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US History EOC Exam Study Guide
The EOC will contain the following complexity of questions:
 Easy (More than 70% are likely to answer correctly)
o i.e. which social issue is addressed in the cartoon?
 Average (40-70% are likely to answer correctly)
o i.e Which problem was the state action shown in the cartoon meant to resolve?
 Challenging (Fewer than 40% are likely to answer correctly)
o i.e Based on the cartoon, which conclusion can be made about the United States in the
early 1900s?
Your objective: Understand the causes, course, and consequences of the Civil War and
Reconstruction and its effects on the American people.
1. What are the causes and consequences of the Civil War?
2. Why did southern want to increase the number of slave states?
3. How did the operation of the Underground Railroad work?
4. What impact did slavery have on Democratic and Whigs? Free-soilers and abolitionists?
5. What are the differences between Lincoln and Douglas’s views on slavery?
6. Differences between northern and southern advances during the civil war, regarding the war
7. How did the Emancipation of Proclamations serve as a military strategy?
8. Know the major battles of the Civil War?
9. What significant influences did people or groups have on Reconstruction?
10. What issues divided Republicans during the early Reconstruction era?
11. Based on the constitution, what freedoms were guaranteed to African Americans and other groups
within the 13th, 14th, and 15 amendments to the Constitution?
12. How did Jim Crow Laws (also may refer to Black Codes, Nadir, Sharecropping, debt peonage,
and loss of suffrage) influence life for African Americans and other racial/ ethnic minority groups?
13. What effects did the Black Codes and the Nadir have on freed people?
14. How was the sharecropping system and debt peonage practiced in the United States?
15. What were the economic, political, and/or social causes of the civil war?
16. Know the additional vocabulary (African-American migration, Anaconda Plan, Black Codes,
carpetbaggers, Compromise of 1850, Dawes Act, Dred Scott decision, Emancipation
Proclamation, Freeport Doctrine, Gettysburg, Gettysburg Address, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Ku Klux
Klan, Ostend Manifesto, Radical Republicans, reservation system, states’ rights, Vicksburg.)
17. What settlement patterns occurred in the American West, the reservation system, and/or
tribulations of the Native Americans from 1865-1890?
18. What economic challenges did American farmers experience and how did they respond in the mid
to late 1800s?
19. What was the purpose of the Dawes Act of 1887 on the Native Indians of the plains?
20. In order to Americanize Indian Children were sent to English speaking boarding schools, in place
like Carlyle, Penn. What purpose of sending these young Native children to these schools?
21. What impact did the construction of Transcontinental Railroad have on populations in East Coast?
How did the Homestead Act help increase populations out west?
22. The Populist Party had its roots from the previous Grange and Farmers Alliance movement. Who
was there first viable candidate in 1896 and what did his famous Cross of Gold Speech refer to?
23. What did the Populist Party advocate for on their presidential platform?
Industrial Revolution/ immigration Objective: Analyze the transformation of the American economy
and the changing social, economic, and political conditions if the Second Industrial Revolution that
began in the late 19th century.
24. How dies the development of steel, oil, transportation, communication, and business practices
affect the US economy?
25. Which African Americans and women made a significant impact during the Industrial Revolution?
26. What challenges did European immigrants experience in the east to that of Asian immigrants in
the west (the Chinese Exclusion Act, Gentlemen’s Agreement with Japan)?
27. What are the significant differences between the First and Second Industrial Revolutions in the
28. What were of these problems and why was Laissez-faire a bad way to handle business interests?
29. How and why did the Industrial revolution lead to Imperialism in the US?
30. What was the biggest reason pulling immigrants to migrant to the US in late 19th century?
31. What social changes and reforms were developing the late 19th and 20th centuries (class system,
migration to and from cities, Social Gospel movement, settlement houses and churches providing
to the poor)?
32. What are the causes, course, and consequences of the labor movement in the late 19th and 20th
33. What impact did the scientific discoveries and manufacturing processes have on the nature of
work, the American labor Movement, and American businesses?
34. How did electricity change American life? Railroad expansion?
35. How did the grangers battle against railroad expansion?
36. What strategies did Big businesses use to eliminate competition and how the government and
society respond?
37. How did the industrial work conditions contribute to the growth of the labor movement?
38. What effect did the Haymarket and 1877 strike have on the labor movement?
39. How did immigrants deal with challenges they faced? Why did Native Americans start the
Americanization movement?
40. Why did newly arrived immigrants like the Chinese, Greeks, Jews, and Italians congregate in city
ghettos? Was thir any economic advantage to these living arrangements? What kind of conditions
did they live and which muckraker chronicled their living conditions?
41. How did conditions people face in cities affect people’s conditions?
42. Analyze the difference economics and philosophical ideologies mention in this time period.
43. How did political machines impact the US cities in the late 19 th and 20th centuries?
44. How did different nongovernmental organizations and progressive’s work to shape public policy,
restore economic opportunities, and correct injustices in American life?
45. Be well informed about each term of concept below: African-American inventors, American
Federation of Labor, Bessemer process, child labor, Ellis Island Chinese Exclusion Act,
Everglades, Gentlemen’s Agreement, government regulation, Great Migration, Haymarket Riot
(1886), Henry Flagler, Homestead Strike (1892), Ida Tarbell, immigration, innovation, Knights of
Labor, labor unions, market economy, muckrakers, National Woman Suffrage Association,
planned economy, political machines, Pullman Strike (1894), railroads, settlement houses,
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), Sherman Silver, Purchase Act (1894), Social Darwinism, Social
Gospel movement, suffrage movement, transportation, urbanization, urban centers.
Roaring 20’s Objective: Analyze the effects of the changing social, political, and economic conditions
of the Roaring 20’s.
46. How did the effects of the changing social, political, and economic conditions of the roaring
twenties and great depression?
47. Identify the resistance and support to civil rights for women, African Americans, Native
Americans and other minorities.
48. What caused the public reaction to the Red Scare (Sacco and Vanzetti, labor, racial unrest)?
49. What influence did Hollywood, the Harlem Renaissance, the Fundamentalist movement, and
prohibition have on American society in the 1920s?
50. Identify the freedom movements that advocated civil rights for African Americans, Latinos,
Asians, and women.
51. How do the philosophies of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Dubois, and Marcus Garvey differ
relating to the African American experience?
52. Why did support for the Ku Klux Klan vary in the 1920s with respect to issues such as antiimmigration, anti-African American, anti-Catholic, anti-Jewish, anti-women, and anti-union
53. How did civil rights issues both united and divided society in the United States in the period
54. Be well informed about each term of concept below: Booker T. Washington, Eighteenth
Amendment, flappers, Fundamentalist Movement, Great Migration, Harlem Renaissance, Ku Klux
Klan, Marcus Garvey, nativism, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP), Nineteenth Amendment, normalcy, Prohibition, quota system, Rosewood Incident,
Sacco and Vanzetti, Seminole Indians, Universal Negro Improvement Association, Volstead Act,
W.E.B. DuBois.
55. What role did the US government take in addressing civil rights and immigration issues?
April 17-18 (Civil war, reconstruction, and westward expansion), April 19-22 (Industrialization,
Immigration, Progressivism, Imperialism), April 23-24 (WWI, 1920s, Great Depression, WWII,
Cold War), April 25-26 (Great Society, Civil Rights, Social Changes)
Great Depression Objective: Analyze the effects of the changing social, political, and economic
conditions of the Great Depression.
56. How did the economic boom during the Roaring 20s change consumers, businesses,
manufacturing, and marketing practices?
57. What impact did business practices, consumer patterns, and government policies of the 1920s and
1930s have on the economy?
58. What factors impacted American society during the Great Depression?
59. What impact did FDR creation of the New Deal and Second New Deal have on the economy and
the American society?
60. What were the long-term social, political, and economic consequences of the 1920s and 1930s in
the US and Florida?
61. How did the changing role of tourism in Florida effect the development and growth of Florida?
62. 1919–39?
63. Be well informed about each term of concept below: Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), bank
holiday, Black Tuesday, Bonus Expeditionary Force, bull market, buying on margin, Civilian
Conservation Corps (CCC), Dust Bowl, economic boom, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC), Great Depression, Gross National Product (GNP) (GDP), impact of climate and natural
disasters, National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act), National Recovery Act (NRA), National
Recovery Administration (NRA), New Deal, Recovery, Reform, Relief, Roaring Twenties, SitDown Strike, Smoot-Hawley Tariff, Social Security, speculation boom, Tennessee Valley
Authority (TVA), Works Progress Administration (WPA).
Your objective: Understand the causes, course, and consequences of the WWII and its effects on the
American people.
64. How did the US response in the early years of WWII (Neutrality Acts, Cash and Carry, LendLease Acts)
65. What impact did the Holocaust have on Jews as well as other groups during WWII?
66. What efforts were taken to expand or contract rights for various populations during WWII?
67. What impact did WWII have on domestic government and foreign policy?
68. What effect did the atomic weapons during WWII have on Japan and the US? The aftermath?
69. How were attempts made through the Nuremberg Trials to promote international justice?
70. What effects did the Red Scare on domestic US policy?
71. What events led to the creation of the UN, include contributions of Mary McLeod Bethune?
72. What were the social, political, and economics causes of WWII and how did they impact society?
73. What legislation was formatted due to various events domestically and internationally?
74. What forms of technology were in making advances in the war regarding military warfare?
75. What impact did wartime events and actions have on the home front and progress of the war?
76. What role did women play in the war efforts and involvement of women and minority groups in
the home front and in overseas activities?
77. Make sure you know international issues from the perspective of the US rather than
78. Be well informed about each term of concept below: limited to, the following: Atlantic Charter,
Coral Sea, Final Solution, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Holocaust, home front, Japanese-American
internment, Lend-Lease Act, loyalty review boards, loyalty review program, Mary McLeod
Bethune, Midway, national security, Normandy, Nuremberg Trials, Pearl Harbor, Potsdam,
Salerno, Tehran Conference, United Nations, V-E Day, V-J, Day, Yalta Conference
79. Describe the importance of historiography, which includes how historical knowledge is obtained
and transmitted, when interpreting events in history.
80. Causes and consequences of the Civil War
81. Identify the economic challenges to American farmers and farmers’ responses to these challenges
in the mid to late 1800s.
82. What major functions that drove United States imperialism?
83. Causes, courses, and consequences of World War II on the United States
84. What were the causes for Post- World War II prosperity and its effects on American society?
85. What were the economic outcomes of demobilization?
86. What influences
1960s Era Presidents’ Foreign/Domestic Policies
87. Identify foreign policy initiatives of the 1960s-era presidents and/or evaluate how those policies
affected both foreign and domestic relations.
88. Identify domestic policy initiatives of the 1960s-era presidents and/or evaluate how those policies
affected both foreign and domestic relations.
89. Analyze the incentives for 1960s-era foreign and domestic policies.
90. Identify and/or evaluate the controversies associated with the 1960s-era foreign and domestic
91. Analyze the influence of the media concerning presidential foreign and domestic policies or
actions of the 1960s.
Vocabulary Used in Answers:
Antiwar protests, arms race, conscientious objector, Cuban Missile Crisis, demilitarized zone (DMZ),
domino theory, doves, draft, Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), Great Society, Gulf of Tonkin Incident,
hawks, immigration, migration, nuclear proliferation, Paris Peace Accords, superpower, Tet Offensive,
Vietnamization, women in the workforce
Civil Rights/Black Power Movement
92. Interpret the social, cultural, political, and economic significance of events or actions related to
the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement.
93. Identify key organizations that shaped the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement
and the goals and motivations of those organizations.
94. Identify and/or evaluate the effectiveness of tactics used by organizations and individuals in
shaping the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement.
95. Evaluate the actions of individuals involved in the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power
96. Identify how other reform movements were influenced by the leadership, practices, and
achievements of the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement.
Vocabulary Used in Answers:
Black Panthers, Civil Rights Act (1964), Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), Freedom Riders, March on
Washington, Nation of Islam, National Urban League, sit-ins, social activism, Southern Christian
Leadership Conference (SCLC), Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Civil Rights and the Supreme Court (1954-Present)
97. Identify the significant Supreme Court decisions relating to integration, busing, affirmative
action, the rights of the accused and reproductive rights.
98. Evaluate the short- and long-term impact of significant Supreme Court decision relating to
integration, busing, affirmative action, the rights of the accused, and reproductive rights on society
in the United States.
99. Evaluate how significant the Supreme Court decisions relating to integration, busing, affirmative
action, the rights of the accused, and reproductive rights both united and divided groups of people
in the US.
Vocabulary Used in Answers:
Affirmative action, American Indian Movement (AIM), Brown v. Board of Education (1954), Equal Rights
Amendment (ERA), Gideon v. Wainright (1963), Gray Panthers, Regents of the University of CA v. Bakke
(1978), Roe v. Wade (1973), United Farm Workers (UFW), Wounded Knee (1973)
Standard 7: U.S. Foreign Policy 1980-90s
100. Identify and/or evaluate the significance of events and actions relating to United States foreign
policy in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East.
101. Evaluate the social, political, and economic factors that motivated United States foreign policy
relating to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East on society and culture
in the US.
102. Evaluate the humanitarian, political and economic factors that motivated the US foreign policy
relating to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East.
103. Identify the influence of the media on public opinion concerning foreign policy initiatives taken
by the US relating to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East.
Vocabulary Used in Answers:
Apartheid, glasnost, globalization, inflation, terrorism
Political, Economic, and Social Concerns of new century in the U.S.
104. Examine how noted global and/or domestic events shaped the political, economic, and social
issues and concerns of people living in the U.S.
105. Analyze the domestic issues that have both united and divided social, cultural, ethnic, religious,
economic, and political groups in the United States.
106. Identify and/or examine the political, economic, and social implications of the US’s role as a
global leader.
107. Examine both domestic and international consequences of global leadership.
108. Analyze various social and political perspectives relating to domestic and international issues.
Vocabulary Used in Answers:
9-11, al-Qaeda, Camp David Accords, election of 2000, immigration, Iran Hostage Crisis, jihad,
migration, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC), Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), social movements, terrorism