolates a gene for a specific trait under study. She also isolates the
corresponding mRNA. Upon comparison, the mRNA is found to contain 1,000 fewer bases than
the DNA sequence. Did the geneticist isolate the wrong DNA?
a) yes, mRNA is made from a DNA template and should be the same length as the gene
b) yes, the mRNA should contain more bases than the DNA sequence because bases
flanking the gene are also transcribed
c) no, the final mRNA contains only exons, the introns were removed
d) no, the mRNA was partially degraded after it was transcribed
15. A DNA strand with the sequence AACGTAACG is transcribed. What is the sequence of the
mRNA molecule synthesized?
16. Which of the following is an example of the degeneracy of the genetic code?
a) a given amino acid has more than one codon
b) each codon specifies more than one amino acid
c) the first two bases specify the amino acid
d) the genetic code is not degenerate
17. How many bases does a codon gave
a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) 5
18. Transcription and translation of a gene composed of 30 nucleotides would form a protein
containing no more than ___ amino acids.
a) 10
b) 15
c) 60
d) 90
19. ____ regulate which genes
or subsets of genes are
transcribed in a particular cell
transcription factors
chaperone proteins
RNA polymerases
transcription is not
20. An antibiotic interferes with the ability of the ribosome to move. What affect would exposure
to this chemical have on a bacterial cell?
a) protein synthesis will be affected
b) the protein synthesized will be shorter than normal
c) the protein synthesized will be longer than normal
d) no proteins will be produced
Short Questions
1. What is the structure of [double stranded] DNA?
a. What does anti-parallel mean?
b. What is base pairing?
c. What are the base pairing rules?
d. What does 5’3’ mean?
2. Enzymes in DNA replication
a. DNA polymerase (what does it do?)
b. Helicase (what does it do)
c. Topoisomerase (what does it do)
d. Single strand binding proteins (what do they do?)
e. Primase (what does it do?) A segment of DNA or RNA that is complementary to a
given DNA sequence and that is needed to initiate replication by DNA polymerase.
Ligase (what does it do?)
3. Transcription
a. RNA polymerase
b. Promoter
c. Terminator
d. Why is the orientation of the DNA strand important?
4. Translation
5. What is special about retroviruses?
6. What is a TATA box? Found in promotor region of DNA and is the binding site for
ranscription factors and histones
What is the meaning of degradation? Breaking into simpler substances like breaking up
of messenger RNA
What is N & C transcription?
What kinds of bonds make up the structure of DNA?
Bases are held by single covalent bonds
Within the Phosphate there is a double covalent bond
Two starnds held together by Hydrogen bonds
Essay Question
1. Explain what a transcription factor is, what it does, and how repressors, repressors and
inducers regulate gene expression?