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Whap Review
Political philosophy during the Enlightenment :
Englightenment philosophers challenged regimes that didn’t grant full religious freedom or that
insisted on aristocratic privilege.
Causes of the American Revolution:
Desire to be free from Europe’s control, taxes, and the boycotting of British goods.
Important dates regarding American Revolution and Constitution:
1776- Constitution signed; 1765- Stamp Act; 1775-1783: American Revolution
Causes of the French Revolution:
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen- a document similar to the Declaration of
Independence during the French Revolution; political and social inequalities; bankrupt
government; Enlightenment, and the fall of the Bastille.
Importance of the Bastille:
A political prison attacked by the Parisians which lead to the French Revolution.
Event that ushered in the French Revolution:
authoritarian phase- Napoleon Bonaparte
Characteristics of the Peace Conference at Vienna:
re-established balance of power, stronger nations established around France, were established at
the conference.
Who created the Steam Engine:
James Watt created the steam engine; base of everything technologically at the time.
Contributions of American Inventors to the Industrial Revolution:
Made the revolution more advanced.
Economic changes brought by Industrial Revolution:
More people were employed at factories, transition from rural to urban, and a lot of labor force
in agriculture.
Unification of Germany:
Otto van Bismarck
Father of Evolution Theory:
Charles Darwin
Characteristics of Imperialism following the Industrial Revolution
: The Europeans sent colonists out to sea to accomplish imperialism, could infiltrate foreign
lands, more machinery.
How were empires in Asia accumulated in the 18 th century?
Asian empires were accumulated by the initiative of oversea agents of the Dutch and British East
India companies acting in the absence of instructions from the company directors.
British East India company flourished when what empire collapsed:
Mughal Empire
Britain’s importance for India:
India became important to the British because it was the “pivot of the great empire being built by
Britain on a global scale.”
What decade did the most colonization or imperial growth take place in:
Which European country had the most influence?
Motives for territorial expansion during Imperial period:
“ White Man’s Burden”
New land, more control, access to more resources.
Strategy of European nations to govern newly acquired territories:
New technology, knowledge of science, and limited economic growth.
Economic Structure of European colonies:
How did colonization of Latin America differ from other regions:
When did most Latin American colonies achieve independence?
Led the independence movement of St. Dominique:
Toussaint L’Overture
Helped Mexico fight for independence by enlisting Mestizos and Indians:
Fr. Miguel Hidalgo
Simon Bolivar:
Creole officer who revolted against Spain and mobilized a movement  Grand Columbia
Brazil Independence:
Dom Pedro I declared Brazil independent; became emperor.
Latin American’s organization politically during 1800s:
Important document issued in the US about Latin American independence:
-Monroe Doctrine any attempt by a European power to colonize in Americas will be
considered unfriendly.
Treaty that ended Mexican American War:
Guadalupe Hidalgo.
1840; Brazil’s new crop:
Race’s role in Latin America:
Economy of Latin America:
Strengths and weaknesses of Ottoman Empire during the 18 th century:
Weaknesses: weak rulers, power struggles. Strengths:
Power that most threatened Ottoman Empire in the late 1700s:
The Russian Empire.
Empire that had an alliance with the Ottoman Empire in an attempt to keep other Euro Powers
from accessing Mediterranean region :
Christian Powers
Tanzimat Reforms:
Used French Legal System
-Reforms undertaken by Muhammad Ali:
European military strategy, higher crop production. Education and Egyptian industrial sector
didn’t work.
-Consequence of rebellion of Egyptian army officers in 1882:
British sent ashore troops to destroy the mutiny.
-Dynastic name of Manchus:
Qing China
-Signs of decline in Qing dynasty: