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Inside the Earth
Chapter/Section Name
Chapter 1
Plate Tectonics ……………………..………4
1. Earth’s Interior…………………………………………………….6
Describe layers of the Earth as a lithosphere (crust & upper mantle).
convecting mantle, and dense metallic core (E.SE.06.53)
Describe the Earth as a magnet and compare the magnetic properties of the
Earth to that of a natural or man-made magnet (E.SE.06.61)
Explain how a compass works using the magnetic field of the Earth, and
how a compass is used for navigation on land and sea (E.SE.06.62)
NOTE: More resources will be needed to teach the Magnetic Field pieces.
2. Convection and the Mantle……………………………………….14
Describe layers of the Earth as a lithosphere (crust & upper mantle).
convecting mantle, and dense metallic core (E.SE.06.53)
3. Drifting Continents……………………………………………….18
Explain how rocks and fossils are used to understand the age and
geological history of the Earth (E.ST..06.31)
Describe how fossils provide important evidence of how life and
environmental conditions have changed (E.ST.06.42)
Describe geologic, paleontologic, and paleoclimatalogic evidence that
indicates Africa and South America were once part of a single continent.
(E3.p3A – High School Pre-Requisite)
4. Sea-floor Spreading………………………………………………23
Explain plate tectonic movement and how the lithospheric plates move
centimeters each year (E.SE.06.51)
5. The Theory of Plate Tectonics……………………………………32
Explain plate tectonic movement and how the lithospheric plates move
centimeters each year (E.SE.06.51)
Demonstrate how major geological events (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,
mountain building) result from these plate motions (E.SE.06.52)
Describe the three types of plate boundaries (divergent, convergent and
transform) and geographic features associated with them (eg.continental
rifts, mid-ocean ridges, volcanic and island arcs, deep-sea trenches,
transform faults) (E3.p3B High School Pre-requisite)
Chapter 2
1. Forces in Earth’s Crust……………………………………………44
Demonstrate how major geological events (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,
mountain building) result from these plate motions (E.SE.06.52)
Chapter 3
1. Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics……………………………………82
Demonstrate how major geological events (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,
mountain building) result from these plate motions (E.SE.06.52)
4. Volcanic Landforms ……………………………………………...99
 Describe the three major types of volcanoes (shield volcano, stratovolcano,
and cinder cones) and their relationship to the Ring of Fire (E3.p3C High
School Pre-requisite)
NOTE: Only cover the 3 types of volcanoes. Notice that our book uses the term
composite volcano instead of stratovolcano)
Chapter 4
1. Properties of Minerals…………………………………………….114
Rocks and rock formations bear evidence of the minerals, materials,
temperature/pressure conditions, and forces that created them (E.SE.M.4)
Identify common rock forming minerals (quartz, feldspar, biotite, calcite,
hornblende) (E3.p2A – High School Pre-requisite)
2. How Minerals Form………………………………………………124
Rocks and rock formations bear evidence of the minerals, materials,
temperature/pressure conditions, and forces that created them (E.SE.M.4)
Chapter 5
1. Classifying Rocks………………………………………………...144
Compare and contrast the formation of rock types (igneous, metamorphic,
and sedimentary) and demonstrate the similarities and differences using the
rock cycle model (E.SE.06.41)
2. Igneous Rocks…………………………………………………….148
Compare and contrast the formation of rock types (igneous, metamorphic,
and sedimentary) and demonstrate the similarities and differences using the
rock cycle model (E.SE.06.41)
Identify common igneous rocks (granite, basalt, andesite, obsidian, pumice)
(E3.p2B – High School Pre-requisite)
3. Sedimentary Rocks……………………………………………….152
Compare and contrast the formation of rock types (igneous, metamorphic,
and sedimentary) and demonstrate the similarities and differences using the
rock cycle model (E.SE.06.41)
Identify common sedimentary rocks (sandstone, limestone, shale,
conglomerate) (E3.p2B – High School Pre-requisite)
5. Metamorphic Rocks………………………………………………160
Compare and contrast the formation of rock types (igneous, metamorphic,
and sedimentary) and demonstrate the similarities and differences using the
rock cycle model (E.SE.06.41)
Identify common metamorphic rocks (schist, gneiss, marble, slate, quartzite)
(E3.p2B – High School Pre-requisite)
6. The Rock Cycle…………………………………………………...164
Compare and contrast the formation of rock types (igneous, metamorphic,
and sedimentary) and demonstrate the similarities and differences using the
rock cycle model (E.SE.06.41)
Describe the processes that change one kind of rock to another (E3.p2B –
High School Pre-requisite)