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NAME: _______________________________
Intro to Biology & Biochemistry Review
1. A) Name the 4 major groups of organic compounds.
B) Describe how they differ in structure and function.
2. What type of organic compounds are enzymes? _______________
3. Describe the function of an enzyme. __________________________________________
4. How can enzyme failure affect a cell? ________________________________________
5. What factors affect the activity of an enzyme? _________________________________
6. What is homeostasis? _______________________________________________ Give an example.
7. Define the following & state where they are found on a graph:
a) Independent variable - _______________________________________________________________
b) Dependent variable - ________________________________________________________________
8. What is the purpose of having a control in an experiment?
9. Describe the unique properties of water.
Cell Review
10. Describe the difference between prokaryotes & eukaryotes & give an example of each.
11. Draw a cell – label the following parts & give the function of each: a) nucleus b) nucleolus c) mitochondria
d) chloroplast e) lysosome f) vacuoles g) ER h) ribosomes i) golgi Apparatus j) cilia k) flagella l)
chromosome m) cell membrane n) nuclear envelope o) cell wall p) cytoplasm
12. What happens to a cell in:
A) A hypertonic solution? _________________________________________
B) A hypotonic solution? _________________________________________
C) An isotonic solution? ___________________________________________
13. How are plant & animal cells different from each other?
14. Describe the following methods of cell transport:
a) diffusion - ____________________________________________________________________
b) osmosis - _____________________________________________________________________
c) active transport - _______________________________________________________________
d) facilitated diffusion. - ___________________________________________________________
15. Describe how the structure of the cell membrane is important for determining the movement of molecules in
and out of the cell. Use the term “selectively permeable” in your answer.
Cell Division
16. List & explain the steps of the cell cycle.
17. List & explain the steps of mitosis.
18. What is the purpose of mitosis? _____________________________________________________________
19. How many daughter cells result from mitosis? What is their genetic makeup like?
20. What is the purpose of meiosis? _____________________________________________________________
21. How many daughter cells result from meiosis? What is their genetic makeup like?
22. What causes cancer? ______________________________________________________________________
23. What is crossing over? ____________________________________________________________________
24. Explain how crossing over contributes to genetic variability.
Mendelian Genetics
25. Use a Punnett square to determine the probability of a heterozygous child being born from a homozygous
dominant curly hair father and a homozygous recessive straight hair mother.
26. Hemophilia is a sex-linked trait. A woman carrying the gene for hemophilia is married to a hemophiliac. What
percentage of their children will be expected to have hemophilia? Show your work in a Punnett square.
27. Use a Punnett square to determine the probability of a man with blood type AB & a woman of blood type A
(heterozygous) having a type A child.
28. RR = red hair, rr = white, and Rr = roan. What are the genotypic & phenotypic results of 2 Roan cattle
29. Distinguish between incomplete dominance & codominance.
30. What do the laws of independent assortment & segregation state?
31. What is gene linkage? How does gene linkage explain the observation that most people with red hair also have
32. What is a mutation?
33. What is the difference between a chromosomal mutation & a gene mutation? Give an example of each & tell
what effects each may have.
34. List 5 things that can cause mutations.
35. How is the effect of a sex cell mutation different than that of a somatic cell mutation?
36. Describe the mutations that occur in Tay-Sachs, sickle cell, cystic fibrosis, & hemophilia.
Molecular Genetics
37. State 3 differences between RNA & DNA.
38. List and explain the steps involved in transcription.
39. List and explain the steps involved in translation.
40. Explain the relationship between DNA and chromosomes.
41. List and explain the steps of DNA replication.
42. What is a polymerase chain reaction? Name some uses of PCR.
43. What is DNA fingerprinting? Name some uses of DNA fingerprinting.
44. Which base pairs are found in DNA? In RNA?
Taxonomy, Viruses, Bacteria, Protists, & Fungi
45. Name the 6 kingdoms & give 3 examples of organisms from each. Also state whether they are unicellular or
multicellular, heterotrophic or autotrophic, prokaryotic or eukaryotic.
46. Describe how to use a dichotomous key.
47. Describe how to construct a cladogram – construct one using a monkey, frog, snake, shark, and toucan.
48. What are viruses made of? ___________________ Why are they not considered living?
49. What is a vaccine? ________________________________________________________________________
50. Describe the Linnaean system of classification.
51. What is binomial nomenclature? _____________________________________________________________
55. Describe 4 beneficial uses of bacteria.
56. Distinguish between Archaebacteria & Eubacteria in terms of habitats and chemicals in their cell walls.
57. Describe the 3 main groups of protists.
58. Draw a mushroom, label its parts, & give the function of each part.
59. Describe 3 beneficial uses of fungi.
Ecology & Energy
60. Write the overall equation for photosynthesis.
61. Identify the products & reactants of photosynthesis.
62. Write the overall equation for cell respiration.
63. Identify the products & reactants of cell respiration.
64. What are the 2 main phases of photosynthesis?
65. Identify where each phase of photosynthesis takes place.
66. Why are plants green?
65. What molecule determines whether respiration is aerobic or anaerobic?
66. Describe the 2 types of fermentation.
67. Where does cell respiration take place in the cell?
68. How is energy released from ATP?
69. Define the roles of producers, consumers & decomposers in the carbon cycle.
70. In what ways have humans affected the carbon cycle?
71. Explain the steps of the nitrogen cycle?
72. What role do decomposers and nitrogen-fixing bacteria play in the nitrogen cycle?
73. Describe the steps of the water cycle. What role do plants play in this cycle?
74. Why is the transfer of energy not 100% in a food chain?
75. Explain how DDT is biologically magnified in a food chain.
76. Describe and give examples of symbiosis.
77. What are the 4 primary factors that affect population size?
78. Give 3 examples of:
a) density-dependent limiting factors b) density-independent limiting factors.79. Distinguish between primary and secondary succession.
80. What happens if a population exceeds its carrying capacity?
81. Describe the differences between exponential and logistic growth.
82. What are the human and chemical causes for air pollution? Solutions?
83. What are the human and chemical causes for acid rain? Solutions?
84. What are the human and chemical causes for ozone depletion? Solutions?
85. What are the human and chemical causes for global climate change? Solutions?
86. What is natural selection?
87. Describe the role of natural selection in evolution.
88. Fossil A is found in strata one. Fossil B is found in strata two. Strata one is below strata two. Which fossil is
older in relative age? ________________ How do you know?
89. What is C-14? How is it used to date fossils?
90. How can DNA be used to discover the evolutionary relationships between organisms?
91. Distinguish between directional, disruptive, and stabilizing selection.
92. Give an example of each type of evolution in number 91.
93. What characteristics of the Galapagos Islands led to the uniqueness of their ecosystems and the evolutionary
data they yield?
94. Describe Darwin’s role in the theory of evolution.
95. Distinguish between analogous, homologous, and vestigial features.
96. What can analogous structures in organisms tell you about the evolutionary relationships among organisms?
97. What can homologous structures in organisms tell you about the evolutionary relationships among organisms?
98. What can vestigial structures in organisms tell you about the evolutionary relationships among organisms?
99. What is speciation?
100. What causes speciation?