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World History- 1st semester final exam study guideDr. Butler
Directions- You will need to complete this entire study guide. It will count as a MAJOR
grade. This is not group work and if caught cheating consequences will apply. It should be
used in order to study for your final exam. This will be due Tuesday, December 15th before
you take your exam! Please write the answers on your own sheet.
1. What are the five characteristics of an advanced civilization?
Advanced cities, complex institutions, advanced technology, specialized workers, and
record keeping
2. Region that was the site of the first civilization (land between the rivers)? Mesopotamia
3. Define empire- Uniting several different people nations or formerly independent states
under one ruler
4. Hebrew law follows the _ (first five books of the Bible), which is in the ____ part of the
Bible. Torah; Old Testament
5. He received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai ___ & known as the “Father of the
Jews.” Moses; Abraham
6. Who lead the Jews out of slavery from Egypt? Moses
7. Define the following:
8. Solomon- Famous king was known to be wise, wealthy, and had a lot of wives. Built the
first temple in Jerusalem
9. Saul- Saul was anointed the first King of Israel 1020- 1000 B.C.E . Drove the Philistines
out of central Palestine
10. David- David defeated Goliath and became King. He also took over the city of Jerusalem
and united the tribes of Israel. David brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. He
was known as a man after God’s own heart. David was successful in battle against the
Philistine which caused Saul to be jealous and led to his fall from leadership.
11. Western Wall- Jerusalem is the section of the Western supporting wall of the Temple
Mount which has remained intact since the destruction of the Second Jerusalem Temple
(70 C.E.).
12. Ark of Covenant- Holds the 10 Commandments Moses received from God on Mt. Sinai.
The Ark of the Covenant was held in the Temple when it was built in Jerusalem.
13. The most able seafarers of the early Mediterranean were the _____________; they
represented _______ with their spread of their alphabet. Phoenicians; cultural diffusion
14. Why were the Egyptian farmers more fortunate than farmers of Mesopotamia? (Explain the
Tigris and the Euphrates River compared to the Nile when explaining this). Nile was
predictable in flooding and the Tigris and Euphrates were not
15. What direction does the river current of the Nile flow? northward
16. What direction does the prevailing winds along the Nile blow? southward
17. The Nile’s delta is around ______ Egypt. Lower
18. Ancient Egypt was protected by natural barriers formed by the _______ desert
19. The main purpose of the pyramids of Egypt was to function as ________ and the process of
mummification was connected to the Egyptian belief in a ________. Tomb; afterlife
20. Papyrus used by the ________ people and their writing system called ______ Egyptians;
21. The Sumerians used their ziggurats for _________ and ___________ worshipping; city-hall
22. System of writing used by the Sumerian scribes ____________ cuneiform
23. The Minoans were known for their ___________________ pottery
24. The island of __________________ off the coast of ______________ yielded snails that
would produce a rare red-purple dye. Crete; Greece
25. This written language influenced the Greek alphabet and was widely used for trade on the
Mediterranean Sea. Phoenician
26. The Persia ruler that coined money? Darius
27. The Persia ruler that also built the Royal Road to be __ in length was _______. 1,677; Darius
28. Define Hammurabi’s Code under the Babylonian Empire- unified his empire under one
29. What did the code consist of- 282 laws that formed the basis of the Babylonian legal
system. Different punishments for rich & poor.
30. Define Pharaoh for Egypt- God-king
31. The first Chinese dynasty to leave written records. Shang
32. Dynasty that replaced the Zhou Dynasty in China and Shi Huangdi belonged to it. Qin
33. Dynasty that brought improvements in technology and trade to China in 1027 BC- Zhou
34. The pattern of rise, decline, and replacement of ruling families in China. Dynastic cycle
35. Two powers representing natural rhythms of live and complement each other yin and yang
36. Basis for Chinese system of writing- pictographs
37. What is the caste system and its levels?- Different from people already living in India
Brahmans (priests)
Kshatriyas (rulers & warriors)
Vaishyas (peasants & traders)
Shudras (laborers)
38. Someone who is so low they exist outside of the caste system? Untouchable
39. What is the natural barrier that lies between India and China? Himalayan Mountains
40. What was a major advantage of the Chinese system of writing? People all over China could
read it even if they could not speak it
41. How did the Mandate of Heaven affect government in China? Allowed new ruler to justify
overthrowing the old ones
42. How did the Shi Huangdi unify China? By defeating invaders and crushing internal
43. How did feudalism in China fail in the end to fulfill its original purpose? a. Instead of
maintaining Zhou control, it led to independent lords.
b. instead of protecting the lords, feudalism caused peasants to revolt.
c. Feudalism caused a gap between rich and poor, and this led to unrest.
d. feudalism failed to maintain order when nomads invaded
44. Explain how oracle bones were used for the Chinese people? To talk to ancient/ancestry
45. This philosophy was adopted by Shi Huangdi to bring order and control by way of the
government? Legalism what dynasty was he a part of? Zhou
46. A government with unlimited power that it uses in an arbitrary manner. autocracy
47. Who was a philosopher known for his emphasis on social order, harmony, good government,
responsible relationships and respect for parents? Confucius
48. His teachings are found in the Analects? Confucius
49. Define filial piety- respect for your parents
50. In Buddhism, the release from selfishness and pain is known as nirvana
51. Buddhism spread across Asia mostly as a result of missionary and trade
52. The name given to the first Indian dynasty, which began in about 321 B.C. Maurya
53. This person was the first emperor of the first Indian dynasty. Chandra Gupta Maurya
54. The religion, known as ____________, stresses that each individual can, through spiritual
devotion, reach a state of peace. Buddhism
55. Belief in many gods polytheism
56. Many Hindus began to believe that here is only one divine force and that all of the gods are
part of this force. One of their gods was the destroyer of the world Shiva
57. Hindu gods that was the preserver or protector of the world Vishnu
58. The last of the three gods in Hinduism was the creator of the world Brahman
59. Hinduism and Buddhism have a common belief in reincarnation
60. Chandragupta’s grandson _________ raised the empire to it greatest heights. Asoka
61. Asoka promoted _______________ and a policy of religious toleration, acceptance of people
who held different beliefs. Buddhism
62. _____________ was the first democracy in Ancient Greece; ______ created a military state in
Ancient Greece. Athens; Sparta
63. Who composed The Iliad and the Odyssey? ___________ Homer
64. What was the Agora? Marketplace
65. What was the Acropolis? Fortified hilltop for Athens
66. Define and give a city that was an example of an Oligarchy in the Greek world- small group
of citizens seen in Sparta
67. Explain the daily life of a Sparta warrior (starting from childhood) Boys left at age 7 –
moved into army barracks. Days spent marching, fighting, exercising, All weather –
only tunics, no shoes, No blankets, slept on hard benches, Bowl of black porridge
(encouraged to steal), Produced tough, resourceful soldiers
68. At the Battle of Marathon the Athenians had the ___phalanx___ positioning which allowed
them to win. During the battle _Pheidippedes____ ran from __Marathon__ to __Athens___
city to warn them to hold their ground. What was the total distance? 26.2
69. What beautiful architecture still stands in Greece today? Parthenon
70. The Peloponnesian War was fought by Sparta and Athens; the war was won by Sparta
71. List the three great philosophers of Ancient Greece. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
72. “Philosopher” means lover of wisdom; who was the teacher of Alexander the Great?
73. This philosopher used a series of leading questions to show that people hold many
contradictory opinions and was later punished by death for encouraging people to think about
their values and actions. Socrates
74. Alexander the Great’s legacy is Hellenism
75. Hellenism- Blend of Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and Indian influences
76. This mathematician’s theorem describes the relationship between the three sides of a right
triangle _Pythagoras_, while _Archimedes___ calculated the approximate value of pi.
77. In the Roman Empire, two groups struggled for power __patricians__ & _plebeians_
78. Entertainment for the Roman was usually held in the _Colosseum__
79. Math and science for the Romans was seen through their ____roads____ & _aqueducts_
80. Three branches of government were set-up for the Roman gov’t- legislative, judicial,
81. Was the first ruler of the Roman Empire and was later assassinated by a group of Roman
senators. Julius Caesar
82. The _triumvirate__ of Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey ruled Rome for 10 years before
Caesar and Pompey clashed and went to war.
83. Who named themselves “dictator for life”? __Julius Caesar___
84. Julius Caesar’s adopted son (nephew by blood) Octavian later changed his name to Augustus
85. The end of this emperor’s rule marks the end of Pax Romana. Marcus Aurelius
86. Latin is made-up of what three languages Spanish, French, and Italian
87. Was the Roman Governor who accused Jesus of defying Roman authority and sentenced him
to be crucified. Pontius Pilate
88. Who was Jesus’ cousin? __John the Baptist.
89. Where are the parables told by Jesus found today? New Testament- especially in Matthew,
Mark, Luke, John- called the Gospels
90. In the language and tradition of Hebrew, a covenant is higher than a promise; a two way
agreement with God
91. The covenant between God and the Hebrew people involved an agreement that the Jewish
people were God chosen people and would be obedient to him
92. Where was Jesus born? _Bethlehem Where was Jesus raised? Nazareth
93. Judea= ___home of the Jews_ symbol for the Jews is Star of David
94. Jesus called to him as the “rock” upon which the Christian church would be built. Peter
95. Tell three reasons why Christianity expanded and appealed to so many.
a. Embraces all people
b. Gives hope to the powerless
c. Appeals to those repelled by extravagances of Roman life
d. Offers a personal relationship with a loving God
e. Promises eternal life after death
96. Exile for the Jews is referred to as __Diaspora___
97. Which belief of the prophet Zoroaster was similar to later concepts in Christianity and Islam
98. Peter and Paul were two of __Jesus__ first followers. What were his followers called
99. List the correct order of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church (in order from least powerful to
most powerful) the church officials or clergy are as follows: Priest, Bishops,
Archbishops, Cardinals, Pope
Define Canon law- laws for the church officials
Who moved the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to Byzantium?
Why was the capital moved? Safety from the Germanic tribe attacks
The body of civil law created for the Byzantine Empire? Justinian
What language do people from the Byzantine Empire speak? Greek
Who built the Hagia Sophia and was also seen as the head of the church and state?
What was the Hagia Sophia at the time it was build and what is it today? Church,
then a mosque, and today a museum
The Justinian Code compromised on what and explain each? The Code
a. Nearly 5,000 Roman laws still considered useful
b. The Digest- Quoted & summarized the opinions of Rome’s greatest legal
thinkers about the laws – 50 volumes
c. The Institutes- Textbook that told law students how to use the laws
d. The Novellae- New Laws – legislation passed after 534
Who was Justinian’s wife and why was she so sufficient? Theodora
In the Byzantine world what are examples of art? _frescoes___ & __mosaics__
People in the Byzantine world went to the __Hippodrome_ for entertainment.
Who legalized Christianity in 312 for the Byzantine Empire? Constantine
What is the Great Schism and in what year did it officially happen? 1054
What are the two main reasons for the split or division of the church? Distance and
lack of communication
Explain two similarities and two differences between the church in the East (Eastern
Orthodox) and the church in the West (Roman Catholic).
Who created the Cyrillic alphabet and why? 2 missionaries in order to
communicate with the Slavic people
What was the first important city to the Vikings (which later became part of the
__________Empire)? Novgorod for the Russian
The _Russian___Empire’s leader was __Olga__ who converted to Christianity and
allowed others to do the same.
How sent out a team of observes to find which religion was the correct religion?
What happened after this discovery (concerning the entire empire)? Baptism for all
For the Russian Empire who made the legal code? Yaroslav- List things that were
done under the code? Better trade, built library, and increased military alliances by
marrying his family members to other lands
In 1240 what group of people took over the Russian Empire? Mongols
What man led them out of this unruly time? Ivan III
Title used by Ivan III (Russian)? _czar___ translated to what for Latin? _Caesar
The Eastern Empire (Roman Empire) fall to the _Ottoman Turks__? Why? The
empire was weaker because of attacks from others
What year did the city of Constantinople fall? _1453_ and who took them over?
Turks__ What was the city renamed? _Istanbul_ What country is this in today? _Turkey
List the 7 sacraments- baptism, communion, reconciliation, confirmation,
marriage, holy orders, anointing the sick
What is called when the church can ban someone from being a church member?
How did Genghis Khan succeed as a conqueror? by his leadership
List the three main characteristic Genghis Khan shared? Brilliant organizer, Gifted
Strategist, Used cruelty as a weapon
What was his real name? Temujin- What did Genghis Khan stand for? Universal
Immediately following the death of Genghis Khan, the Mongol Empire was
Fragmented by conflict among rival khans
What was Pax Mongolica? Peace of Mongolia
The Mongol ruler ___Kublai Khan___ united China for the first time in 300 years
Most European readers did not believe the stories that the Venetian merchant
_Marco Polo___ told about what he had seen in China.
Which Mongolian practice did Kublai Khan did NOT follow, in which his ancestors
followed? Nomadic lifestyle
Roman Empire language was? Latin
Who is the head of the Roman Catholic Church?__Pope__ The head of the Eastern
Orthodox Church? _Patriarch___
In Arabic, this means “God” ___Allah_____
This city was the original home of Muhammad and became its most holy city
_______ Mecca
This is an Islamic house of worship Mosque
This means “one who has submitted” Muslim
This is the Muslim holy book Koran or Quran
This is the pilgrimage each Muslim strives to make at least once in a
lifetime__________ Hajj
In what form of art can the greatest cultural blending of the Muslim world be seen?
(think about the Taj Mahal and the culture that is blended in its architecture) Calligraphy
What city do Muslims pray towards? ____Mecca___________
Who did Muslims consider the “people of the book”? ____Jews and Christians___
What division of Islam believes only a relative of Muhammad is qualified to be a
caliph? Shittes or Shi’a
What do Muslims believe about Muhammad? last prophet and only true prophet
How were conquered people treated by the Muslim Empire? tolerance
Define the following:
Ramadan- 9th month on lunar calendar, holy month
Calligraphy- blend of art and handwriting, seen in Arabic style writing and art
Lunar calendar- used by Muslims around the world
Hijrah- is the migration or journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his
followers from Mecca to Yathrib, later renamed by him to Medina, in the year 622
Hajj- is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, and a mandatory religious duty
for Muslims that must be carried out at least once in their lifetime by all adult Muslims
who are physically and financially capable of undertaking the journey
Umayyad family- family that took control after Ali’s death (caused the split of
the Sunni and Shittes when they moved the capital from Mecca. Lived in wealth
Abbasid family- took control from the Umayyad family and moved the capital
“Night of Power”- holiest night for Muslims, the night that the Prophet
Muhammad ascended to heaven to receive instructions from Allah.
In Arabic, this means “God” Allah
In Hebrew, this means “God” Yahweh
In Hebrew, this means “Savior” Messiah
An Islamic woman wears a _veil_____ normally.
Jihad means “_holy war_____” in Arabic.
Islamic services can only be conducted in what language? Arabic
What day and time of day is set aside for communal worship for Muslims? Noon on
The order of the largest, 2nd, and 3rd religions in the world (in that order)?
Christianity, Islam, Judaism
The order of the oldest, 2nd, and 3rd religions in the world (in that order)? Judaism,
Christianity, Islam
What is the symbol(s) for Christianity, Islam, and Judaism (in that order)?
Cross/fish, crescent moon, star of David
What are the Five Pillars of Islam? Prayer, Pilgrimage, Faith, Fasting, Tithe,
Define vernacular- Common language used by the people
Where would a Roman Catholic most likely live? In Rome or Western Europe
Where would a Protestant most likely live? USA
Where would an Eastern Orthodox most likely live? Russia or Eastern Europe
The church members paid an amount to the church called a _tithe_____; the
percentage of this amount was usually _10__%.
_Imperialism______ is when dominant countries take over smaller areas forcing
the indigenous people to change their language, religion, customs and traditions.
Explain the bargain (system of feudalism) made between a lord and a vassal (land
worker) was Political system in which nobles were granted the use of land that legally
belonged to the king. In return, the nobles agreed to give their loyalty and military
services to the king.
Define the following:.
chivalry- the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code;
the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honor,
courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak
Pepin the Short- Son of Charles Martel; The Pope anointed Pepin “king by the
grace of God”-This began the Carolingian Dynasty- Ruled Franks from 751-987
Charlemagne- Charlemagne reunited Western Europe and spread Christianity
throughout his lands-Crowned “Emperor of the Romans” by the Pope
Clovis- Clovis had unified the Franks into one kingdom- Brought Christianity
to the Franks
Charles Martel- took over after Clovis; defeated Muslims at the Battle of Tours
Lord’s estate is a _Manor_______.
Who during the Middle Ages loyal for a knight was to three people or things? God,
Feudal lord, Chosen lady
Define the following:
Crusades- battles between Muslims and Christians for the Holy Land
Outcome of the first 4 Crusades- 1st- Conquered Jerusalem in 1099; 2nd Muslim
Turks re-take part of the Holy Land; Saladin recaptures Jerusalem; 3rd- Richard the
Lion-Hearted and Saladin fought many battles- Agreed to a truce in 1192; 4th- Knights
did not even reach the Holy Land and instead ended up looting Constantinople
Saladin- Muslim leader during the Crusades
Richard the Lion Hearted- Christian leader during the Crusades
Urban II- Pope that called for the first Crusaders
Inquisition- Under the direction of Ferdinand and Isabella; Goal was to unify
Spanish Christians and suppress heresy
Simony- selling of church or clergy positions
Secular- worldly; living like the world; immoral
Reconquista- Long effort by the Spanish to drive out the Muslims in Spain
(called Moors) – were eventually successful
Serf- lowest rank people in society (most peasants were serf); People who could
not lawfully leave the place they were born but they were not slaves
What was the act of taking away a person’s right to membership in the Church?
Which Carolingian leader reunited Western Europe and was crowned Emperor by
Pope Leo III? Charlemagne
The leader who brought Christianity to the Franks was Clovis
Pepin the Short’s rule as a king marked the beginning of the _Carolingian_____
The person who was known as a “Christian Hero?” Charlemagne
Holding place between heaven and hell that was taught by the Catholic Church back
during the Middle Ages? purgatory
What is the Trinity- _Father_(God)___, _Son (Jesus Christ)__, _Holy Spirit___