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SOCIAL STUDIES review activities U7-8
Answer the following questions:
a. Why did Panama want the United States to build the Panama Canal?
b. Which are the ethnic groups of the Caribbean?
c. How does the whole world benefit from the Panama Canal?
d. How does Carnival reflect both West Indian culture and Roman
Catholic traditions?
e. Why did so many Mayas been forced from their land?
f. What Language is spoken in Brazil?
g. How are women’s rights and opportunities protected in Jamaica?
Complete the sentence with the correct answer.
1. Cuba was once a colony of……………………………………………
 Spain
 The United States
 France
 Portugal
2. The type of government in Cuba is……………………………………
a democracy
a republic
3. Chile is the world’s largest exporter of………………………………
4. Latin America is divided into the following three regions:……………
 South America, North America and Central America
 the Western Hemisphere, the Northern Hemisphere and the
Southern Hemisphere.
 Mexico, Canada and Brazil
 Mexico and Central America, the Caribbean and South America
5. Before Haiti gained independence, it was a colony of……………..
The Dominican Republic
6. Most Quechua people living in the Altiplano make a living by……
trading goods with city people
Farming and herding
Mining gold
Drilling for oil
7. Because Chile is located in the Southern Hemisphere, its seasons…..
Are much longer than those in the United States
Are much shorter than those in the United States
Occur at the same time as those in the United States
Occur at the opposite time as those in the United States
8. ……….caused many Venezuelans to lose their jobs in the mid-1980s.
several years of violence
a military takeover of the government
poor weather for growing crops
a drop in the price of oil
9. How did privatization help some of the people of Venezuela? ……
It helped some people get jobs.
it made the government more stable.
It helped to stop pollution in big cities
It brought new ways of farming.
10. Rain forests are important because they contribute to the world’s
supply of ……
 Soil
 oxygen
 food
 harbors
Read the statements below. If the statement is true, write T in the
blank provided. I it is false, write F.
1. The Altiplano is a coastal plain area in the Andes.
2. The Selva is the mountain region of Peru.
3. An oasis is a fertile area in the desert that has a source of
was due
4. The economic boom Venezuela experienced in the 1970s
to the falling prices of oil.
5. Privatization occurs when private companies sell
industries to the Government.
6. Caracas us a small village in Venezuela here many
Venezuelans live.
Identify the place described below.
The Amazon rain forest is located in this country.
This country gained a great deal of wealth in the 1970s and
1980 due to oil production.
Fidel Castro established communism in this country.
The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic Ocean with this
This region is an isthmus.
Many Quechua live in the Altiplano of this country
This country was the first in Latin America to win
Some of the islands in this body of water are made of coral
Complete the chart, identify the flag, write the Capital city and the
President of each one of them.