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Spelling Word Study Contract
You must do at least four activities before Friday of each week. Activity 1 is a required activity. You can choose to do any of the
other activities from each section, but you should try to vary activities on a weekly basis. This homework is meant to help you
understand the meaning of the words, practice certain study skills or recognize spelling patterns. The following list contains several
activities that you may choose to complete using your spelling words.
Word Study Contract Activities
This paper needs to be kept in your homework binder/folder.
Map your words-Sort your words into patterns. Create a tree map according to the patterns of your spelling
list. Place each words in the correct place on the tree map. Read each word aloud as you sort it. Circle the
pattern in each word.
Pick 2:
Words-in-Words- Write your word and then write at least 2 smaller words that you can find in the word. You
may scramble the letters to create new words. Do this for each of your spelling words.
Word Chunks-Find the word chunk in your word (if there is one). If you can spell that word, what other words
can you spell—using that same letter pattern? Write them down. For each spelling word, write 3 words with
the same spelling pattern.
Word Building- Take the root word of your word and add prefixes and/or suffixes to the word to build a new
Look/Say/Cover/Write/Check- Look at your word. Say your word. Cover your word. Try to write your word
from memory. Check to see if you spelled it right. Do this 2 times for each of your words.
Highlighting- Write the words and highlight any silent letters. (Use a dictionary to check your work).
Consonants and Vowels- Write the spelling words; use a blue colored pencil for consonants and a red colored
pencil for vowels.
Breaking Up- Break-up your words into syllables, and tell how many syllables there are in each word. (Use
dictionary to check your work.)
ABC Order-Write your words in alphabetical order.
Lost and Found Words-Write each of your spelling words on a sheet of paper. Use a library book, magazine,
newspaper, or look around in other places and see if you can locate any of your spelling words. Then look for as
many words as you can that match the same pattern in your spelling word. Example-spelling word=inspector,
found in a book=projector. Write down where you find the words.
Word Study Contract Activities-cont.
Pick 1:
11. Silly Sentences-Use all your words in five sentences. Be sure to use correct capitalization and punctuation.
Underline each spelling word.
12. Story Words-Write a short story using all your words. Underline each of your words in the story. Make sure
your story has a beginning, middle, and end.
13. Ransom Words-Write 10 of your words by cutting out letters in a newspaper or magazine and glue them on a
14. Scrabble Tiles-Use your Scrabble tiles to build your spelling words. Add up the value of the letters in each of
your spelling words. Number your paper and list your words in order from the lowest value to the greatest
value. Example: house h (4) + o(1) + u (1) + s (1) + e (1) =8
15. Cursive Words-Write each of your words in cursive 2 times each.
16. 30 Second Words-Write a TV commercial using all the words from your list. Underine each word used.
17. Word Art-Make words using popsicle sticks, macaroni, string or other craft items. Glue the words to paper. Be
18. Parts of Speech-Classify each word according to its part of speech (noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, etc.)
19. Dictionary Guide Words-At the top of each dictionary page are two guidewords. They tell the first and last entry
words that are listed on the page. Using a dictionary, locate your spelling words, and then locate the guide
words on the page. Write the guide words beside your spelling word.
20. Create an Activity-Can you think of a fun way to do your spelling activities? Try it out! This idea must be
approved BEFORE your turn it in.
Remember: You must do at least four activities before Friday of each week.