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Chapter Summary/Lecture Organizer
The Nature of Memory – Two common memory models are presented. Table 7.1 provides an
overview comparing each of these models.
A. Memory Models
1. Information Processing Model – The information processing model of memory proposes
a computer model to explain how information in memory is processed using the operations of
encoding, storage, and retrieval. Encoding gets information into the brain and is similar to a
keyboard. Storage retains information like the computer’s hard drive or disk. And, retrieval is
the process of getting the information out of memory storage. (See Process Diagram 7.1).
2. Parallel Distributed Processing Model – The PDP or connectionist model of memory
views memory as weblike connections among interacting processing units operating
simultaneously and more a distributed than a sequential operation.
3. Three-Stage Memory Model: Sensory Memory, Short-term Memory (STM), and
Long-term Memory (LTM) - This model is the most widely used and proposes that memory
needs different storage stages to house information for various lengths of time. A flowchart
for memory processes (Figure 7.1) includes the three stages: sensory memory, short-term
memory (STM), and long-term memory (LTM).
B. Sensory Memory - Sensory memory occurs within the senses and very briefly preserves a
replica of an image. Visual images (iconic memory) last about 1/4 to 1/2 second and auditory
images (echoic memory) up to four seconds. Sensory memory’s capacity is unclear.
C. Short-Term Memory - STM is our conscious thoughts or working memory. It can hold
about seven (7 + or – 2) items and can store them for about thirty seconds; however, its
capacity can be increased by chunking and its duration can be increased by maintenance
rehearsal. STM may be viewed as a three-part working memory: Visuospatial Sketchpad,
Central Executive, and the Phonological Rehearsal Loop.
D. Long-Term Memory - LTM is more permanent and has unlimited capacity. Organization of
information improves transfer and retrieval of information, as well as, sleep. LTM is divided
into two major systems – explicit/declarative and implicit/nondeclarative procedural
memory. Two types of explicit/declarative memory include semantic and episodic memory.
Implicit/nondeclarative memory includes procedural skills and simple classical conditioning
Psychology at Work: Improving Long-Term Memory (LTM) -
Strategies for improving LTM involve the processes of encoding storage, and retrieval.
(Figure 7.6). Encoding information in LTM may be improved by adding meaning to the
information, developing organizations and associations, or relating it to something we
already know. Rehearsal also improves encoding for both STM and LTM and includes
both maintenance rehearsal and elaborative rehearsal. Retrieval of information from
LTM involves the serial-position effect and retrieval cues (Process Diagram 7.1). Three
of the most important retrieval cues are recall, recognition, and priming. Paying attention
to the retrieval cues of context, mood, and state can also improve memory.
A. How Quickly Do We Forget? – Hermann Ebbinghaus’ now famous “curve of forgetting”
research demonstrated the rapidness at which information is forgotten immediately after
learning. However, he also found that relearning can occur more quickly the second time.
B. Why Do We Forget? – Five major theories have been offered to explain why forgetting
occurs: decay theory, interference theory, motivated forgetting, encoding failure, and
retrieval failure. The decay theory proposes that memory deteriorates over time while
interference theory suggests forgetting occurs when there is competing information.
Retroactive interference occurs when new information interferes with the learning of old
information and proactive interference occurs when old learning interferes with the learning
of new information. The motivated forgetting theory proposes that we may forget or inhibit
the retrieval of information that may be unpleasant, painful, or embarrassing. Encoding
failure theory may contribute to information never being encoded from STM to LTM and
thus forgotten. Retrieval failures may also contribute to the inability to recall information that
is stored in LTM. (Process Diagram 7.3).
Psychology at Work: Key Factors in Forgetting – Four important factors that help
prevent forgetting include: (1) the misinformation effect is the distortion of a memory by
misleading post-event information, (2) source amnesia is a result of confusion or
misattribution regarding the actual occurrence of an event, (3) the sleeper effect is a
tendency to initially discount unreliable sources and later consider it trustworthy because
the source was forgotten, and (4) the information overload. Forgetting is greatest when
students use massed practice or “cramming” rather than distributed practice with breaks
in between learning.
Gender and Cultural Diversity: Cultural Differences in Memory and Forgetting –
The work of Ross and Millson (1970) used college students from the United States and
Ghana and discovered that the Ghana students were better at memory testing for themes
in stories presented aloud. Wagner (1982) found that previous experience plays a part in
facilitating memory recognition. It appears that STM is not affected by cultural factors
but that a person’s culture provides background of experience and strategies for
remembering factors specific to that culture.
Biological Bases of Memory
A. How Are Memories Formed? -The biological aspects of memory include neuronal and
synaptic changes, hormonal influences, and structures in the brain. Changes in the dendrites
occur from repeated reverberating circuits. Hormones produced during stress or excitement,
such as epinephrine and cortical play a significant role in memory. These hormones affect
areas of the brain structures in the limbic system including the amygdala, hippocampus,
cerebral cortex, and other parts of the brain. Hormonal changes during a heightened state of
emotions may produce a vivid image surrounding the event as in the phenomenon known as
flashbulb memories.
B. Where Are Memories Located? – Early memory researchers believed memory was
localized, later researchers suggest that memories are distributed throughout the cortex.
Current research suggests that memory tends to be both localized and distributed throughout
the brain with the right prefrontal cortex and the parahippocampal cortex as the most active
C. Biological Causes of Memory Loss – Two biological causes of memory loss including
traumatic brain injury (TBI) and Alzheimer’s disease are presented. Memory loss for events
that occurred before the injury is called retrograde amnesia and memory loss for events that
occur after an injury are called anterograde amnesia. Alzehimer’s disease is a progressive
mental deterioration in memory which generally begins between the ages of 45 and 55 and
may be primarily genetic.
Research Highlight: Memory and the Criminal Justice System –Research studies
are presented which address two areas of memory problems including the difficulties
with eyewitness testimonies and repressed memories. Primarily because of the
constructive nature of memory the reliability of eyewitness testimonies are questioned.
The area of false versus repressed memories is a hotly contested debate. Because of the
constructive element of memory as well as source amnesia, the misinformation effect,
and the sleeper effect it is difficult to discern their reliability.
Using Psychology to Improve Our Memory
A. Understanding Memory Distortions -The explanation for why memories are often
rearranged and distorted can be found in our need for logic, consistency as well as the need
for efficiency.
B. Tips for Memory Improvement - Eight tips for memory improvement are highlighted: (1)
pay attention and reduce interference, (2) use rehearsal techniques –maintenance and
elaborative, (3) ) use the encoding specificity principle-context and state, (4) improve your
organization, (5)counteract the serial position effect, (6) manage your time – avoid massed
practice, (7) employ self-monitoring and overlearning, and (8) use mnemonics – the method
of loci, peg-word, substitute word, and word association.
Critical Thinking/Active Learning: Memory and Metacognition - The active learning
exercise for this chapter allows students to practice reflective thinking--to "think about
thinking"--and to use it to evaluate processes involved in recalling and storing memories.
Students are asked to engage in a reflective thinking activity by reflecting on their
memories of the first day of their General Psychology course.