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Unit 8-B Study Guide Questions
1) List and explain the six characteristics of life.
2) Give two examples of different organisms with different structures that have the same
3) Discuss Darwin’s species of finches and their variation in bill shape.
4) List the six of the eight main organ systems and identify the main structures and
functions for each.
5) Draw a labeled diagram of the basic compound microscope, and discuss why it is
called a compound microscope.
6) What is a cell, and how are cells related to tissues, organs, and organ systems?
7) List the main steps in preparing a wet mount of an onion cell, including any important
safety tips that should be followed.
8) What is a cell organelle? List and explain the important organelles in plant and animal
9) Using a diagram, compare and contrast the structure of plant and animal cells.
10) Using examples, discuss the differences between unicellular and multicellular
11) What does selectively permeable mean, and how does it work?
12) Discuss diffusion, and how it is different than osmosis?
13) How does osmosis effect the following cells with water and starch?
Cell Concentration
25% Starch
80% Water
50% Starch
Environment Concentration
5% Starch
20% Water
50% Water
14) Multicellular organisms have specialized cells, discuss the role of red blood cells and
how they function.
15) Using labeled diagrams, list and discuss the main parts of plant tissue.
16) Using examples, compare and contrast chemical and mechanical digestion.
17) Using a labeled diagram, list and discuss the main parts of the human digestive
18) Discuss how the structure of the small intestine is designed to maximize absorption?
19) Using a labeled diagram, list and discuss the main parts of the human respiratory
20) Discuss how the movement of the rib cage and diagram allow humans to breath.
21) Draw a detailed, labeled, diagram of the heart and the two circulatory paths to the
body and the lungs.
22) Compare and contrast arteries, veins, and capillaries.
23) List and explain the function of the four main components of blood.
24) Discuss the role of the liver, kidney, and skin in the excretory system.
25) Using a labeled diagram, list and explain the main parts of the human excretory
26) Discuss the possible treatments for diabetes and functional kidney problems.
27) Using a labeled diagram, list and explain the main parts of a neuron.
28) Create a flow chart that includes and explain the following terms nervous system,
central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, sensory neurons, motor neurons,
somatic nervous system, and autonomic nervous system.
29) What are the three main parts of the brain, and what is there function?
30) Discuss how the human reflex response works, and why it is important?
31) Discuss Louis Pasteur’s contribution to medical science.
32) Discuss the contents of cigarettes, and some of the diseases it causes.
Vocabulary Terms
Organisms, nutrients, metabolism, stimulus, response, spontaneous
generation, structures, function, capillaries, microscope, compound
light microscope, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, unicellular,
multicellular, micro-organisms, pseudopods, cilia, diffusion, osmosis,
selectively permeable, specialized cells, red blood cells, peristalsis,
gastric juices, villi, diaphragm, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, atria,
ventricles, arteries, veins, white blood cells, platelets, excretion, urea,
nephrons, dialysis, nervous tissue, neurons, dendrites, Central &
Peripheral nervous system, vaccine, pasteurization, carbon monoxide,
bronchitis, emphysema, atherosclerosis, lung cancer, ulcers
Prepare for your Exam by going over all your sectional readings, Check & Reflect
Questions and Assess Your Learning Questions.
Do your UNIT REVIEW on p. 169 # 1-11, 13-16, 18, 19, 21, 23-27