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Animal Kingdom – Invertebrates – Part 1
Invertebrates (Term refers to animals without a backbone.) (These are lower grade animals.)
A. Most of these are aquatic life forms.
B. They account for 95% of all known animal life forms existing today.
Parazoa (like-animals) (“para” means “like”; “zoa” means “animal”… like a zoo is where we see animals.)
A. Phylum: Porifera (These are pore bearers.)(The common name is Sponges.)(Fig:33.4)
1. Porous –porocytes(Where water enters in.) ; Osculum (Where water exits out.)
2. No true tissues, no muscle, no nerves
3. They are all sessile (means “non-moving) filter feeders.
4. Hermaphrodites – Organism contains both sexes.
III. Radial Eumetazoa (true animals) (“eu” means “true”)
A. Phylum: Cnidaria (These are Jellyfish and Sea anemones.)
1. Diploblastic (Means “two germ layers”) – endoderm(digestion) and ectoderm (protection)
2. Mesoglea (middle jelly) (This provides buoyancy and shape to the organism.)
3. Mostly marine(means “salt water”) animals.
4. Two Life Stages (Fig: 33.5)
a. Polyp Stage (sessile) (This stage is similar to the sponges in appearance.)
b. Medusa Stage (motile)
Moves using a nerve net to shock the mesoglea
Bell (top portion) has statocysts (cells that detect gravity) and oscilli (cells that detect light)
Tenticles contain Cnidocytes (stinging cells)(Fig: 33.6) (nematocyst – poison sac)
5. Gastrovascular cavity (Functions in digestion and food distribution.) (Possesses one mouth/anus opening.)
6. Sexual (medusa stage)and asexual (Polyp stage) reproduction is performed.
IV. Bilateral Eumetazoa
A. Phylum: Platyhelminthes (Flatworms)
1. Triplobastic (three germ layers) – ectoderm, mesoderm (muscle), endoderm
2. Acoelomates – (means “without a cavity”) These are small animals that move materials by osmosis/diffusion.
a. They can only be a couple of cells thick; just like the bryophytes of plants.
3. Nervous System (Has a ganglia/brain and nerve chords.)(Fig: 33.10)(Respond to environment and movement.)
a. Eyespots (These are structures for detecting light.) (They are recessed oscilli.)
b. This is the beginnings of cephalization. (The accumulation of sensory tissue in a “head” region.)
4. Gastrovascular cavity extends the length of the body (Still a mouth/anus opening.)
5. Flame cells – These are for excreting nitrogenous waste associated with protein breakdown.
a. They are similar to kidneys.
6. Four classes exist
a. Turbellaria (planarians)
These are free-living, marine, carnivorous flatworms.
b. Trematodes (flukes) and Monogeneans (Fig:33.11)
These are internal or external parasites associated with feces water.
Most common is Schistosomysis. (Blood/liver fluke)(Kills 200 Million people/year – third world.)
c. Cestoidea (Tapeworms)(Fig: 33.12)
These are parasites of the intestines. (They cause extreme weight loss quickly upon infection.)
Scolex (the head) It has sucker cups with hooks to hold on in the intestine as food moves paste.
Proglottids (These are the reproductive segments.)(hermaphroditic)(Larger sections – older.)
Contaminated feces water or feces eating (such as with dogs and cats.)
Animal Kingdom – Invertebrates – Part 2
Phylum: Molluska (mollusks)(means “soft body”)(Fig: 33.16)
A. Most have a protective shell (either external or internal) made of chitin or Calcium Carbonate.
B. ALL mollusks have three soft body parts:
1. Foot – A muscle for movement.(It evolves from a single mass to separate tentacles over millions of years.)
2. Mantle – This is a tissue flap that can produce the protective shell.
3. Visceral Mass – Area that contains the vital organs (heart, gills/lungs, stomach, gonads, and nephridia)
C. Mantle Cavity – This cavity (space) contains the gills( if aquatic) or lungs(if terrestrial).
D. Radula – This is a barbed, shredding tongue that goes back and forth.
E. Beaks – Eagle-shaped structure found in the cephalopods for killing and eating prey. (These are razor sharp.)
F. Separate sexes exist (Except in snails, which are STILL hermaphroditic.)
G. Four classes of Mollusks exist:
1. Polyplacophora (Chitons)(Fig: 33.17)
a. These are flat worm- like organisms; but with 8 hard protective plates of Calcium Carbonate.
2. Gastropoda (means “Stomach-foot”; “poda” means “foot”)(Figs: 33.18 and 33.19)(Snails and slugs)
a. These are mostly marine; but some are terrestrial.
b. The head has eye stalks that possess retractable eye spots.
Some have a twisted shell of Calcium Carbonate. (Except the slugs.)
d. The shell undergoes torsion. (a 180⁰ twisting)(The mouth and anus are anterior for protection.)
3. Bivalvia (means “possessing two shells”)(Figs: 33.20 and 33.21)(Oysters, scallops, and clams)
These organisms possess a protective shell, having two halves, of Calcium Carbonate.
The shell is controlled by large adductor muscles.
These are filter feeders and possess gills for gas exchange.
4. Cephalopoda (means “Head-foot”)(Fig: 33.22) (Squid, octopus, and Nautilus)
Most are aerodynamic; all are carnivorous predators with beaks.
They all have tentacles with strong suction cups to hold prey.
They move by jet propulsion using siphons. (Move by swimming backwards.)
Shell – external – nautilus (These are living fossil); internal – squid(pen); non-existent in octopus
Closed circulatory system and digestive TRACT (This affords a larger size organism.)
Very well developed nervous system and senses (They have eyes and brain as they’re predators)
Animal Kingdom – Invertebrates – Part 3
Phylum: Annelida (These are the segmented worms)(means “fused rings”)(Fig: 33.23)
A. They have a septated coelom. (This allows for specialization of each segment to occur.)
B. They possess a true digestive tract with different organs:
1. Pharynx (This structure sucks up food.)
2. Esophagus (This structure lubricates the food so it can slide by peristalsis… rhythmic contraction.)
3. Crop (This structure is for food storage.)
4. Gizzard (This structure is for food breakdown.) (Crop and gizzard will evolve in a stomach later in time.)
5. Intestines (This structure is for food absorption.)(Food molecules are passed into the circulatory system.)
C. They have a closed circulatory system. (The system runs dorsally and ventrally for the whole length of the
organism. the system has 5 muscular tube hearts for pumping hemoglobin.)(Hemoglobin is iron rich blood.)
D. Nervous system has anterior ganglion brain with ventral nerve cord possessing segmental ganglia.
E. Excretory system (removes nitrogenous waste) is composed of segmental Metanephridia (2 per segment.)
F. Reproduction (They perform cross fertilization even though they are hermaphrodites.)(Structure = Function, Take
and stick out your thumb and index finger on both hands. Then rotate one hand so that you have one palm side
and one top side facing you. Point each hand toward the other hand. Now move them together. Each thumb(male
organ) is touching a index (female organ). So they can cross fertilize each other.
1. They are hermaphrodites. (This is due to life style – living in dirt.)(Clitellum- it is the one enlarge segment.
This segment makes a protective case to collect the eggs in. The eggs are laid in front of the clitellum.)
G. Three classes of annelids exist
1. Oligiochaeta (Earthworms)
2. Polychaeta (sea worms)
3. Hirudinea (leaches)(These are fresh water worms.)(They are also parasites.)
a. They have a blade like jaw and anesthetic saliva. (So you can’t feel them until you see them.)
b. Hirudin (This protein in the saliva is anti-coagulant; so it keeps blood from clotting while it feeds.)
Phylum: Nematoda (These are the round, unsegmented worms.)
A. They are free-living decomposers or parasites.
B. Have a thick chitinous skin(called cuticle) that has to undergo ecdysis (means “shed”) periodically to grow larger.
1. This skin protects against desiccation (means “water loss”).
C. These are pseudocoelomates – no circulatory system
D. There are separate sexes.
E. For example, Tricinella spiralis “trichinosis” (Can be caught by eating undercooked pork.)
Animal Kingdom - Invertebrates – Part 4
Arthropods (means “jointed foot”)
A. These are the most abundant group of animals on Earth. (Insects are the most abundant arthropods.)
B. They are also segmented animals. (Remember, this allows for specialization of segments.)
C. They all display a high degree of cephalization. (Brain, antenna, eyes, mouth parts all in the head.)
D. Cuticle of Chitin (This is the outer exoskeleton that protects against desiccation and harm.)
1. It serves as an attachment point for muscle tissue.
2. It too must undergo ecdysis to grow larger.
E. All have an open circulatory system (There are NO blood vessels to get pinched in the exoskeleton.)
1. Hemolymph (similar to hemoglobin) travels through sinuses(spaces).
2. Hemolymph bathes the organs instead.
3. The possess a large one chamber heart with directing tubes.
F. Use gills, lungs, or tracheal tubes (for insects) for gas exchange. (It depends on where they live…water or
G. Four subphylum exist in nature
1. Cheliceriforms (These are the fanged arthropods) (“Chelicera” means “fang”)(Fig: 33.32)
a. These are Ticks, Spiders, Mites, Scorpions, Horseshoe Crabs. (Fig: 33.28)
b. They have NO antenna, have 8 legs, body has two parts: Cephalothorax and abdomen, have multiple
eyes (simple and compound), book lungs, spinnerets (Cephalothorax is a combined head and thorax.)
2. Myriapods (means “multilegged” animals)
a. Millipede belong to the class: Diplopoda (These are harmless.)(They are decomposers.)(They have 2
pairs of walking legs per segment.)
b. Centipedes belong to the class: Chilopoda (These are poisonous carnivores.)(They have a pincher on
the tail end like a scorpion.)(They have 1 pair of walking legs per segment.)
3. Hexapoda (means “six legged” animals)(These are the Insects.)(Fig: 33.35)
a. Most can fly using one or two pairs of wings.(Wings are an extensions of the cuticle.)(They are
basically air-filled tubes with a thin layer of Chitin covering the open spaces.)(Analogous to bird wing)
b. Possess one pair of antenna.
c. Malpighian tubules (like kidneys) collect nitrogenous waste and empty it into the intestine for
d. Tracheal tube system with spiracles(openings in abdomen) for gas exchange.
e. Incomplete Metamorphosis – Insect grows from nymph to adult. (They look alike though.)
f. Complete Metamorphosis – Insect grows from Larva to pupa to adult. (Each looks different.)
g. Mate once in the life time then die. (Males usually killed after mating.)(females – after laying of eggs.)
h. Important pollinators of angiosperm plants.
i. Some are disease carriers.
j. Some are considered, by man, to be pests. (Use pesticides/insecticides to kill them.)
4. Crustaceans (These are aquatic arthropods.)
a. They possess 2 pair of antenna. (long pair – for finding obstacles; short pair – for finding food)
Walking legs on thorax and swimmerets on abdomen
Possess a Carapace (this covers the visceral mass) and exoskeleton.
Usually has two large Pincers as first set of legs.
Green gland (like kidneys) collects nitrogenous waste. (They are under the eyes –defensive location.)
Animal Kingdom – Invertebrates – Part 5
Phylum: Echinodermata (means “spiny skin”; “derm” means “skin”)(Fig: 33.39)
A. These are the Starfish, Sea urchins, Sea cucumbers, Sand dollars, and Sea biscuits.
B. They have an INTERNAL CALCIUM CARBONATE SKELETON (It grows as the organism grows, so it is composed of
living cells; just like yours.) (It is Homologous to vertebrates.)
C. They use a water vascular system for movement and transport.
1. It has three parts to it:
a. Madreporite – This is the “mother pore” or opening to the inside.
b. Tube feet – These are for suction and walking.
c. Ring canal – This connects the five legs and madreporite.
D. They start as bilateral larva  grows into radial adult.
E. They are carnivores. (They eat bivalves.)
F. They can regenerate of lost limbs.
G. Deuterostome like the vertebrates in development (COMMON ANCESTORY with the high grade animals.)