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Unit Topic:
Stagecraft A/B
Unit Overview
High School
Stagecraft A/B
Students develop technical theater skills as
part of a team, focusing on one or more areas
(set design, properties, make-up, costumes,
and lighting). Students will learn basic skills
in the design and construction of sets, props,
costumes, sound, lights, and makeup for
specific productions. Students will evaluate
the dramatic text incorporating components
of history and culture as they relate to
technical theater. Students will explore a
variety of technical theatre vocations.
Grade: High School
Subject: Drama
Unit: Stagecraft A/B
Enduring Understandings
Guiding Questions
Critical analysis of characters, plot, theme, and the technical aspect  How does art add to drama?
of a play are integral to the dramatic concept.
 What are the elements used in critiquing a play or a scene?
 What is the importance of various technical elements in a
The director interprets and organizes the technical aspects of the
 How do you organize a production?
 Why is planning necessary?
Color has an effect on mood and can convey an emotion.
 How do the director and technical crew work together in a
There are differing jobs for a production: stage manager, lighting
designer, sound designer, costume designer, set designer, running
 How does lighting affect the color of costumes and set painting?
crew, prop master, etc.
 How effective is music in setting the mood of the performance?
The art of set design and construction effects the total production.
 How do the designers collaborate during a production?
Teamwork is important for a successful production.
Properly adjusted and sharpened tools make for a more
professional job.
History and Culture
Cultural and historical research support artistic choices.
 How does culture affect drama through history?
Grade: High School
Subject: Drama
Unit: Stagecraft A/B
AC = Assessment Code:
Critical Content and Skills
Students will Know…
Q – Quizzes
O – Observations
D – Dialogues
T - Tests
P - Prompts
WS – Work Samples
SA – Student Self-Assessment
Students will be able to…
Analysis of character, mood, elements of design,
historical context, and author’s intent contribute to an
effective stage production.
Proper presentation techniques
How to analyze and interpret dramatic texts
How to design technical elements for a production.
Design and implement artistic choices for formal and
informal productions.
Use the elements of design for stage production.
Read and evaluate a play.
Express personal opinions.
Learn to safely use power tools.
Problem solve while working in a group.
Design technical aspects.
Organize human and material resources to produce a
Follow the organizational chart for a production.
Use math skills in designing.
Research the play historical/cultural context to inform
technical choices.
Communicate as a team during a production.
Use computer for research of the play.
History and Culture
Research the historical and cultural context of the
dramatic text to support artistic choices.
Research a play’s historical and cultural context.
Read and evaluate a play for production.
Unit Topic:
Advanced Stagecraft
Unit Overview
High School
Advanced Stagecraft
Students develop technical theater skills as
part of a team, focusing on one or more areas
(set design, properties, make-up, costumes,
and lighting). Students will design and
construct sets, props, costumes, sound, and
lights for specific productions. Students will
evaluate the dramatic text incorporating
components of history and culture as they
relate to technical theater. Students will
examine a variety of technical theatre
Grade: High School
Subject: Drama
Unit: Advanced Stagecraft
Enduring Understandings
Guiding Questions
The analysis of the script is a collaborative effort between the
director and technical team.
The analysis considers characters, location, time period, author’s
intent, and mood.
It is necessary to determine the physical requirements of the
It is important to know the style of the production (naturalistic,
realistic, stylistic or expressionistic, etc.)
Why are personal experience, heritage, and imagination critical for
understanding an author’s intent?
How do different styles affect artistic choices?
What criteria are used in determining the physical requirements of
a play or scene?
Elements and principles of design form the foundation of effective
stage production.
Play analysis informs the physical requirements of a dramatic
The creative process and decision-making skills are necessary to
complete a production.
The design of a production makes a major contribution to the way
an audience perceives, understands, and enjoys a play.
The designers should be involved in the rehearsal process.
The director is in charge of the final production of the text.
Collaboration between the director and technical team develops a
unified production.
Proper use of technical elements (costumes, sets, sound, lights,
make-up, props and special effects) support the dramatic text.
The stage crew is critical for a successful performance.
What are the elements and principles of design?
How do you organize a production?
Why is planning necessary?
How do the director and technical team work together in a
What technology will be used to create a production?
How do you use the creative process in making decisions about a
What is the importance of the technical aspects in the production?
How do the designers collaborate during a production?
How do you select the appropriate tools and supplies for a
What is the relationship between the stage manager and the
crew/cast once the show is running?
History and Culture
Research clarifies artistic choices.
Research should evoke ideas about the technical design of the
How does culture affect drama through history?
How does the creative process involve making connections to
history and culture?
How does culture influence personal preference in drama?
How does drama bridge cultural diversity?
Grade: High School
Subject: Drama
Unit: Advanced Stagecraft
Critical Content and Skills
Students will Know…
AC = Assessment Code:
Q – Quizzes
O – Observations
D – Dialogues
T - Tests
P - Prompts
WS – Work Samples
SA – Student Self-Assessment
Students will be able to…
Analysis of character, mood, elements of design,
 Read and evaluate a play.
historical context, and author’s intent contribute to an
 Express personal opinions.
effective stage production.
Proper presentation techniques
How to analyze and interpret dramatic texts
How to design technical elements for a production.
Design and implement artistic choices for formal and
informal productions.
The importance of tool safety.
Research the historical and cultural context of the
dramatic text to support artistic choices.
 Use hand tools and power tools safely.
 Design and create the technical elements of the play.
 Use problem solving skills while working as a group in a
 Use organizational skills to stage a play.
 Following the organizational chart for a production.
 The use of math skills in designing.
 Research the play historical/cultural context to inform
technical choices.
 Communicate as a team during production.
 Use computer for research of the play.
 Determine resources and materials needed for a
History and Culture
 Research a play’s historical and cultural context.
 Read and evaluate a play for production.
Read and analyze a scene for technical aspects.
Stage model
Videos and CD ROMs dealing with the technical aspects of theatre.
Students choose and analyze different styles of drama.
Critique performances.
Flat construction and painting.
Field trips and guest speakers.
Make production schedules.
Students make playbill, program, and set design, costume design, lighting
design, and sound design, etc. for production.
Learn how to read a clothing pattern.
Build costumes using sewing machines.
Learn to design and apply make-up.
Properly measuring and marking building materials
Stage to School texts, library books, the Internet and other acting and
stagecraft books.
Ben Nye’s Make-up books and videos
Interactive Education Videos Practical Technical Theater
Stagecraft 1 by William H. Lord