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Allows for sense of taste
Mastication of food
Mixing food with saliva
Enzymes released into this part by accessory organ
Produces bolus
Initial site of the physical breakdown of food
Serves as a passageway for air and food
Peristalsis begins here
Food is moved to the esophagus
Also attached to the larynx
Directs food into the esophagus and out of the trachea
Passageway for food only – not air
Leads to stomach
One of the organs that passé through the diaphragm
Peristalsis occurs here
Opens to allow food into the stomach
Temporary storage tank for food (4-6 hours)
Contains HCl
Connected to the small intestine
Ability to stretch
Lesser and Greater omentum are attached here
Contain rugae
Physical breakdown of food through churning
Enzymes released here
Chyme production
Pyloric sphincter
Opens to allow food into small intestine
Villi present
Microvilli present
Small Intestine
Enzymes released into this part by accessory organ
Enzymes produced here
Plicae circulares found here
Muscular tube beginning at pyloric sphincter
Ends at the illeocecal valve
Suspended from the abdominal wall by the mesentery
Site of nutrient absorption into the blood
The body’s major digestive organ
Attached to the stomach via the duodenum
Attaches to the large intestine at the end of the ileum
Ileocecal Sphincter
Attaches to the large intestine at the end of the ileum
Site of absorption of water
Large intestines
No digestion occurs here
Vitamin production occurs here
Lining has haustra
Large diameter tube
Goblet cells produce mucus to lubricate the passage of feces
Appendix hangs from here
Crosses over the abdomen to pelvis
Also known as the colon
Final passage of waste products and indigestible material
Small intestine attaches at the cecum
12.Anal sphincter
Waste products waiting to be released
Ends with more than one sphincter
Allows defecation
List the organs of the alimentary canal in the correct order from ingestion
to defecation. Then use the descriptors below to fill in the blanks.
Organs: Anal sphincter, Cardioesophageal sphincter, Epiglottis, Esophagus, Ileocecal
sphincter, Large intestine, Mouth, Pharynx, Pyloric sphincter, Rectum, Small Intestine, Stomach,
Ability to stretch
Allows defecation
Allows for the sense of taste
Also attached to larynx
Also known as the colon
Appendix hangs from here
Attached to the stomach via the duodenum
Attaches to the large intestine at the end of the ileum
Chyme production
Connected to the small intestine
Contain rugae
Contains HCl
Crosses over from abdomen to pelvis
Directs food into the esophagus and out of the trachea
Ends at the illeocecal valve
Ends with more than one sphincter, which are normally closed
Enzymes produced here
Enzymes released here
Enzymes released into this part by accessory organ
Enzymes released into this part by accessory organ
Final passage of waste products and indigestible material
Food is moved to the esophagus
Goblet cells produce mucus to lubricate the passage of feces
Initial site of the physical breakdown of food
Large diameter tube
Leads to the stomach
Lesser and Greater omentum are attached here
Lining has haustra
Mastication of food
Microvilli present
Mixing food with saliva
Muscular tube beginning at the pyloric sphincter
No digestion occurs here
One of the organs that passes through the diaphragm
Opens to allow food into the small intestine
Opens to allow food into the stomach
Passageway for food only – not air
Peristalsis begins here
Peristalsis occurs here
Physical breakdown of food through churning
Plicae circulares found here
Produces bolus
Serves as a passageway for air and food
Site of absorption of water
Site of nutrient absorption into the blood
Small intestine attaches at the cecum
Suspended from the abdominal wall by the mesentery
Temporary storage tank for food (4-6 hours)
The body’s major digestive organ
Villi present
Vitamin production occurs here
Waste products waiting to be released here