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Chapter 10 Study Guide
1. Second Bank of the United States
2. Capital
3. Henry Clay
4. Miguel Hidalgo
5. Interchangeable parts
Multiple Choice:
6. Scientific discoveries that simplify work are called
7. Whose mill launched the factory system?
8. The revolution that changed the way people worked was?
9. Who invented the cotton gin?
10.Who began his political career as a supporter of free trade and the shipping
interests of New England?
11.Thirty years after the first census, the population of the United States was?
12.What are the separate compartments where water levels were raised or
13.Created in 1823, what became an important part of American foreign
14.The leader who tried to resolve sectional disputes by compromise was?
15.What agreement provided for disarmament along the Canadian border?
Essay: choose one
16.Why did the United States’s Industrial Revolution appear first in New
17.What factors do you think contributed to President James Monroe’s