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American Imperialism: Notes
The Frontier is Now CLOSED!
- Fredrick Jackson Turner proclaimed that the American Frontier was
“____________”as a result of the 1890 census.
o Fears arose about the disappearance of __________ ______________.
o People believed America needed to find ____________ areas for
The White Man’s Burden
- Those who believed in __________ _____________ believed it was America’s
destiny to expand even more.
o These people saw all nations/races of people like ___________ and that it
was natural for the United States to take over other peoples, like parents
taking care of ______________.
- Rudyard’s Kipling’s poem “The _________ _______’s _____________
expressed the “___________” obligation for America to take care of the rest of
the world.
o This can also be described as “_______________ of Righteousness.”
Building the Empire
- The Good ___________ Policy explains the ___________ the United States
signed with its Latin American and Caribbean neighbors which allowed the
United States to __________ their local economies.
o For this policy to work it depended on there being __________in Latin
- The United States government began to give more ___________ to the Navy.
o Capt. Alfred Thayer Mahan’s the Influence of Sea Power Upon American
History stated that international strength of the US depended on having
_________ markets and control of __________.
 This helped to ____________ American foreign policy.
- The ___________ _______________ was used to rid _______________
influence from the Western Hemisphere (ISOLATION)
o This now also called for the United States to be the _______ imperial
influence in the hemisphere (INTERVENTION)
o America’s _______________ policy focused on the western hemisphere.
Alaska & Hawaii
- William H. Seward began the increase in American _______________ in the
western hemisphere.
o He negotiated the ____________ of Alaska from Russia. ( Seward’s Folly)
o He also used the ___________ ____________ to force France out of
Mexico (which gives the US more _______________ there!)
- The basis for the Hawaiian economy is __________. In 1887 the United States
signed a treaty to open up ________ ______________.
o American corporations began to buy up sugar ______________.
o In 1891 Queen Liliuokalani issued a _______________ that gave her more
power since she was afraid the US was becoming too powerful there.
o The Americans on the islands overthrew the queen and in 1898 the United
States ______________ the islands of Hawaii.
 Hawaii was seen as a ____________ _________ to Asian markets.
China and Japan
- The Open Door Policy is a concept in foreign affairs stating that, in principle, all
nations should have equal ________________and _______________ trade
rights in China
- The _____________ Rebellion took place in China when Chinese nationalists
rebelled against American and European influence there
- Japan was forced to open up trade with west in 1853 when Commodore
____________ __________ landed in the country
- The Russo-Japanese War in 1905 was fought over __________________. The
Japanese defeated the Russians and President _______________ mediated a
peace settlement.
“The Splendid Little War”: The Spanish American War: April-August, 1898
- 1896 election: ____________ campaigns for _____________ expansion, which
he claimed would serve ____________ and _______________ goals as well.
- In the 1860’s there is the ____________________ movement occurring in Cuba
against Spain called __________ ____________.
o The Spanish are unable to keep peace in Cuba and Gen. Weyler resorts to
___________ methods and______________
o Did the US support the Cuban independence movement? __________
- The ________________ Amendment was added the Declaration of War which
pledge to make Cuba an __________________ country, not a colony
- Theodore Roosevelt resigned his position as Secretary of the Navy in order to
____________ in Cuba
o He was an ______________ and really wanted this war
o Emerges as a war hero as the leader of the ____________
- Commodore George Dewey led the fight in the ____________________ with the
o He __________________ the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay
- The Spanish ________________ and the United States gain control of Cuba, the
Philippines, Guam, and its influence in Puerto Rico
America’s New Empire
- The __________ Amendment ( to the Cuban Constitution):
o Requires that America has a base in Cuba ( __________________
o Cuba must ________ the United States back for the cost of the SpanishAmerican War
o Cuba cannot sign any __________ ____________ without the consent of
the US
- The United States bought the _________________ from Spain due to the treaty
signed from the Spanish American War
o The islands were hard to ____________ due to so many islands and many
ethnic groups
o Emilio Aguilnaldo established a revolutionary __________________ and
founded a resistance against ___________________ imperialism
o The Philippine were eventually given independence by the United States
in __________.
- Should colonies be treated like states?
o The ____________ Cases ruled that colonies are not like states and that
Congress COULD set _____________ on their products coming into the US
 Also rules that ______________________ rights were not granted
to those living in colonies
- The Panama Canal
o The United State wanted to ______________ the Atlantic and Pacific
o The United States wanted to build it in______________, but Colombia (
which owned it) refused the offer
o Roosevelt sent ____________ to help the rebels in Panama fight against
the Colombians
o In 1903 Panama were recognized by the US as an _______________
o Panama allowed for the construction of the___________ which was
completed in 1915