Download AnS 214 Review Session 3 Friday 9/4, 11am A) Oxygen Exchange

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AnS 214 Review Session 3
Friday 9/4, 11am
A) Oxygen Exchange – use the diag. to answer the
1) Fill in the blanks on the diagrams to the left.
2) Reproduce the entire reaction for the conversion of CO2 to
bicarbonate below.
______ + _____
3) At the tissue level, _______________ leaving the cell can
either become dissolved as gas in the blood stream, combine
with _______________ to form carbamino compounds, or
react with _______________ in the cell to form
_______________ . This product can spontaneously
dissociate to form _______________ and __________. The
smaller of these two products replaces ______________ on
the oxyhemoglobin the cell was carrying, turning it into
deoxyhemoglobin. This displaced molecule then diffuses into
the ______________ down its _________________ gradient
to fuel cellular respiration.
4) HCO3- is a charged particle. This is the primary form in
which ________________ travels in the bloodstream, but
originates within the RBC. Going off of this information,
explain the significance of chloride shift in the RBC.
5) What is the full name of the enzyme catalyses the reaction of water and carbon dioxide, and the reverse reaction
involving carbonic acid?
6) In a paragraph similar to #3, explain how the bicarbonate from the bloodstream is turned into carbon dioxide, and
why it then enters the lungs.
7) What is the origin of the H+ ion that combines with bicarbonate to form carbonic acid?
B) Hemoglobin dissociation curves
1) Fill in the banks of the leftmost diagram.
2) Define “% saturation of hemoglobin”.
3) a. What is the % saturation of hemoglobin at pO2 100? Blood with this pO2 is most likely located at what tissue?
b. What is the % saturation of hemoglobin at pO2 40? Blood with this pO2 is most likely located at what tissue?
c. What accounts for the difference in % oxygen saturation of blood at these two organ levels?
4) In your own words describe what the center and right diagrams state about the dissociation of oxygen from
hemoglobin as a function of
a. body temp
b. pH
5) Using the information in part A of this worksheet, explain WHY hemoglobin is more likely to expel oxygen at the
tissue level during exercise? Hint: look at the consequences of CO2 entering the RBC.
C) Avian respiration
Compare mammalian and avian respiratory systems by filling in the table below.
Lung type
Order of air flow
# of respiratory cycles (insp. + exp.)
needed to move 1 volume of air
through lungs
Expiration is..........
Amount of dead space
Gas exchange occurs in....
Exchange efficiency
Respiration rate
Tidal volume