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What is climate? Temperature, precipitation. Good/bad climate. Factors affecting climate:
latitude, altitude, continental, maritime, orography,
Components of a climate system
1) Stellar life cycle
a) Hertzprung Russell diagram, main sequence star, gravitational collapse.
b) Stellar furnace, nuclear fusion. Luminosity (Energy radiated/s), L = 4 π r2
σT4, H → He (Hans Bethe, 1939) → stellar density increases. As a new
balance is struck between radiation pressure and the increasing
gravitational pressure, the temperature of the sun increases, so also does L.
c) Thus M increasing → T increases → L increases → L(t) = L(to)/[1 +
0.4(1-t/to)] → L(0) = L(to)/1.4 = 0.7 * L(to), to = current age of sun = 4.6
2) Blackbody radiation - 3.2
a) Radiation – Maxwell’s equations in free space lead to wave equation, del2
E – 1/c2 ∂2E/∂t2 = 0
b) → E&M radiation is a wave → f(υ, λ, and wave number = 2π/λ)
c) Planck’s law (1900) for BB radiation, B(υ,T)=2hυ3/c2 [1/(ehυ/kT-1)]
(power/m2 s), or B(λ,T) = -8πhc/λ5 1/[ehc/(λkT) -1]. Derivation requires
assuming E=hυ → light is quantized. Beginning of quantum mechanics
d) Stefan Boltzmann law ∫0∞ (B(υ,T) ) dυ = σ T4, σ = 2 π4 k4 / (15 c2 h3) =
5.67 e-8 W / (m2 K4)
e) Wien’s displacement law – λmax = hc/(kT 4.965) = 2901(µm K) /T
f) Sun as a blackbody. To understand the radiation from sun need size and T.
How to measure T?
3) Radiative equilibrium – 1.3, 1.4, 3.3
a) Luminosity ≡ energy radiated/s, L = 4πr2 σT4
Lecture notes, Terry Deshler, University of Wyoming
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b) Energy balance for a planet with radius rp, distance from sun, r, and
albedo, α.
c) 4πrp2 σTp4 = 4πrs2 σTs4 • πrp2/(4πrsp2) • (1-α) = σTs4 (rs/rsp)2 • πrp2 • (1-α)
d) Solar characteristics. Measures of solar output. Sunspots. – VG2-4
e) Solar constant, Lo= σTs4 (rs/rsp)2 and so σTp4 = Lo • (1-α)/4, or
f) Tp = √(rs/2r) • Ts • (1-α)1/4
g) Tp significantly cooler than Ts, and λmaxp >> λmaxs
h) Questions:
i. Temperature of sun, earth, mars, venus now, and 3.5 Ga ago
4) Orbital mechanics - 7.3, 7.5, 7.6. (Croll, Milankovitch) – Ice ages first proposed
Aggassiz (Swiss) in 1840, to wide disdain. But the evidence was too great. 1846
to Harvard and started Cornell, NAS and AAAS. Implications for biology and the
reasons behind ice ages left to others. James Croll, poor Scot, many professions,
1859 finally caretaker Anderson college, 1861 first scientific paper appears. 1864
finally settled on carrying out the calculations to see if astronomical variations
could change the temp enuf to cause ice ages. End of 1800s after much success
fell into disfavor – the alternating hemispheric glaciation could not be found in
the evidence. Further work had to wait to the 1900s, Milutin Milankovitch
searching for a problem to be tackled mathematically came upon Croll’s theories
and decided to redo the calculations and theories more carefully. 1913 first paper
published. Still widely discussed, but questions persist.
a) Obliquity (tilt) – 41 ka, Earth varies from 22.1-24.5º. Today 23.4º.
i. importance of the moon (pH 1.3) in stabilizing obliquity. Moon
formed 4.5 Ga. Theories proposed, fission, capture, co-formation
(can’t explain lead deficit on moon). Thus most likely is impact
with the moon. Moon gravitationally locked to earth.
ii. Solar constant as a function of latitude, φ, = Lo cos(φ)/π, for tilt=0
→ φ=sza
iii. Cos(sza) = cos(φ) cos(δ) cos(h) + sin(φ) sin(δ), h=hour angle (0 at
noon), δ = latitude where sza=0 (sun overhead) aka solar
declination. δ ranges from ± the obliquity. To obtain solar constant
over a diurnal period need Lo f(φ,δ) = 1/(2π) ∫-htht cos(sza) dh =
1/π[cos(φ) cos(δ) sin(ht) + sin(φ) sin(δ) ht]. ht = terminator. Fig. 7.6
iv. Compare tilt of Earth and Mars. Fig 7.16
b) Precession - 26 ka – precession angle = 0, when NH summer occurs at
periastron≡distance of closest approach. Current precession ≈ 180º →
Earth at rp in NH winter.
c) Eccentricity – 100 ka, perihelion, perisatron =a(1-e), aphelion
(apastron≡furthest distance=a(1+e)), e(Earth,Mars) = (0.017, 0.093).
i. In polar coordinates, r = a(1-e2) / (1+e • cos(κ)), a=(rp + rap)/2,
κ≡angle between star and planet. κ=0 at periastron.
ii. Distance seasons, synchronous between hemispheres.
Lecture notes, Terry Deshler, University of Wyoming
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iii. Then for Io = solar output, Lo(r) = Io/(4 π r2), then Lo(rap)/ Lo(rp) =
(rp/rap)2 = (1-e)2/(1+e)2 = 6.6% for Earth, 31% Mars. For Earth this
is a difference of ≈ 90 W/m2
iv. Keppler’s equal area law → planet moves slower at rap than at rp
v. Mean solar insolation however varies little from a circular orbit by
< 1% for e =0.1 > e for earth and Mars. → eccentricity has to be
coupled with obliquity seasons to have an impact. Fig. 7.12
1. Of these 100 ka shows up most in the climate record, yet precession “should”
have the bigger impact. Picture clouded by thermal inertia from oceans. The
answer as to the importance of the Milankovitch cycles not firmly resolved for
Earth. Clearer pictures may be available for Mars, but our climate records on
Mars are extremely limited.
Pierrehumbert, R. T., Principles of Planetary Climate, 2011, 3.2, 1.3-1.4, 3.3, 7.3, 7.5, 7.6
Liu, N. S. K., An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation, 2nd Edition, 2002
Lecture notes, Terry Deshler, University of Wyoming
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