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Español II-capítulo 1
Los quehaceres-chores
arreglar-to straighten up (a room)
barrer el piso-to sweep the floor
cortar el césped-to mow the lawn/cut the grass
hacer la cama-to make the bed
lavar los platos-to wash the dishes
limpiar-to clean
mover (o-ue present tense) los muebles-to move
the furniture
ordenar-to arrange
pasar la aspiradora-to vacuum
planchar la ropa-to iron the clothes
poner la mesa-to set the table
quitar el polvo-to dust
quitar la mesa-to clear the table
regar (e-ie) las plantas-to water the plants
sacar la basura-to take out the trash
las cosas en la casa y ubicación-things in the
house and location
la alfombra-rug, carpet
la bañera-bathtub
el baño-bathroom
cerca (de)-near
la cocina-kitchen
el comedor-dining room
la cómoda-dresser
el cuadro-painting
el cuarto-room
a la derecha (de)-to the right of
detrás (de)-behind
la ducha-shower
enfrente (de)-in front of
el estante-bookshelf
la estufa-stove
el fregadero-kitchen sink
el garaje-garage
la habitación-bedroom
el horno-oven
el inodoro-toilet
a la izquierda (de)-to the left of
la lámpara-lamp
el lavabo-bathroom sink
la lavadora-washing machine
el lavaplatos-dishwasher
lejos (de)-far
la mesa-table
la mesita de noche-nightstand
la pared-wall
el piso-floor
la puerta-door
el refrigerador-refrigerator
sala-living room
techo-roof, ceiling
televisor-television set
Present progressive tense tells what is going on
right now
To form present progressive tense in English use
a present-tense form of “to be” and -ing
Ex.-I am writing.
To form present progressive tense in Spanish
use the present-tense forms of “estar”:
For –ar verbs the –ing ending is –ando
For –er and –ir verbs the –ing ending is
Ex.-We are talking.-Estamos hablando.
She is eating.-Ella está comiendo.
Direct objects
A direct object is a person or thing receiving an
action. A direct object pronoun replaces the
person or thing.
Ex 1. I threw the book. (“the book” is the direct
I threw it. (“it” is the direct object pronoun
replacing “the book”)
Ex. 2 They see Ana outside every day. (Ana is
the direct object)
They see her outside every day. (“her” is the
direct object pronoun replacing Ana)
direct object pronouns in Spanish
te-you (inform.)
os-y’all (Spain)
lo-him, it/you (form.)
los-them (mas.)/yall
la-her, it/you (form.)
las-them (fem.)/y’all
Direct object pronouns go in front of the
conjugated verb.
Affirmative and negative “tú” commands-used
to tell someone what to do (affirmative) or
whant not to do (negative)
1. To form regular affirmative commands in
Spanish, use the él/ella/ud. form of the verb.
For –ar verbs, take off –ar and put -a
For –er and –ir verbs, take off –er or –ir and
put -e
Ex. escuchar (to listen) - ¡Escucha! (Listen!)
correr (to run) - ¡Corre! (Run!)
irregular affirmative “tú” commands:
decir (to say, tell) - di
hacer (to do, make)- haz
ir (to go) – ve
poner (to put, place, or set) – pon
salir (to leave, go out) – sal
*ser (to be) – sé
tener (to have) – ten
venir (to come) – ven
*Remember to use “ser” when describing
people or things
2. To form regular negative commands in
Spanish, go to “yo” form of the verb*, then drop
the “o” and add the following endings:
-ar verbs – es
-er/-ir verbs – as
Put “No” in front of verb.
Ex. hablar (to talk) – No hables. (Don’t talk)
salir (to leave) – No salgas. (Don’t leave.)
* Verbs with irregular “yo” forms
conducir (to drive)-yo conduzco
conocer-(to know a person/place)-yo conozco
decir (to say, tell)-yo digo
hacer (to do, make)-yo hago
oír (to hear)-yo oigo
poner (to put, place)-yo pongo
saber (to know facts)-yo sé
salir (to leave, go out)-yo salgo
seguir (to follow, continue)-yo sigo
tener (to have)-yo tengo
traer (to bring)-yo traigo
venir (to come)-yo vengo
ver (to see)-yo veo
Irregular negative “tú” commands
dar (to give) – no des
ir (to go) – no vayas
ser (to be) – no seas