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Name____________________________________________________ Period ________________
Mrs. Folley’s Physical Science 2nd Semester Exam Review
The exam will be a mix of multiple choice and matching. There is NO short answer or writing. This review packet counts
as 10% extra credit on your exam. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU DO IT!! The exam review problems you will also be given
count as 5% extra credit added to your exam, so potentially you can earn 15% extra credit on the exam!!
Review old tests, quizzes, homework and lab write-ups. Especially look at old tests and quizzes since this is where a
majority of the questions on the exam are going to come from!!!
This Packet & the review problems are due the day of your exam!!! June
Topics Covered
Motion and Forces (Chapter 11,12)
a. Distance and displacement
b. Speed and velocity
c. Acceleration
d. Forces
e. Newton’s 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Laws of Motion
Energy (Parts of Chapter 15)
a. Forms of energy (potential, kinetic, 6 major forms of energy)
b. Energy conversion and conservation
c. Kinetic & Potential Energy Problems
Thermal Energy and Heat (Chapter 16)
a. Thermal energy and matter
b. Heat
Waves (Parts of Chapters 17 & 18)
a. Mechanical Waves (transverse, longitudinal, surface)
b. Characteristics of waves (crest, trough, wavelength, amplitude, compression, rarefaction)
c. Periodic Motion (period, frequency, hertz)
d. Electromagnetic waves, Electromagnetic spectrum
Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes (22.4-22.6)
a. Continental drift (Pangaea, mid-ocean ridge, sea-floor spreading, boundaries)
b. Earthquakes (seismograph, P and S waves, fault, fold, stress)
c. Volcanoes (magma, hot spot, cinder cone, etc.)
Earth’s Surface (Chapter 23)
a. Oceans…characteristics and processes
b. Earth’s history/Geologic Time
The Universe (Chapter 26)
a. Stars and their life cycle
b. Expanding Universe
You will be given a formula sheet on the exam with all equations!!!
1. What is conserved when two objects collide in a closed system? (think p=mv)
2. The energy of motion is called _________________________________________.
3. A distance vs. time graph indicates that an object moves 300 m in 6 s and then remains at rest for 4s. What is
the average speed of the object during the total 10 seconds?
4. A river current has a velocity of 10 km/hr. A boat moves in the same direction as the current at 20 km/h relative
to the river. What would someone standing on the shore measure the boat’s speed as?
5. What is instantaneous acceleration?
A student standing on the edge of the swimming pool sees a painted mark on the bottom of the pool. The
mark appears to be at a shallower depth than the actual depth of the pool. Why is this?
7. In the following, where is new crust made and new crust destroyed:
Mid-ocean ridges:
Subduction zones:
8. Thermal energy depends on an object’s what?
9. Walking converts what type of energy into mechanical energy?
10. The three main layers of Earth’s interior are:
11. The hypothesis that the continents move slowly over Earth’s surface and once were joined into one
supercontinent is called: ____________________________________________________________
12. The sun & other stars’ energy is produced by what?
13. Why do oceanic plates subduct under continental plates at convergent plate boundaries?
14. What happens to pressure and light as ocean as depth increases?
15. What are the three types of plate boundaries and describe each.
16. Your weight is equal to ____________________ times ___________________
17. Matter is needed to transfer thermal energy through what two types of heat transfer?
18. What causes stress in Earth’s crust?
19. Describe the characteristics of each of the three main categories of stars.
a. Low mass, red star
b. High mass, blue star
c. Yellow Stars like the sun
20. Surface currents in the ocean are caused by what?
21. When the absorption lines of a galaxy shift toward the red end of the spectrum, it means that the galaxy is
moving _________________________ the earth.
22. _________________________ can transfer thermal energy through space where there is no matter.
23. According to Newton’s second law of motion, the acceleration of an object equals the net force acting on the
object divided by the object’s what?
24. The property of matter that resists changes in motion and is based on mass only is called
25. For reflection off a mirror, the angle of incidence is always equal to what?
26. The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Mars is about one-third the acceleration due to gravity on
Earth’s surface. The weight of a space probe on the surface of Mars would be about how much less than on
27. When a wave strikes a solid barrier and bounces back like a tennis ball hitting a wall, the wave is actually
showing a behavior called _______________________________.
28. What is the AVERAGE kinetic energy of the particles in that object called?
29. Energy from the sun reaches Earth mostly by what type of heat transfer?
30. What would be the two forces acting on a falling leaf?
31. What is the difference between a fault and a fold?
32. What causes the magna inside a volcano to rise towards the surface?
33. Which type of energy increases when an object becomes warmer?
34. Describe longshore drift and what it does to sand along the beach.
35. What do we use to determine the ABSOLUTE age of an igneous rock found on a beach?
36. The slope of a velocity vs. time graph is equal to the ______________________________ of the object.
37. When an unbalanced force acts on an object, what will the object do?
38. How do we detect Dark matter?
39. Speed is the ratio of the distance an object moves to what?
40. What is the name of the location within Earth where an earthquake begins?
41. When a surfer rides ON TOP of an ocean wave on her surfboard, what part of a wave is she actually riding on?
42. Radioactive dating techniques are accepted as being valid because radioactive elements decay at a
____________________________ rate.
43. Gravitational Potential Energy is dependent on what three things?
44. As the temperature of an object rises, what else increases?
45. What is the SI unit of force?
46. Why was Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift originally rejected by geologists?
47. The index of refraction ________________________________ as density of the medium increases.
48. What kind of friction occurs as a fish swims through water?
49. What cause the sun & other stars to remain stable over time?
50. The product of an object’s mass and velocity is its _______________________________
51. Heat is the transfer of thermal energy from one object to another because of a difference in what?
52. 1 Newton is equal to 1 ___________________.
53. What type of ocean current brings cold water from the deep ocean to the surface?
54. If you stand close to a mirror, your reflection will appear _______________ the mirror and if you stand far from
a mirror, your reflection will appear __________________ the mirror.
55. As you look from top to bottom of rock sediment, what happens to the relative ages of the fossils deposited in
the rock layers?
56. Radio waves, visible light, and x-rays are examples of electromagnetic waves that differ from each other
because of different _________________________________.
57. Describe the characteristics for each of the following wave interactions.
a. Reflection
b. Refraction
c. Diffraction
58. What is the difference between a transverse and a longitudinal (compression) wave?
59. The slope of a line on a distance vs. time graph is equal to what?
60. What is instantaneous speed?
61. If no friction acts on a sky diver during a dive, then which of the following statements is true?
a. The total mechanical energy of the system increases.
b. Potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy, but not vice versa
c. (KE+ PE)beginning = (KE + PE)end
62. Plates slide pass each other, and crust is neither created nor destroyed at what type of plate boundary?
63. A horizontal or zero slope line on a distance vs. time graph means the object is ______________________.
64. The energy stored in gasoline is what type of energy?
65. What is the law of conservation of energy?
66. Suppose two waves collide and the combined amplitude that results is SMALLER than the original waves. What
type of interference is this?
67. What determines whether a volcano erupts quietly or explosively?
68. There are three difference things that can happen for acceleration to occur. What are they?
69. Why is the gravitational potential energy of an object 1 meter above the moon’s surface less than its potential
energy 1 meter above Earth’s surface?
70. The rate at which velocity changes is called ________________________.
71. An object’s gravitational potential energy is directly related to what three things?
72. As you push a cereal box across a tabletop, how is the sliding friction acting on the cereal box is always in the
_________________________________ direction of motion.
73. A person walks 10 miles every day for exercise, leaving her front porch at 8:00 A.M. and returning to her front
porch at 11:00 A.M. What is the total displacement of her daily walk?
74. When a pair of BALANCED forces acts on an object, the net force that results is equal to __________________.
75. Objects in free fall near the surface of the Earth experience constant what?
76. What is Hubble’s Law?
77. Amplitude of a wave is related to how much ________________________ the wave has.
78. Double-Paned (a vacuum between the pieces of glass) windows are very energy efficient because they keep
what two types of heat transfer from occurring?
79. Why do most ocean organisms live above a water depth of 500 meters?
80. Solar cells convert what type of energy into electrical energy?
81. What are Newton’s 3 Laws of motion?
a. First Law:
b. Second Law:
c. Third Law:
82. How is velocity different from speed?
83. If you sit on the ground, the force of gravity acts downward upon your body. What is the reaction force of the
force of the Earth pulling you DOWN?
84. A golf pro places a ball at rest on the tee. During the contact of the golf club with the golf ball, the force of the
club on the ball is ____________ the force of the ball on the club and the acceleration of the club is
___________ than the acceleration of the ball. (Think about the mass differences)
85. A heated rock is placed in a container of water that is cooler than room temperature. What will happen to the
rock, water, and room?
86. A hiker wearing a backpack stands on a hill at an altitude of 50m. What would DECREASE the hiker’s
gravitational potential energy?
87. Use the diagram below to answer the question.
Imagine a box of gas with the molecules flying around freely inside. If one wall of the box is heated, molecules
striking this wall can pick up some extra energy from the fast moving atoms from this wall. What form will this
energy most likely take?
What are the three main pieces of evidence in supporting the Big Bang Theory?
89. You are in a speedboat on a river traveling in the same direction as the current. The speedometer on the boat
shows that you are going 20 km/hr. However, a person standing on the shore measures your speed at 23
km/hr. How is this possible?
90. Describe the difference between fission and fusion.
91. The strength of the force of gravity depends what two things?
92. Why does a rolling ball eventually come to a stop?
93. When you rub your hands together on a cold day, you use friction to convert _______________________
energy into _______________________ energy.
94. The handle of a spoon that is in a hot bowl of soup becomes warm due to what type of heat transfer?
95. Heat transfer always occurs in what direction?
96. The PAIRED forces that help lift a rocket off the ground or push a balloon up that is allowing air out is best
described by which law?
97. Once a rocket is in its orbit in space, what keeps it moving at a constant rate? (Think Newton’s Laws!)
98. The force that keeps the planets in orbiting around the sun is:
99. Calculate the speed of the object during the following intervals using the graph below. (slope!!)
0-1 Sec
1-2 Sec
2-3 Sec
3-4 sec
100. A 2000 kg car has an applied forward force of 6000 N and experiences an air resistance of 1300 N.
1300 N
6000 N
Mass = 2000 kg
What is the net force acting on the car?
What is the Car’s Acceleration?
101. Use the following diagram to tell name of each of the following parts.
Ray ARay BRay CAngle X1Angle X2Angle X3Dashed line-
102. In the diagram below tell the net force of each object.
______________ Newtons
______________ Newtons
______________ Newtons
______________ Newtons
Velocity m/s
103. Consider the Velocity vs time plot below for the motion of an object along a horizontal surface. The motion is
divided into several time intervals, each labeled with a letter. (Use A-H to answer the questions)
a) At what interval is the object at rest?
b) What is the FIRST interval where there there is a net force of zero on the object?
c) What is the FIRST interval where there is a net force acting upon the object? (in other words, the net
force is NOT zero)
d) At what interval does the object reach top velocity?
e) What is the first interval where the object has a positive acceleration?
f) What is the first interval where the object has a negative acceleration?
104. Label the amplitude, trough, crest, wavelength, and rest position of the wave in the diagram below.