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Español 3-4
Repaso para el Examen del Segundo Semestre
Sra. English / 2008-09
Mi examen es a las ____:____, el ______________, el ____ de junio.
Tengo que traer: un lápiz, mi libro, y este paquete.
Make charts of the normal preterite endings.
-ar verbs
-er/-ir verbs
Capítulo 4
Vocabulario 1 – Talking about how things turned out/Reacting to events: pp. 126-128, 157
Make sure you study all the words. These are just a few to get you started. Write what they mean in
to tie a game –
gymnastics –
success –
player –
failure –
coach –
speech/public speaking –
score –
I started to… –
It made me very happy. –
to cry –
to laugh –
to lose –
to win –
Gramática – Ponerse y Decir en el Pretérito: pp. 130, 224
Write the forms and meanings of ponerse and decir in the preterite.
ponerse = _______________________
decir = _________________________
What are some tricks to remember which verb to use when choosing between the two?
Complete the sentences with the correct preterite form of ponerse or decir.
1. Cuando el entrenador nos ______________ que perdimos, nosotras _________________ a llorar.
2. Con la muerte del gato, Sra. English _________________ muy triste.
3. Alfredo y yo le _________________ “hola” a la profesora.
4. Mi madre me _________________ que tengo que organizar mi habitación.
Gramática – Preterite of –ir stem-changing verbs: p. 132
No te olvides…don’t stem-change –ar or –er verbs.
ONLY –ir verbs have a stem-change, and ONLY in the _________________________ forms.
How do we know what the irregular stem-change will be?
Write the forms and meanings of the following verbs.
sentirse = _______________________
preferir = _______________________
seguir = _______________________
reírse = _______________________
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. Mi padre ______________________ (seguir) trabajando en el jardín.
2. La abuela ______________________ (dormirse).
3. Nosotros ______________________ (preferir) comer pizza.
4. Juan y Elena _________________ (sentirse) tristes cuando el perro ________________ (morirse).
Gramática – Ser y Estar en el Pretérito: pp. 134, 224
Write the tricks you learned to know when to use ser and when to use estar when you need to
choose between them. What are they each used to talk about?
Write the forms of ser and estar in the preterite.
ser – same forms as ______
Complete the sentences with the correct preterite form of ser or estar.
1. Mi familia _____________________ en Costa Rica por un año.
2. Mi familia y yo _____________________ a Costa Rica.
3. Después del partido, mi hermano _____________________ contento.
4. La compentencia _____________________ todo un fracaso
5. El concierto de la banda escolar _____________________ en el auditorio.
6. ¿Qué tal _____________________ la competencia de debate?
Vocabulario 2 – Talking about getting hurt/Asking for and getting advice: pp. 138-139, 141, 157
Make sure you study all the words. These are just a few to get you started. Write what they mean in
ice –
bone –
ointment –
swollen –
to be careful –
to get a sunburn –
to bandage/wrap –
to break (a body part) –
cough syrup –
knee –
brain –
ankle –
heart –
to have a cramp
Gramática – Verbs with Reflexive Pronouns and Direct Objects: p. 142
What are the reflexive pronouns?
Reflexive pronouns can be placed…
just before a ___________________________
attached to the end of ________________________
attached to the end of _____________________________ (-_____ / -_____ = -ing)
attached to the end of a ________________________ command
between _______ and a ___________________________ command
Translate the following sentences from Spanish to English.
1. ¡Lávate las manos! ________________________________________________________________
2. Mamá está poniéndose una curita. ___________________________________________________
3. Ayer yo me quemé con el sol. _______________________________________________________
4. ¡Ten cuidado! Vas a cortarte los dedos. ________________________________________________
5. Chicos, no se venden los tobillos. ____________________________________________________
Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.
1. Put on ointment. (on yourself) _______________________________________________________
2. I twisted my ankle. ________________________________________________________________
3. Don’t put on ointment. (on yourself) __________________________________________________
4. Juan is going to twist his ankle. ______________________________________________________
Gramática – Past Participles Used as Adjectives (Turning Verbs into Adjectives): p. 144
Write the process of turning a verb into an adjective:
What are two irregulars?
Don’t forget that these are adjectives now, so they have to agree with the __________ they describe
in both ________________ and _____________________.
Using the first part of the question as a clue, write the correct past participle in each blank.
1. Me rompí la mano. Ahora tengo la mano _____________________.
2. Me quemé el dedo. Tengo el dedo _____________________.
3. Juan se torcí la muñeca. Tiene la muñeca _____________________.
4. Julia se vendó los tobillos. Tiene los tobillos _____________________.
Gramática – Preterite of Verbs like Caer: pp. 146, 226
Verbs like caer have a spelling change in the preterite. In the ______________________ forms,
change the ___ to ___. These verbs (except for construir) have a different accent pattern as well.
Use accents in the ____________________________________ forms.
Write the forms and meanings of these 2 verbs in the preterite.
caerse = ________________________
oír = ___________________________
Capítulo 5
Vocab 1 – Getting ready/Reminding someone to do something/Hurrying someone: pp. 166-168, 197
Make sure you study all the words. These are just a few to get you started. Write what they mean in
to hurry –
to lock the door –
umbrella –
Did you remember to…? –
to pick up –
I totally forgot. –
to paint one’s nails –
to brush –
to turn off the light(s) –
Relax. –
Don’t worry. –
contact lenses –
Gramática – Poder y Traer en el Pretérito: p. 170
Write the forms and meanings of poder and traer in the preterite.
poder = ________________________
traer = _________________________
Complete the following sentences with the correct preterite form of poder or traer.
1. Mamá, ¿_____________________ tú las llaves?
2. Ana y yo no _____________________ correr.
3. Rodrigo nos _____________________ el pastel para la fiesta.
4. Carlos y María _____________________ ir a la fiesta también.
Gramática – Combining Reflexive Pronouns & Direct Object Pronouns: p. 172
If we use reflexive pronouns and direct object pronouns in the sentence, they must stay together.
The ________________ pronoun (who) always comes before the _______________ pronoun (what).
The pronouns can go in the same places described on page 4.
Write the following sentences in Spanish:
1. I paint them. (my nails) ____________________________________________________________
2. Jorge y Rodrigo bandage them. (their ankles) __________________________________________
3. Wash them! (your hands) __________________________________________________________
4. Don’t wash them! (your hands) ______________________________________________________
Gramática – Possessive Pronouns: p. 174
Write the possessive pronouns here. Don’t forget to use él/la/los/las, except after the verb ________.
masc., sing. thing
masc., plur. things
fem., sing. thing
fem., plur. things
owner = yo
owner = tú
owner =él/ella/Ud.
owners = nosotros
owners =
Vocabulario 2 – Interest & Disinterest / How long something has been going on: pp. 178-180, 197
Make sure you study all the words. These are just a few to get you started. Write what they mean in
to take care of a pet –
to get bored –
to work on cars –
story –
to interest –
not a bit –
to sew –
free time –
to collect coins –
to do crossword puzzles –
to enjoy –
to play cards –
Gramática – Negative Expressions & Ninguno(a): p. 182
Write what the following questions are in English.
¿Quién(es)? –
¿Cuánto(a)? –
¿Cuándo? –
¿A quién(es)? –
¿Qué? –
Rewrite the following negative expressions in English.
Nada –
Nadie –
Nunca –
Ninguno –
Ninguna –
Ningún –
Tampoco –
Next to each question word above, write the negative expression(s) that could be used to answer the
question. For example, write the word that means “never” next to the question that asks “when.”
Gramática – Hace with Time Expressions (Saying how long something has been going on): p. 184
Write the formula we use to say how long something has been going on.
Write at least 6 time expressions and what they mean in English.
Write how to say each of the following in Spanish using the equation from above.
1. Carla and I have been playing cards for two months. ____________________________________
2. Juan has been reading for three hours. _______________________________________________
3. We’ve been studying for a week. ____________________________________________________
4. I have been knitting for a long time. __________________________________________________
Gramática – Pero & Sino: p. 186
Pero is used to say ‘but’ as in ‘however’.
Me gusta la biología pero no me gusta la química.
Sino is used to say ‘not this, but that instead’.
No me gusta la química, sino la biología.
Sino is also used to say ‘not only, but this too’ using ‘No sólo…sino también…’
No sólo me gustan las matemáticas, sino también las ciencias.
Fill in the following sentences with either Pero or Sino.
1. No solo nos gusta la música rock, ________ también la música jazz.
2. Quiero aprender tocar el piano, ________ es muy difícil.
3. No me gustan las hamburguesas, _______ la pizza.
4. No solo quiero tocar el piano, ________ la guitarra también.
5. Quiero ir al cine, ________ no tengo dinero.
Capítulo 6
Vocabulario 1 – What you used to like & dislike/What you used to be like: pp. 206-209, 237
Make sure you study all the words. These are just a few to get you started. Write what they mean in
to swing (on a swing) –
to run races –
as a child –
to jump rope –
to get along well/badly –
to play house –
to fight –
to share toys –
to play tricks –
What did you want to be? –
What did you like to do when you were…years old? –
Gramática – El Imperfecto: pp. 210, 212, 222, 262, 264
What are the endings for regular verbs in the imperfect?
-ar verbs
-er/-ir verbs
There is no stem-changing in the imperfect, but there are three irregulars. What are they, and what
are their forms?
What is the only imperfect form of the verb haber that you know how to use? ___________________
What does it mean? __________________________
Complete the sentences with the correct imperfect form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. De niños, Rosario y Alfredo siempre __________________________ (columpiarse).
2. Juan, ¿Qué __________________________ (hacer) en el parque?
3. José __________________________ (ir) al parque todos los días.
4. Cuando yo _____________ (tener) ocho años, ____________ (ver) dibujos animados los sábados.
5. Mis hermanas y yo __________________________ (ser) juguetonas.
6. __________________________ (haber) dos sofás en la sala.
Gramática – Reciprocal Actions: p. 214
A reciprocal action involves _____ or more people doing something __________________________.
To show that an action is reciprocal, use a reciprocal pronoun (_____ or ______) with a
____________ verb form.
Rewrite the following sentences in Spanish, using reciprocal actions and the imperfect.
1. My mother and I used to hug each other. ______________________________________________
2. The friends used to help each other. __________________________________________________
3. Juan and Elena used to tell each other stories. __________________________________________
Vocabulario 2 – Describing people and things in the past / Emotional reactions: pp. 218-220, 237
Make sure you study all the words. These are just a few to get you started. Write what they mean in
What were you like…? –
arrival –
talkative –
birth –
spoiled –
quiet –
back then –
selfish –
playful –
to make a good/bad impression –
sickness –
generous –
Gramática – Preterite with Mental and Emotional States – p. 224
You have already used the preterite of verbs such as:
- ponerse & sentirse to describe reactions and changes in mental or emotional states that
occurred at a specific time in the past
- estar to describe how someone was or felt for a specific period of time.
We can also use the verbs querer and saber. They have slightly different meanings in the preterite
than in the present tense. Write those meanings and the forms of the two verbs.
querer* = _______________________
saber = _________________________
*no querer in the preterite = _____________________
Capítulo 7
NO vocabulario de este capítulo
Gramática – Double Object Pronouns, p. 250
We can use direct and indirect object pronouns in the same sentence. The direct object pronoun
answers the question _____________ and the indirect object pronoun answers the question
____________________. When they are used in the same sentence, they must stay together. The
_______________________ pronoun will always come first. The indirect object pronouns le or les
change to ______ when they are used with the direct object pronouns lo, la, los, or las.
(You can’t _____ _____. You gotta _____ _____.)
The pronouns can go in the same places described on page 4.
Complete the sentences by circling the most logical answer.
1. El regalo es para Rogelio. Voy a ____________ en la fiesta.
a. dárlelo
b. dártelo
c. dárlose
2. ¿Quieren unos refrescos? ___________ traigo a ustedes.
a. Los le
b. Le los
c. Los se
3. Ángela me dio un carro. = Ángela __________ dio.
a. Me lo
b. Se lo
c. Me la
d. dárselo
d. Se los
d. La me
Gramática – Más del imperfecto
Don’t forget to review the imperfect again! ¡Es muy importante!
Capítulo 8
Vocabulario 1 – Shopping for and trying on clothes/Saying how clothes fit: pp. 286-289, 317
Make sure you study all the words. These are just a few to get you started. Write what they mean in
tight –
to match/go with –
loose –
fitting room –
scarf –
socks (find word in back of book) –
belt –
to bargain –
miniskirt –
suit –
to exchange (for) –
to try on –
Gramática – El Pretérito y El Imperfecto: pp. 290, 292
Make a list of reasons to use the imperfect and reasons to use the preterite. (What do they both talk
about or mean?) Come up with as many as possible:
Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in either the
preterite or imperfect tense.
1. Yo _______________________ (probarse) los jeans, pero me _____________________ (quedar)
2. Mientras Juan ____________________ (conducir) el carro, Elena _____________________ (leer).
3. De pequeñas, las amigas siempre _______________________ (jugar) con muñecas.
4. El martes, Rodrigo y Ana _______________________ (ir) de compras.
5. Me _______________________ (gustar) los gatos.
6. Las bufandas _______________________ (ser) muy bonitas.
7. Yo __________________ (ir) a comer, pero __________________ (ir) al parque.
Gramática – Comparatives and Superlatives: p. 294
To make a comparison between things, you would say one is more than or one is less than the other.
more + adjective + than = más + adjective + que
less + adjective + than = menos + adjective + que
Juana es más alta que Roberta.
Roberta es menos alta que Juana.
Translate the following sentences into Spanish.
1. Juan is nicer than José. ____________________________________________________________
2. My backpack isn’t as big as yours. (it is less big)
To say that two things are alike, use the formula
tan + adjective + como
Translate the following sentences into Spanish.
1. Juan is as nice as José. ____________________________________________________________
2. My dog is as big as your cat. ________________________________________________________
A superlative says that something is the most or least [adjective]. The formula is
El libro más interesante  The most interesting book
El libro menos interestante  The least interesting book
To talk about something or someone being the best, the worst, the oldest, or the youngest, use the
following formula:
noun +
El mejor libro (del mundo)  The best book (in the world)
El peor libro (del mundo)  The worst book (in the world)
A way to say that something is extremely good, bad, or interesting is to add the ending
–ísimo/a/os/as to the adjective.
Este edificio es grandísimo. La casa es grandísima.
Vocabulario 2 – Bargaining in a market/Stating preferences: pp. 298-301, 317
Make sure you study all the words. These are just a few to get you started. Write what they mean in
carved figure –
stone –
gold –
silver –
How much is…? –
handmade –
market stand –
last offer –
wide assortment –
chain –
tablecloth –
I’ll let you have them for… –
Gramática – Por y Para: p. 302
Make lists of reasons to use por and para.
Use por or para to complete each sentence.
1. Pasamos _________ el mercado _________ dos horas.
2. El libro es _________ el cumpleaños de José.
3. Después de ir de compras, vamos _________ la casa de Juan _________ autobús.
4. Yo pagué treinta dólares _________ mi vestido nuevo.
5. Fui al parque _________ columpiarme.
Gramática – Demonstrative Adjectives/Adverbs of Place: p. 304
here =
there =
Write a list of the 12 demonstrative adjectives and what they mean.
Following the clues in parentheses, use demonstrative adjectives to complete the following
1. Yo quiero ____________________ (those) cestas pequeñas.
2. Para mi madre, voy a comprar ____________________ (that) camisa azul.
3. Mi padre va a comer ____________________ (that, farther away) pastel.
4. ____________________ (These) gatos son míos.