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& Judaism
10 Commandments
The 10th Commandment is you
should not covet?
What does the word covet mean?
Covet - Definition
•To desire, to be consumed
with desire for, crave, be
jealous of
10 Commandments
Commandment is that you
should not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain
What does in vain mean?
In Vain
•Prohibits profanity,
swearing and cursing,
especially against God.
10 Commandments
Commandment says
we should not commit
What is adultery?
What is adultery?
•Having a relationship
with a married man or
10 Commandments
What day is the
•The Sabbath is the
Day of
the week. It is actually the
Saturday not Sunday.
Sunday is the first day of the
10 Commandments
You shall have no other gods before Me.
You shall not make idols.
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet.
10 Commandments
•What does it mean to “not
bear a false witness
against your neighbor?
False Witness
•Do not tell lies,
especially with people
you know well.
Jewish Beliefs – Key Terminology
Is also called the Day of Atonement.
It is the holiest day of the year in
Judaism. It involves a 25 hour
fasting period. What is the Hebrew
name for this day?
Day of Atonement
Yom Kippur
(Yom means day
Kippur means to atone)
Jewish Beliefs – Key Terminology
What does the Passover
religious event,
symbolize in Judaism?
The Passover remembers the Jewish exodus from slavery in Egypt.
More specifically the name is derived from the following event:
God had said that the first born of all Egyptians would die, as Pharaoh
refused to release the Israelites.
In order to save Jewish households from this action, Jews were
required to mark their households with “blood” above the door. When
the Angel of Death went past, they would spare the Jewish children.
Jewish Beliefs – Key Terminology
What is Chanukkah or
Chanukkah or Hunukkah
•Chanukkah, the Jewish festival of
rededication, (of the Temple in
Jerusalem). It also known as the
festival of lights, it is an eight day
festival beginning on the 25th day
of the Jewish month of Kislev.
Jewish Beliefs – Key Terminology
What is Rosh
Rosh Hashanah
• Rosh Hashanah occurs on the first and second days
of Tishri. (7t month of the Jewish year)
• In Hebrew, Rosh Hashanah means, literally, "head of
the year" or "first of the year."
• Rosh Hashanah is commonly known as the Jewish
New Year.
• People eat Apples dipped in honey.
Jewish Beliefs – Terminology
•What is the name for the Jewish coming
of age ceremony?
•For boys it is 13 years old
•For girls it is 12 years old.
•In ancient times it was common to
marry at this age.
Bar & Bat Mitzvah
Bar Mitzvah – Boys coming
of age.
Bat Mitzvah – Girls coming
of age
Jewish Places
•What is the holiest place
for prayer in Judaism?
•Where is it located?
The Western Wall or Temple Mount
• The Western Wall or the Temple Mount is the only
remaining part of the ancient Jewish temple that has
• It is located in Jerusalem.
• Jews put prayers (on paper) in between the bricks.
• Ironically the third holiest place in Islam (Dome of
Rock) is built over the original Jewish temple
Ultra-Orthodox Jews
•Name any two facts
about ultraorthodox Jews.
Ultra-Orthodox Jews
• Have traditionally refused to do military service in
Israel, but will be forced to do so in 2017.
• Many do not work, but study the Torah instead.
• Men and woman are often separated for different
religious activities.
• Some ultra-orthodox Jews may be uncomfortable
sitting next to woman, they don’t know.
Jewish Proverbs
•Recall-recite any
Jewish proverb.
Jewish Proverb Example
•Proverbs 13:24
•Those who spare the rod hate
their children, but those who love
them are careful to discipline
Famous Jewish People in Judaism: Abraham
•Name any two facts about
•Why is he so important for the
Jewish people?
Abraham – Key Facts
• The history of the Jewish people begins in Bronze Age times in the
Middle East when God promised a nomad leader called Abram that
he would be the father of a great people if he did as God told him.
• Jews regard Abraham (as he was later called) as the first Patriarch of
the Jewish people.
• Abraham was the first person to teach the idea that there was only
one God; before then, people believed in many gods.
• Abraham was asked by God to offer his son as a human sacrifice.
However, it was just God testing Abraham to measure his obedience.
• At the last minute God told Abraham not to kill Isaac.
Famous People in Judaism: Moses
•Name any two facts
about Moses.
Moses Key Events:
• Brought up in the Royal household in Egypt.
• Later went on to lead his people out of slavery in
• God did many miracles through Moses: God
parted the Red Sea through his servant Moses.
• Moses received the 10 commandments at Mt
Christianity – Key Beliefs
What is does it mean to be
saved by Grace or Faith in
Jesus Christ?
Saved by Grace or Faith
•There is nothing we can do to
earn our salvation.
•When you accept the Lord Jesus
Christ as your savior, the
promise is eternal life.
Christianity – Key Beliefs
•What is the
Holy Trinity?
Holy Trinity
•One God, expressed in three
persons or dimensions.
•The Father, The Son & the
Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost.
Christianity – Key Beliefs
•Define the term
The word Messiah means…
“the chosen one”
“ the promised deliverer of the Jewish nation”
“a leader regarded as the savior of the world”
** Jesus is the Messiah to Christians. Jews do
not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
Christianity – Key Beliefs
•What did Jesus say
was the greatest
Greatest Commandment
The greatest
commandment is that
you love one another.
Miracles of Jesus
•Name any three
miracles performed
by Jesus.
Miracles of Jesus
•Jesus walks on Water.
•Jesus feed 5000, with just a few pieces
of bread
•Jesus resurrects Lazarus from the dead.
•Jesus turns water into win.
People in the Bible
•Who were Mary &
People in the Bible
•Mary & Joseph were
the human parents of