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1. Which side won the American Civil War?
A. The African Americans
B. The Confederacy
C. England
D. The Union
2. What was Lincoln’s attitude toward the conquered South?
A. He disliked the South
B. He wanted to rebuild it and see the nation healed.
C. He wanted to bring back slavery there.
D. He wanted the South to be a separate country.
3. What was Congress’s attitude toward the South?
A. They thought everyone should be pardoned.
B. They wanted to punish Southerners for the rebellion.
C. They wanted the Southern way of life for themselves.
D. They wished the South to return to self-government as soon as possible.
4. What was the name of the project to rebuild the South?
A. Destruction
B. Reconstruction
C. Regeneration
D. Restoration
5. What was Lincoln’s goal in Reconstruction?
A. To keep Civil War from ever happening again
B. To prosper Northern businesses
C. To let the South know it was a conquered region
D. To get the South back on its feet
6. Before each Southern state was allowed to form a new government and
return to the Union, its citizens had to do all of the following except
A. Write a new state constitution
B. Recognize the citizenship of former slaves by passing the Fourteenth
C. Pass black codes to establish law and order the state
D. Agree to give all men, black and white, the right to vote
7. Who did Congress think should be in charge of Reconstruction?
A. President Lincoln
B. General Grant
C. Congress
D. Confederate officers
8. How did Congress see Reconstruction?
A. As a means of putting African-Americans in control
B. As a means of punishing the South
C. As the president’s responsibility
D. As a means of giving Southerners back their way of life
9. The organization setup to help former slaves was the
10. A system that developed in the South to keep the plantations operating after slavery ended was
11. Explain how the system in question number 10 worked.
12. What happened to disrupt President Lincoln’s plans for rebuilding the South?
A. He lost the election
B. War with England interfered
C. A hurricane caused major damage
D. He was killed
Three important amendments were added to the Constitution after the Civil War. Each of these
amendments and the date it was approved are listed below. On the lines that follow, explain how
each amendment changed the United States.
13. Thirteenth (1865)
14. Fourteenth (1868)
15. Fifteenth (1870)
16. Who were the carpetbaggers?
A. Southerners loyal to the Union
B. Freed African Americans
C. Northerners who came South for jobs
D. Southerners who hated the Union
17. Who were the scalawags?
A. Southerners helping with new governments
B. Southerners who hated the Union
C. Cruel slave owners
D. Northerners who weren’t honest
18. The Grandfather Clause stated
A. A poll tax must be paid before you were allowed to vote.
B. All male citizens, regardless of race, were allowed to vote.
C. African American voters had to pass a literacy test before they could vote.
D. If the grandfather of a male African American had voted before 1867, then they could vote.
19. What event signaled the end of the Reconstruction project?
A. The impeachment of Johnson
B. Hayes ordering federal troops out of the South.
C. Lincoln’s assassination
D. Lee’s surrender to Grant