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Chapter 17 Respiration: Gas Exchange and Regulation of Breathing and
IPCD Fill in Exercise in Class
17.1 Overview of the Pulmonary Circulation
1. What is called the respiratory quotient?
2. What are the components of the respiratory membrane
17.2 Diffusion of Gases
1. The driving force of diffusion across the respiratory membrane is the _________
____________. Factors that affect gradients: _____________ and ____________.
2. Define partial pressure.
3. Define Dalton’s Law.
4. Patm=760 mmHg ; PO2 ____ P CO2 ______
5. Define Henry’s Law.
6. What three factors cause the partial pressures of gases in the alveoli to differ from
pressures in the atmosphere?
1). __________________________
2). __________________________,
3). ___________________________
7. (T/F) A particular gas diffuses down its own partial pressure gradient.
8. Diffusion between alveoli and blood is rapid because ______________ and ____________.
9. At lung, when oxygen diffuses from alveolar air to pulmonary capillary blood, what
causes it to move? __________________________. Why does carbon dioxide leave the
blood and enter the alveoli? _________________________________________________
10. In respiring tissues, _______diffuses from blood to cells; ______diffuses from cells to
11. In mixed venous blood, actual amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide that is
exchanged in any given vascular bed depends on _____________ ________of tissue
12. Factors affecting alveolar partial pressures
17.4 Transport of Gases in the Blood.
Oxygen transport in the blood: _____% is bound to hemoglobin;
in plasma.
When oxygen is loaded onto hemoglobin in the lungs, hemoglobin is called
_________________, and when oxygen is unloaded from the hemoglobin at the tissues it
is called ____________________.
Name the other factors that alter PO2: During exercise, would an increase (↑) or
decrease (↓) in these factors decrease PO2 hemoglobin saturation, making more O2
available to the tissues?
_____% dissolves
________ ___
________ ___
________ ___
________ .
These factors would shift the oxygen-hemoglobin curve to the _________.
List the percentages for CO2 transport in the blood: ____% dissolved in plasma ____%
combined with hemoglobin ____% converted to bicarbonate ions; when CO2 binds to
hemoglobin, it is called __________________. Most of CO2 are transported as __________
CO2 transport as bicarbonate ions: CO2 binds with water to form _________ acid. The
catalyst for this reaction is __________ __________. The acid mentioned above then
dissociates into _________ ions and ___________ ions. When bicarbonate ions move out
of the red blood cell, ________ ions move in. This is known as the _________ shift.
What is Haldane effect?
What is Bohr effect?
Increased PO2 in blood (↑ or ↓) the affinity of Hb for carbon dioxide.
What is carbon monoxide poisoning? ________________________________________
17.5 Central Regulation of Ventilation
1. Neural control of breathing is determined by ________ neuron.
2. (T/F)The respiratory control regions are located in the medulla and pons of the
brain stem.
3. (Figure 17.15) Where are inspiratory neurons located?
______________________________________ .
4. (Figure 170.15) Where are expiratory neurons located?
5. (IPCD EX)___________ ____________depolarize during inspiration followed by a
termination of at the end of inspiration; ____________ depolarize during expiration
17.6 Control of Ventilation by Chemoreceptors
1. Receptors for respiratory regulation
2. (Figure 17.22) If a person hyperventilates what will happen to the following in the
blood? Use arrow to indicate changes. Pco2 ____, pH ____. If a person hypoventilates
what will happen to the followings in the blood? Po2 ____, Pco2 ____
17.7 Local Regulation of Ventilation and Perfusion
1. Define ventilation perfusion ratio.
2. (Page 495-496) When airflow is restricted so that the partial pressure of O2 is low
and CO2 is high, what happens to the pulmonary arterioles? ________________
(vasoconstriction/vasodilation), bronchioles? ________________
(bronchodilation/brochchoconstriction). The net effect is a (n) __________
(increase/decrease) in ventilation and a ____________ (increase/decrease) in