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2014-2015 Earth Space Final Review:
Chemical weathering
Mechanical Weathering
Mass movement
Water Cycle
Prevailing wind
Nebular Theory
Nuclear Fusion
Solar Wind
Solar Flare
Our Earth:
Our solar system formed from a huge ball of gas made primarily of ___________ and ____________.
Name Earth’s 4 Major spheres_________________________________________________________.
If granite undergoes high temperatures and high pressures deep within Earth, what type of rock will be formed?
Assume that the granite does not melt.
What can you assume when you fine sedimentary rocks with ripple marks
What factors commonly triggers mass movements?
Why can the removal of vegetation trigger mass movements?
What does it mean to say the water cycle is “balanced?”
What is the single most important erosional agent on Earth? __________________________
How do sinkholes form?
What percent of Earth’s land surface is covered by glaciers?_____________%
What force causes most of the erosion in desert areas?_____________________________________
The rust-colored tint of some desert landscapes is the result of what?_____________________ weathering.
What is the main type of weathering in deserts?_____________________________________________.
Chapters 8,9,10 Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics
What did the theory of plate tectonics help explain:
What process causes an earthquake? __________ __________.
State Wegener’s continental drift hypothesis:
What was the main reason Wegener’s continental drift hypothesis was
What type of boundary occurs where two plates move together, causing one
plate to descend into the mantle beneath the other plate?
How does the age of seafloor sediments change with increasing distance from
the ocean ridge? Increase or Decrease? ________________.
How are crater lakes formed? For example Crater Lake in Oregon.
Magma forms when solid rock in the crust and upper mantle _______________
(ie. Cools, melts or crystallizes?)
Most shield volcanoes have grown from the ocean floor to form what feature?
Most of the active volcanoes on Earth are located in a belt known as the _______ ___ _______________.
How old is Earth?_________________ Our Galaxy?______________.
Label Figure 8-2 (all letters)
List 3 examples of precipitation: ________________________________________________________.
Which cloud type is best described as sheets or layers that cover much or all of the sky?_____________________.
Which cloud type consists of globular cloud masses with a cauliflower structure?___________________________.
A low cloud that blankets the sky and often generates precipitation? ____________________________________.
What term means “rainy cloud”?____________________________.
Which clouds are often associated with thunder and lightning?_________________________________________.
Hurricanes, Climate and other Weather Misc:
Hurricanes are classified according to intensity using what scale? ______________________________.
Typhoon is another name for ___________________________.
Hurricanes form in tropical waters between the latitudes of ____ and _____.
What causes a hurricane to lose energy when it moves onto land?
Describe conditions within the eye of a hurricane:
What do plants release into the air during transpiration?________________________________.
Which type of climate has no winters? _____________________________________________.
How has the Earth’s average surface temperature changed in the 20th century? _____________________.
Describe Global Warming
Describe the Greenhouse Effect:
How will global warming influence the rate of occurrence of hurricanes?
Early Astronomers and their Discoveries:
Which ancient astronomer developed a geocentric model of the universe explaining the observable motions of the
How did Aristotle conclude that Earth was round?
State the geocentric model of the universe:
Describe the Ptolemaic model of the universe:
The first early astronomer to propose a sun-centered solar system was ___________________.
Which scientist discovered that Venus has phases, just like the moon?___________________________.
Which scientist proposed three laws of planetary motion?________________________________.
List and Describe the 3 Laws of Planetary Motion:
What is the shape of a planet’s orbit?_____________________
Which scientist was the first to use the telescope in astronomy?__________________________.
Who discovered the true shape of planetary orbits? __________________.
What movement of Earth is responsible for night and day?____________, year? _____________.
What causes our seasons on earth? ______________________.
Our Solar System and Planet Facts
Which planets do not have rings? _______________________.
List the 4 terrestrial planets_____________________________________________________________.
List the 4 Jovian planets ________________________________________________________________.
What are the 2 differences between jovian and terrestrial planets? ______________________________________.
Which planet shows evidence of water erosion?____________.
The planet with the greatest temperature extremes is _________
Which planet is associated with the Great Dark Spot? ________.
Which of the following planets is the smallest? __________, the largest? _____________.
According to a relative recent discovery, which planet is classified as a dwarf planet?________________.
Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is believed to be a ________________.
Why isn’t Pluto considered a planet?
Where is the asteroid belt located? Between _______________ and ___________________.
The Sun and Our Stars
What are the most explosive events that occur on the sun?_______________________________.
The source of the sun’s energy is __________ ____________.
What type of stars account for about 90 percent of stars on the H-R diagram are ________________.
Which force is most responsible for the formation of a star? _______________________.
Massive stars terminate in a brilliant explosion called a _________________________________.
All stars, regardless of size, eventually turn into black dwarfs or run out of fuel and collapse? Circle.
Is our Sun a black dwarf or a Red Giant? ____________________.
What is the name of our galaxy? __________
What is the function of the atmosphere’s ozone layer?