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Study Guide Questions/Answers
What is a dynasty?
A dynasty is when one family rules a country or region over a long
period of time.
What gives the family power to rule China?
Mandate from Heaven.
What is the dynastic cycle?
There was a pattern to rise and fall of all the Dynasties that ruled China.
Who was Shi Huangdi?
Shi Huangdi was the first Chinese Emperor and started the Qin
Why was the Great Wall of China constructed?
To keep out the people who lived beyond the northern border of China
What are some ways the Shi Huangdi unified China?
He created standardized weights, measures, and money; many roads
and canals were built; and a single type of writing was used
throughout the country
What protected the secret underground passageways leading to the tomb of
Shihuangdi, the first Emperor of China?
The Clay Army (terracotta dolls)
Why was the Great Wall of China constructed?
To keep out the people who lived beyond the northern border of China
During the Han dynasty, what major trade route was established so that the
Chinese and Europeans could trade with each other?
The Silk Road.
One thousand years before it appeared in Europe, _____________ was
invented in China.
Who Wu Zhao?
The first and only woman emperor of China (she took control from the
Tang Dynasty for 15 years).
The invention of _____________________ led the Chinese to create the
world's first books.
wood block printing
During the 700s, many Chinese merchants became wealthy by selling what
During the Song Dynasty, what invention was used by the military?
Gun Powder
Chinggis Khan was the leader of the ___________, who attacked Northern
Who was Khubilai Khan?
He was Chinggis Kahn's grandson and Khubilai Khan was the leader
who finally triumphed over the Song dynasty.
Who was Marco Polo
Italian merchant travelor who wrote a book about China.
When Cheng Zu became emperor, he decided that China needed a capital to
display it's great wealth and power. Within the Imperial City he built a
residence for himself and gave it what frightening name?
The Forbidden City
What did Emperor Cheng Zu order Zheng He to do?
Build a fleet of ships to explore the world.
Britain refused to stop selling what to China?
In 1912, the last emperor stepped down and China became a ____________
with an elected government.