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The First Dynasties of China
Lesson 2, pages: 150-157
The Shang Dynasty
• One family ruled for 600
years: 1700BC-1100BC.
• Lands were located along
the Heung He River.
• New towns created by
giving land to relatives.
• First capital: Shang
• Second capital: Anyang
Shang Towns
• Important production centers
• Farmers and workers provided food,
clothes, and goods to the Rulers.
• Soldiers were called up when needed by
the Empire.
• Prisoners of war became slaves
Shang Culture
• Rulers were buried in
elaborate tombs: Lady
Chinese Writing
• Writing system developed
from pictures dating
before the Shang
• Characters became more
simplified over time.
• Symbols replaced
• Documents were written
on bamboo and silk.
Oracle Bones
• Priests heated bones until
they cracked.
• Patterns in the cracks
were “read” and thought
to tell the future.
• Shang rulers used them
to guide important
• Remnants valuable for
the writing samples.
Religious Beliefs
• Ancestors were important
and helped people –
especially the king.
• Ancestors lived in another
world but could control
life on earth.
• Polytheism – worshiped
many gods/goddesses.
• When you died you
became an ancestor.
• People had altars in their
homes to make offerings
to their ancestors.
Shang Gods & Goddesses
• Controlled nature
• First order: nature
spirits like river, wind,
earth, and thunder
• Second order:
linked to specific
natural features like a
certain river or
Bronze Age
Shang Defeat!
• West of the Shang
Empire was the Zhou
• Alternated peace/war
• 1100BC – Wuwang (King
of Zhou) defeated the
Shang army.
• New Dynasty: Zhou
Dynasty 1100BC to
Zhou Dynasty
• China’s classic age
because of the growth
and creativity of this time.
• The Five Classics written
during this time:
Book of Poetry
Book of History
Spring and Summer Annals
Book of Changes
Book of Rituals
Mandate of Heaven
• Zhou principle that explained why they had
the right to start a new dynasty.
• Governments may only rule as long as
they do so fairly, benefit the people, and
perform proper religious duties.
• Shang ruler had been an evil man, so they
were justified.
Duke of Zhou
• Wuwang died.
• Son of Wuwang only an
• Uncle of son (Duke of
Zhou) rules in place of
the baby.
• Considered a hero and
great leader because he
could have killed the baby
and took control himself,
but didn’t.
• Defended Zhou against a
rebellion and attacks from
other kingdoms.
• Trade expanded
• Roads built
• Canals built to
connect cities and
• Swamps drained
• Metals coins used
instead of seashells
(Shang Dynasty)
• Relatives & friends ruled fortified cities
across the empire.
• For their 200 year rule, Zhou leaders kept
• 771 BC – the Zhou king was killed by
invaders. 2 kings claimed the throne.
• During the fighting over the throne local
rulers began fighting with each other.
Warring States Period
• After the end of the
Zhou dynasty, the
local ruler continued
to fight with each
other for hundreds of
• 475BC - 221BC
• Blast furnaces were
used to make iron
stronger and more
• Used to make
weapons like daggers
and swords.
– Constant border wars
• Made spades, knives
and sickles for
agricultural use.
Horses and Chariots
• Learned horseback
riding from their
neighbors on the
• Trained their soldiers
to fight on horseback
and in chariots.
• Harnesses for
chariots were not
improved on for many
centuries later.
Warring States Period
• 475BC – 221BC
• Turbulent time of fighting
between local rulers
• Great cultural advances
– Each ruler wanted to lure
the best and smartest to
his kingdom.
• “Hundred Schools”
• Confucius & Lao Zi
Kong Fu Zi was a great scholar.
Born in the state of Lu in 551 BC
He was a government consultant
Students wrote down his
– The Analects
Believed society could be fair and
– People should act with honor and
Education was the key to
– Helping others
Benevolence, or ren, preceeds
good governments.
– Goodness would trickle down.
• Lao Zi was born in 604BC
• Dao means, “the way”
• Nature should guide
people in their lives.
• Material goods and big
jobs were not important.
• Live in harmony with
• Ying & Yang symbol