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Astronomy Questions (4-5th)
How did the Sun become the Sun?
What is the history behind constellations?
Where do black holes lead?
Why do stars twinkle?
How do pulsars work?
Why is space black?
How are black holes created?
Why does the Sun have layers?
How big is the Milky Way?
Where does the force of gravity stop?
Are all stars spherical?
What was there before the Big Bang?
What’s the core a gas planet like?
Why does the moon have an affect on the tide?
What’s the Earth’s origin; what’s it made of and how did it form?
Why are planet’s different sizes?
Where do comets and asteroids come from?
What is time?
How big is the Universe: how far does it stretch out?
Is the Universe made out of the same basic materials?
Are there multiple universes?
What causes a star to form?
What is interstellar space?
Do all stars move at the same speed?
What does the red spot on Jupiter consist of? Why is it there?
What are asteroids made of?
How long does it take to get into space…how high is it (to the edge of our
How big would an asteroid be to destroy Earth?
What would be the order of events in the event of a major impact?
Why can’t planets create energy and light?
What’s at the center of the universe?
Why can’t we travel faster than the speed of light?
Can the Universe end?
How is the Zodiac linked to astronomy…is there any scientific basis for it?
What’s the deal with Saturn’s rings?
Why do you always see the same side of the moon?
How is it possible for Mercury to be ‘cold’, but also closest to the Sun?
Why does Venus spin the other way?
How close does something have to be to the Sun to be considered a planet?
Do the distances of each planet matter?
What’s a quasar?
Was there ever life on Mars?
Astronomy Questions (10th)
How is a star formed?
Why is there so much spinning in space?
How do constellations get named?
Why do stars twinkle?
Why is it so difficult to travel the speed of light?
How big is the Universe?
How can you tell if a planet is a solid or a gas?
What is the definition of a planet?
What do rings around planets do?
Why is there only one Sun in our solar system?
Where do black holes come from?
Why do galaxies come in different shapes?
Who defined time in relation to our universe as the variable it is?
Is it possible to travel through time?
How or why do planets appear to be different colors?
Did Neptune get it’s name because it is covered in water, or is it just because it is
Which theory of the formation of the universe do most scientist subscribe to?
Will time always stay the same, or will it get longer or shorter; faster or slower?
Is there such a thing as antimatter in space?
Are there such things as falling stars?
What happens to something once it enters a black hole?
What’s the total mass of everything in the universe?
How did ancient cultures view the solar system?
Are there more than four dimensions?
What’s the deal with string theory?
How does an orbit stay in the same path?
How is matter formed?
Are planets still being formed?
How big would an “Armageddon-type” asteroid have to be to destroy all life on
Does the Universe expand more length-wise or width-wise…?
Why are there full moons, half moons, and crescent moons?
Where is the center of the universe and what is there?
How does that whole Aurora Borealis thing work?
What makes the sunset red?
Is there anything bigger or outside the universe?
How does gravity work?
Is it possible for the earth to be sucked into a black hole?
If the moon blew up, would that affect the earth…and is that even possible?
What’s the weather like on other planets?
Why can you freeze in space?
What’s dark matter?
How did the Big Bang come about…what started it?
Why are planets round?
Is it possible for there to be more than one universe?
What exactly is the possibility of other life being out there?
How many stars are there in the universe?